1500字范文 > 创造精神 creative spirit英语短句 例句大全

创造精神 creative spirit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-08 22:52:40


创造精神 creative spirit英语短句 例句大全

创造精神,creative spirit

1)creative spirit创造精神

1.To train the students\"creative spirit is to train the creative sense,stimulate creative enthusiasm,harden creative consciousness,optimize the creative characters and carry out creative activities.未来的竞争是创新思想的竞争,未来人才应具有创造精神。


1.This is the spirit of inventing and creating.这是有发明创造精神。

2.The labouring people are highly creative.劳动人民富于创造精神。

3.Scots are an adventurous and inventive people.苏格兰人既富于冒险精神又富于创造精神.

4.Develop Experience Education Activities and Cultivate Students Creation Spirit;开展体验教育活动 培养学生创造精神

5.The Chinese people have always admired the American people for their practicality and creativity.中国人民一向钦佩美国人民的求实精神和创造精神。

6.In the production of literature and art, which involves complex mental labour, it is essential that writers and artists follow their own creative spirit.文艺这种复杂的精神劳动,非常需要文艺家发挥个人的创造精神。

7.Training Creative Spirit and Raising Quality of Doing Pioneer Work;培养创造精神 提高创业素质──浅议成教大学生的创业教育

8.An Analysis of Cultivation of Students Pioneering Spirit and Creative Power;浅析学生创新精神和创造能力的培养

9.create mentally and abstractly rather than with one"s hands.在精神上或者理论上进行创造。

10.Yet we still work at the team.创造性和协作精神同样重要。

11.activity that releases or expresses creative energy or emotion.释放或表达创造性精神或情感的活动。

12.His mind re-creates the entire world.他的精神重新创造了整个世界。

13.The creation of beauty and purity is a spiritual act.美和纯洁的创造是一种精神上的行为。

14.Freedom,Conscience,Creativity--On university spirit;自由·良知·创造——大学精神诸篇

15.Vital Fashioner s Spirit Paradise:Humanistic education;生命创造体的精神乐园:人文主义教育

16.On the Spirit of Revolt in LIU Hai-su s Artistic Creation;试谈刘海粟艺术创造中的“叛逆”精神

17.Creation of Home Spirit--A Probe into Folk Houses in Dongyang;家园精神之创造——东阳民居文化初探

18.The Building of Collective Creativity Spirit in Vocational Education;职业技术教育中群体创新精神的塑造


Sheer spiritual creation精神的纯创造

3)She is barren of creative spirit.她缺乏创造精神。

4)barren of creative spirit缺乏创造精神

5)Spirit of artistic creation艺术创造精神

6)creative ability and enterprising spirit创造力和创新精神

1.First,it is the basis for teachers to establish a systematic teaching concept when carrying out computer basic courses;Second,it is the key to forster studentscreative ability and enterprising spirit in the process of teaching;Third,it is an important means to guide students to teach themselves for consolidating teaching achievements.文章阐述了进行计算机基础课程教学的基础是确立系统的教学观,进行计算机基础课程的关键是培养学生的创造力和创新精神,巩固计算机基础课程教学成果的重要手段是指导学生自学。


风险精神与创造风险精神与创造adventurous spirit and creation风险精神与创造(adventurous spiritand creation)风险精神是指领导者为达到既定目的,不怕牺牲、敢于承担风险的气魄和胆略。领导者的创造是与风险并行的。风险精神是领导者的创造活动必不可少的心理条件。一个领导者,缺乏风险精神,即便再高的才华也上升不到创造性的水平。领导者的创造之举关系到全局的胜败。不论其对公认的东西表示怀疑,以便除旧布新,提出按常规达不到的目标,还是自己的独创性暂时不被人们所理解,甚至可能遭受失败,这里都需要超人的气魄和胆识。只有这种大无畏的风险精神,才会使有创造人格的领导者,冲破平庸,打破各种思想束缚,做前人没有做过的事情。(张丽君撰王树茂审)
