1500字范文 > 河洛文学 Heluo literature英语短句 例句大全

河洛文学 Heluo literature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-21 06:28:58


河洛文学 Heluo literature英语短句 例句大全

河洛文学,Heluo literature

1)Heluo literature河洛文学

1.The contemporaryHeluo literature is one kind of region literature relied upon the land culture,based on the unique historical culture inheritance,and it presents colorful folk culture of the Heluo region.当代河洛文学是仰仗土地文化的一种地域文学,基于独特的历史文化传承,它呈现了河洛地域多姿多彩的民俗风情。

2.Heluo rationalism effectively shapes the character ofHeluo literature spirit.河洛理学有力地塑造了河洛文学的精神品格。

2)Brief comment on Heluo literature河洛文学简论

3)contemporary Heluo literature当代河洛文学

1.Research on Heluo culture andcontemporary Heluo literature is rich in academic value,which is based on and transcends regional features.河洛文化与当代河洛文学研究有着立足地域又超越地域的学术价值。

4)Heluo Culture河洛文化

1.Leading Research Direction ofHeluo Culture Merging Minnan Culture;河洛文化兼容闽南文化的主导研究方向

2.Luoyang′s Imperial Exem Activities and Position ofHeluo Culturein Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties;唐五代洛阳的科举活动与河洛文化的地位


1.Luoyang′s Imperial Exem Activities and Position of Heluo Culturein Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties;唐五代洛阳的科举活动与河洛文化的地位

2.Leading Research Direction of Heluo Culture Merging Minnan Culture;河洛文化兼容闽南文化的主导研究方向

3.A New Chapter of the Research on Chinese Regional Culture--on"Study of Heluo Culture"by Xue Ruize and Xu Zhiyin;华夏区域文化研究的新篇章——评薛瑞泽、许智银著《河洛文化研究》

4.Chinese Surname and Its Modern Value--The origin of surname in HeLuo culture华夏民族的姓氏及其现代价值——兼论河洛文化为主的姓氏寻根

5.On the Funeral Cultural Ideology of the Zhou Dynasty and Its Continuous Impact on Heluo周代丧礼思想文化及其河洛延续探微

6.The Culture of Huangdi in the Heluo Area and the Exploitation of Cultural Tourist Resources;河洛地区黄帝文化与文化旅游资源开发

7.The Communication and Merging of Archaeological Culture between Heluo and Haidai Regions;河洛与海岱地区考古学文化的交流与融合

8.Research on Hydrological Effect of the YiluoHe Catchment s Land Cover Change;伊洛河流域土地覆被变化水文效应的研究

9.Excavation of Western Zhou Cultural Remains on the Nanchen Site in Luoyang City,Henan;河南洛阳市南陈遗址西周文化遗存的发掘

10.The Cultural Center of Xia Dynasty Was "Amid Heluo";略论夏代文化的中心区域是在“河洛之间”

11.On the Characteristics of Colors of Folk Songs of He Luo Area from the Perspective of Local Cultural Environment;从地域文化环境看河洛地区民歌艺术色彩特征

12.Hydrological Analysis for the Cause of Recent Change of Water and Sediment in the Beiluohe River Basin北洛河流域近期水沙变化原因水文分析

13.Hydrogeochemical Simulation Research on Groundwater Evolution of Luohe Aquiferous Group in the South Area of Ordos Basin;鄂尔多斯盆地南区洛河组地下水演化水文地球化学模拟

14.Analysis on the Hydrological Data Collected at Zhuangtou Hydrological Station of the Beiluohe River;北洛河状头水文站水文资料系列分析

15.The Geological and Environment Factors of the Origin of “Heluo Civiliza tion”;论“河洛文明”产生的地理环境因素

16.Volga-Kama Culture伏尔加河-卡马河文化

17.Bug-Dniester Culture布格河-德涅斯特河文化

18.Dnieper-Donets Culture第聂伯河-顿涅茨河文化


Brief comment on Heluo literature河洛文学简论

3)contemporary Heluo literature当代河洛文学

1.Research on Heluo culture andcontemporary Heluo literature is rich in academic value,which is based on and transcends regional features.河洛文化与当代河洛文学研究有着立足地域又超越地域的学术价值。

4)Heluo Culture河洛文化

1.Leading Research Direction ofHeluo Culture Merging Minnan Culture;河洛文化兼容闽南文化的主导研究方向

2.Luoyang′s Imperial Exem Activities and Position ofHeluo Culturein Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties;唐五代洛阳的科举活动与河洛文化的地位

5)Heluo civilization河洛文化

1.The article analyzes and probes the technically question in the construction of distinctive database based on The TPI database management flat concerning the special subject on the culture and Document of Heluo Civilization.本文论述了基于TPI数据库管理平台设计的“河洛文化文献专题数据库”建库方略,对建库实践中遇到的技术难题,进行了探讨和研究。

6)River Luohe culture洛河文化


乐松 ,洛索洛芬 ,氯索洛芬药物名称:洛索洛芬英文名:Loxoprofen别名:乐松 ,洛索洛芬 ,氯索洛芬外文名:Loxoprofen , Loxonin适应症: 慢性风湿性关节炎,变形性关节炎,腰痛病,肩周炎,颈肩腕综合征;手术后、外伤后及拔牙后的镇痛消炎;急性上呼吸道炎症的解热镇痛。 用量用法: 成人60mg tid,或60-120mg顿服。 禁忌: 消化性溃疡、严重血液学异常,严重肝肾功能障碍,严重心功能不全,有因服用非甾体炎消炎镇痛药而引起的喘息发作史者,儿童,妊娠后期及哺乳期的妇女。 不良反应: 消化道反应如胃部不适、食欲不振、恶心、呕吐、腹泻、便秘、上腹部烧灼感、消化不良、口腔炎。溶血性贫血。皮肤粘膜-眼综合征。急性肾功能不全,肾病综合征。间质性肺炎。过敏症。困倦,头痛,头肿,心悸。偶见白细胞减少、血小板减少、嗜酸性粒细胞增多。GOT、GPT,ALP升高。 注意事项: 有消化性溃疡既往史,血液学异常及有血液学异常既往史,肝肾功能障碍及有既往史,有心功能障碍,支气管哮喘,过敏症既往史的患者及高龄患者慎用。 药物相互作用: 慎与香豆素类抗凝血药、磺酰脲类降血糖药、新喹诺酮类抗菌药及其它消炎镇痛药合用。 规格: 片剂60mgx 100片。 类别:抗炎止痛药
