1500字范文 > 尾气排放模拟 vehicular emission modeling英语短句 例句大全

尾气排放模拟 vehicular emission modeling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-17 10:39:50


尾气排放模拟 vehicular emission modeling英语短句 例句大全

尾气排放模拟,vehicular emission modeling

1)vehicular emission modeling尾气排放模拟

2)vehicle emission model尾气排放模型

3)vehicle emission尾气排放

1.This paper uses the portable emission measurement system(PEMS) OEM-2100 to collect the real-timevehicle emission data at intersections as well as on the road,and develops the analysis platform for the emission data based on GIS and corresponding secondary developing tools.利用车载尾气检测设备(PEMS)OEM-2100收集了在交叉口和路段上的实时尾气排放数据,利用GIS和相应二次开发工具构造了排放数据的分析平台,提出了交叉口尾气排放的空间分析方法,并对所收集的数据进行了对比分析。

2.The On-board Emission Measurement System(OEM) is a real-timevehicle emission measuring system for real-world driving and road conditions.机动车尾气排放实时检测系统OEM是基于车辆实际行驶路况的新型车载尾气检测系统。


1.Exhaust Emission from Motorcycles and Technical Pollution-Reducted Measures;摩托车尾气排放与降低排放措施的探讨

2.Raise fuel economy standards; require lower emissions form automobiles.提高节源标准,降低汽车尾气排放.

3.Testing cycles for heavy-duty vehicles is important for assessing exhaust gas emissions and fuel consumption.为了评估车辆尾气排放和燃油经济性。

4.Raise fuel economy standards; require lower emissions from automobiles.提高能源经济标准,减少汽车尾气排放。

5.Analysis of Control Level of Motor Vehicle Exhaust Emission in Kunming昆明市机动车尾气排放控制水平分析

6.Vehicle Emission Exhaust Testing Research and System Development;汽车尾气排放测试的研究及系统开发

7.Research on New Catalyst Control for Reducing Exhaust Gas Emissions新型减少尾气排放的催化剂控制研究

8.An Example of Reducing Vehicular Emissions by Diverting Queuing Traffic转移排队车辆控制尾气排放的应用实例

9.Research of Gas Chromatograph Applied to Exhaust Analysis;气相色谱应用于尾气排放的分析技术研究

10.Toyota has improved emission efficiency and performance at the same time.丰田公司同时提高了尾气排放效率和性能。

11.Coefficient of vehicular emission discharge and trend of pollution in Guangzhou City广州市机动车尾气排放系数及污染趋势探讨

12.The GIS-Based Modeling of Kaifeng Old City Zone Vehicle Emission Dispersion;基于GIS的开封老城区机动车尾气排放扩散模拟

13.Study on Microscopic Vehicle Emissions Based on Shockwave;基于车流波状态的微观尾气排放问题研究

14.Study and Design of ASM Exhaust Pollutant Inspection System of In-Use Vehicle;在用车尾气排放ASM检测系统的研究与开发

15.The Research of Vehicle s Emissions on Urban Main Road Based on VSP;基于VSP的城市主干路机动车尾气排放研究

16.The Research on Remote Mobile Inspecting Technology for Automobile Tail Emission;汽车尾气排放远程移动检测技术的研究

17.Control Over the Number of Urban Cars and the Exhaustive Gas in Japan;日本对汽车数量及其尾气排放量的控制

18.Simplified Loaded Mode Car Gas Exhaust Inspecting System Design;简易工况法汽车尾气排放检测系统设计


vehicle emission model尾气排放模型

3)vehicle emission尾气排放

1.This paper uses the portable emission measurement system(PEMS) OEM-2100 to collect the real-timevehicle emission data at intersections as well as on the road,and develops the analysis platform for the emission data based on GIS and corresponding secondary developing tools.利用车载尾气检测设备(PEMS)OEM-2100收集了在交叉口和路段上的实时尾气排放数据,利用GIS和相应二次开发工具构造了排放数据的分析平台,提出了交叉口尾气排放的空间分析方法,并对所收集的数据进行了对比分析。

2.The On-board Emission Measurement System(OEM) is a real-timevehicle emission measuring system for real-world driving and road conditions.机动车尾气排放实时检测系统OEM是基于车辆实际行驶路况的新型车载尾气检测系统。


1.In this paper,the main factor is analyzed that influence theemission of XIALI taxi after turned into bi-fuel vehicle.该文主要论述了夏利TJ710 0车型经过LPG改装后影响其尾气排放的主要因素 。

2.The engine performance andemissions are researched.使用高掺混比甲醇汽油为燃料,通过台架试验,研究不同掺混比例对车用发动机油耗以及尾气排放的影响,同时探讨了对未燃甲醇和甲醛的排放量与负荷的关系。

5)exhaust emission尾气排放

1.Reducingexhaust emission from construction machines and vehicles;降低施工机械及车辆尾气排放的措施

2.The more and more strict limit for dieselexhaust emissions requires to further improve diesel enginetechniques and to apply exhaust after - treatment techniques.为满足愈加严格的柴油车尾气排放标准,不但需要对柴油车的发动机技术进行改进,同时需要采用尾气后处理技术。

3.In this paper, the study onexhaust emission from 2-stroke, 4-stroke gasoline engine and diesel engine, burning methanol-gasoline blend fuel and M100 methanol fuel has been reported.本文主要报导了在二冲程、四冲程汽油机及柴油机上燃用甲醇-汽油混合燃料、M_(100)甲醇燃料的发动机尾气排放方面所做的研究,并与燃用汽油、柴油的尾气排放进行了对照。

6)Exhaust emissions尾气排放

1.Research of Fuel Properties Effects on Vehicle Exhaust Emissions;汽油品质对车辆尾气排放影响研究

2.A set of diesel/CNG dual fuel system based on Intel 16-bit single chip microprocessor is researched to solve the problem of city vehicles exhaust emissions.针对城市柴油机车辆的尾气排放问题 ,研制了一套基于 Intel1 6位单片机的柴油 /CNG双燃料系统 ,并给出系统软硬件解决方


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