1500字范文 > 地方精神 local spirit英语短句 例句大全

地方精神 local spirit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-25 09:00:20


地方精神 local spirit英语短句 例句大全

地方精神,local spirit

1)local spirit地方精神

2)Western mind西方精神

3)oriental spirit东方精神

4)way of spirit精神方法

5)spirit of site场地精神

1.Emotional buildings born in “spirit of site”;“场地精神”中孕育的情感建筑

6)Regional spirit地域精神


1.Attention spirit extraction: The multi-national area public artistic design must respect god of the place, manifests the region spirit.关注精神的提取:民族地区的公共艺术设计要尊重地方之神,体现地域精神。

2.On the Humanistic Spirits of Shaanxi Regional Historical culture略论陕西地域历史文化中的人文精神

3.Inherit the humanism of the regional culture in Hengyang, and mold Hengyang spirit of "follow close behind the ages and renew".传承衡阳地域文化中人文精神,塑造“趋时更新”的衡阳精神;

4.Land Artistic Spirit and Figure is Studied Prehistorically the Plain of Chengdu;成都平原史前地域性艺术精神与图形研究

5.Research of the Architecture Spirit of the Place for the Small and Medium-sized Regional Museums;当代中小型地域性博物馆建筑的场所精神

6.Group Psychoanalysis is a Latest Approach To Geographical Cultare;群体性精神分析是地域文化研究的一种新方法

7.Application of BP Neural Networks to Regional Quasi Geoid DeterminationBP神经网络在区域似大地水准面精化中的应用

8.a spirit believed to inhabit an object or preside over a place (especially in ancient Roman religion).一个地方的神力或精神。

9.The Regionalism and Place Spirit Expression of Landscape of City Large Square;城市大型广场空间景观的地域性和场所精神表达

10.Sima Xiangru s Aesthetical Spirit of Free Creation and the Cultural Mentality of the Bashu Region;司马相如自由创新的美学精神与巴蜀地域文化心态

11.Diversity of Jiangsu Local Culture and Dual Character of Jiangsu Humanistic Spirit;论江苏地域文化的多元性与江苏人文精神的二重性特征

12.Inheritance,Condensation and Contribution to Local Culture--Analysis on Campus Culture of Shaoxing University;对地域文化的承传、凝炼和贡献——析绍兴文理学院的校园精神

13.Establish a Long-efficiency Mechanism for Carrying forward and Developing the National Spirit on the Basis of the Regional Culture Resources;依托地域文化资源,建立弘扬与培育民族精神的长效机制

14.Ode of Chang′an Poetry--A Survey of Regional Culture of "Xi′an Municipal Spirit";长安“诗意”赋——对“西安城市精神”的一种地域文化学考察

15.The spiritual revival of cultural consciousness of Guandong(Northeast China);关东文化意识的精神复苏——论辽宁的地域文化及其特征

16.The Scientific Spirit and Humane Spirit in the Man s Development;人的发展视域中的科学精神与人文精神

17.The Spirit of Science and Humanities in the Perspective of Scientific Outlook on Development科学发展观视域中的科学精神和人文精神

18.con brio [ 5bri:Eu ]活泼地,精神饱满地


Western mind西方精神

3)oriental spirit东方精神

4)way of spirit精神方法

5)spirit of site场地精神

1.Emotional buildings born in “spirit of site”;“场地精神”中孕育的情感建筑

6)Regional spirit地域精神


地方部队(见地方军)地方部队(见地方军)regional forcesdifang budui地方部队(regional forces)见地方军。
