1500字范文 > 河洛大鼓 heluo drum英语短句 例句大全

河洛大鼓 heluo drum英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-19 21:22:39


河洛大鼓 heluo drum英语短句 例句大全

河洛大鼓,heluo drum

1)heluo drum河洛大鼓

1.Theheluo drum come from a kind of speaking-singing form popular in Luoyang Yanshi area.河洛大鼓是发祥于洛阳偃师的一种说唱艺术形式。

2.During the tour,they cooperated with each other and created a new form of quyi called Gupengxian,which is the rudiment of Heluo drum.洛阳琴书艺人段炎、胡南方、吕禄便结识了南阳鼓儿哼艺人李狗,在他们搭班行艺的过程中,创造了一种新的曲艺形式鼓碰弦,这便是河洛大鼓的雏形。


1.Singing the History-the Artistic Treasure He Juo Da Gu Melody of an Aria Researching唱出历史—濒危艺术瑰宝河洛大鼓唱腔研究

2.Development orientation of heluo dagu and its social educational function河洛大鼓的发展取向及其社会教育功能

3.On the Elegant Features and Artistic Development Changes of Heluo Base Drum河洛大鼓艺术发展的雅向特征及其流变

4.The large bird flapped up the stream.那只大鸟鼓翼向河上游飞去。

5.Lateral Rigidity Analysis of Luoyang′s Huanghe Bridge on Jiao-Zhi Multiple Track焦枝复线洛阳黄河大桥横向刚度分析

6.Experiment study on flood river shape and bed deformation of building large narrowing project from Yiluohe River to Jingguang railway bridge伊洛河至京广铁桥河段修建大型河道缩窄工程洪水期河势和河床及河床变形试验研究

7.She had hoped to see the only girl married on Drogheda with flags flying and cymbals clashing.她希望这个独生女儿在德洛耶达大张旗鼓地举行婚礼。

8."Come on," said Drouet. "Brace up.“来",杜洛埃说,"鼓起勇起来。

9.Excavation on the Ruins of the Trunk Road inside the Jinyangmen Gate in Luoyang City of the Northern Wei Period in Present-day Luoyang City,Henan河南洛阳市北魏洛阳城津阳门内大道遗址发掘简报

10.southwest Shandong Province"s percussion and wind, Liaoning Province"s percussion and wind and the shipan music of Luoyang City.鲁西南鼓吹乐、辽宁鼓吹乐、洛阳十盘乐。

11.Static and Dynamic Load Test of Yihe River Great Bridge on Luojian Highway;洛界高速公路伊河特大桥钻孔桩动、静载试验

12.Steven,Born in 1978 in Henan, Luoyang, Henan Province, graduated from Zhengzhou University, the founder of the Chinese technology.1978年出生于河南汝州,河南洛阳人,毕业于郑州大学,华夏工艺创始人。

13.The show you have seen is from Hancheng of Shaanxi Province, we called it dancing drum of Huanghe River.刚才大家欣赏到的是来自我们陕西省韩城市的民俗表演---黄河腰鼓.

14.He encouraged everyone to take art i rotecting our lakes, rivers, ea and ocea .他鼓励大家参加保护我们的湖泊、河流和海洋的活动。

15.the capital and largest city of Myanmar; located in the south on the Rangoon river near its outlet in the Irrawaddy river delta.缅甸首都和最大城市;位于缅甸南部,在仰光河上,在仰光河注入伊洛瓦底江的河口上。

16.The bird flapped up the stream.那鸟鼓翼向河上流飞去。

17.New England writers in maintaining a mutual admiration society. In a review of Lowell"s Fable for Critics he burst out.坡指责该杂志鼓励新英格兰文人互相标榜。他在批评洛威尔的《批评家寓言》时破口大骂。

18.I am a graduate of Henan University, class of 2001. For the last three years I have been teaching English at Hongkou High School, in Luoyang.我是河南大学2001经毕业生。最近三年在洛阳市虹口中学教英语。


Xihe dagu西河大鼓

3)Yiluo River Bridge伊洛河大桥

4)Luohe River洛河

1.Approach to Improve the Environment of Sandy Area by Using the Water and Sand Resources ofLuohe River;利用洛河水沙资源改善沙苑地区生态环境的探讨

2.Change in characteristics of runoff generation and convergence in Luohe river under the influence of human activities;人类活动影响下的洛河产汇流特性变化

3.The authors have studied the terraces of the Yellow River in the Lanzhou area, the Weihe River in the Baoji area and theLuohe River in the Luochuan area with the magnetostratigraphic method.本文通过磁性地层学方法研究了兰州段黄河阶地,宝鸡段渭河阶地,洛川段洛河阶地。


1.The Culture of Huangdi in theHeluo Area and the Exploitation of Cultural Tourist Resources;河洛地区黄帝文化与文化旅游资源开发

2.A Discussion of Buddhist Sects in Its Silver Age inHeluo Area兴盛时期河洛佛教宗派述说

6)Fu County Luohe River Railway Bridge富县洛河铁路大桥


