1500字范文 > 审美意境 artistic conception英语短句 例句大全

审美意境 artistic conception英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-16 01:24:42


审美意境 artistic conception英语短句 例句大全

审美意境,artistic conception

1)artistic conception审美意境

1.Finally,tragedy is the superb aesthetic form in the realm of literature,of which theartistic conception is that subject and object become an integrated one.作为文学领域中最高的审美形式,悲剧的审美意境在于主体和客体的差别消失,主体融入客体,让我们在嗟叹老人宿命的同时,又感到强烈的生命力和崇高感。

2.In the first part of the dissertation, I think Buddism is the derivationof the Artistic Conception.在第一部分,本文认为,佛学是审美意境范畴产生的词源学基础。


1.The Artistic Conception of Blankness;有无之境——“空”的艺术设计审美意境

2.The Space Impression of Classical Chinese Scenery Poems;论中国古代山水诗审美意境的空间感

3.On Aesthetic Images in Du Fu’s Landscape Poems:Being High,Huge, Profound, Marvellous and Magical;高·大·深·奇·神——杜甫山水诗审美意境探微

4.On Aesthetic Mood of Rocks and Water in Chinese Classical Gardens;中国古典园林中山石与水体的审美意境

5.A Study of the Logical Development in the History of Philosophy from the Tranformation of the Aesthetic Moods in the Weijin Dynasty;从魏晋审美意境的转变看哲学史的逻辑发展

6.To Evoke the Aesthetic Appreciation;论意境的审美价值——唤起审美鉴赏

7.On Wang Fuzhi s Esthetical Image Theory and Lao Zi s Esthetical World;论王夫之审美意象说与老子美学境界

8.A Study on Ecological Environment and Aesthetic Consciousness;论生态环境与审美意识——青海审美文化研究之一


10.Deep Artistic Conception and the Surface One: An Analysis of the Jian Jia s Aesthetic Structure;深层意境与表层意境:《蒹葭》的审美结构层次分析

11.Differences of Aesthetic Appreciation between the Two Art Forms:Mood and Images;意境与意象两种至境艺术形象的审美差异

12.Material·Beauty Appreciation·Environmental Conscience--Elementary Probe into Modern Metallic Materials Processing Art材质·审美·环境意识——现代金工艺术初探

13.From the Comparison of "Image" to "Imitation like":The Study of the Change of Aesthetic Subject Circumstances;从“意象”到“仿像”——谈审美主体境遇的转变

14.The Theory of Aesthetic Ideology in Contemporary Chinese Context;当代中国语境中的审美意识形态理论

15.A Discussion of the Aesthetic Value of Classic Poems Concerning the Creation of Artistic Conception;从意境的创造谈古典诗歌的审美价值

16.The You Realm and the Xing Thought ---A Primary Research into the Aesthetic Category on Zhuang Zi;“游”境与“兴”意——《庄子》审美范畴探析

17.The Indefiniteness of Aesthetic “Mood” in the Art of Chinese Painting论中国绘画艺术审美中“意境”的不确定性

18.From the Perspective of "Aesthetic Experience" to "the Plane Attained" --Study on Wang Guowei"s idea of "the Will of Knowledge Power从“审美”视域走向“境界”——论王国维的“知力意志”说


aesthetic artistic conception审美意境

1.The creation of theaesthetic artistic conception was based on things, and carried on by taking " me" as the leading factor.审美意境的创造是以物为基础,以“我”为主导进行的。

3)the aesthetis ralue of the artistic conception意境审美价值

4)the aesthetic features of "the scene"境界(意境)的审美特质

5)On Four Aspects of the Aesthetic Psychological State of Feeling and Scenery意境审美心态四论

6)On the Aesthetis Value of the Artistic Conception论意境的审美价值


