1500字范文 > 宏观尾气模型 macroscopic emission model英语短句 例句大全

宏观尾气模型 macroscopic emission model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-25 02:51:44


宏观尾气模型 macroscopic emission model英语短句 例句大全

宏观尾气模型,macroscopic emission model


1.Then based on themacro-model thinking over the health care system,explored the logical relationship among the obstacles.同时,依据卫生系统宏观模型思路,探寻各障碍之间的逻辑关系,为下一步的根源与作用机制分析提供依据。

2.The paper presented a newmacro-model for single-electron devices.提出了一种新的单电子器件宏观模型,利用该模型可以把单个单电子器件处理为一个常规电子元件,从而对满足一定条件的由许多单电子器件组成的复杂系统,可以采用通用集成电路模拟软件SPICE进行分析模拟,这比完全由Monte Carlo方法对整个系统进行模拟可节省几个数量级的计算时间。

3)macroscopic model宏观模型

1.Nonlinear analysis of short limb shear wall with concealed bracings usingmacroscopic model;基于宏观模型的暗支撑短肢剪力墙非线性分析

2.According to the inner relationship between the pressure of monitors in the network and working condition of water supply pump stations,amacroscopic model which describs the relationship of the pressure of pump stations,the pressure of monitors and the flow of pump stations is developed,and the solution of parameters of this model is presented.这种宏观模型的开发及其在泵站工况点寻优方面应用的可行性和有效性 ,通过一个实例得到了验证 。

3.Secondly,based on themacroscopic model of actual water distribution network in normal condition and coupled with the aboveobtained relationshi.首先在对现状管网正常运行状态和事故运行状态水力分析、模拟仿真的基础上,分别确定模拟管网供水量、供水压力及管网监测点压力在2种状态下的相关关系;其次,以实际管网正常运行状态宏观模型为基础,结合所求出的模拟管网2种状态的相关关系,建立实际管网事故运行状态宏观模型。

4)macro model宏观模型

1.The paper rewrites the traffic flowmacro models in the form of system of quasilinear hyperbolic partial differential equation of first order, and classifies the models in terms of the coefficient in the equation.将交通流模型表示成拟线性一阶双曲型偏微分方程组;按照方程组中的系数值,对交通流的各种宏观模型进行了分类;依据特征线的特征速度是否小于宏观运动速度,模型是否依赖外来的速度-密度平衡关系以及模型代表的交通流特点等三项指标对模型进行了评价。

2.This paper analyzes some typicalmacro models, such as Lighthill and Whitham, Pipes, Payne, Wu Zheng, Papageorgious, Kühne, Ross, H.文中分析几个典型的宏观模型 ,指出其建模方法中的缺陷 。

3.In my research, the water supply network smacro model was established by NN method based on the corresponding theory and it was applied successfully to the dynamic simulation of the network s working states.根据城市供水管网宏观模型理论,采用神经网络法建立了神经网络管网宏观模型,并成功的运用于管网工作状态的动态模拟;在此基础上,综合运用多种计算机技术,编制了界面化、实用性很强的管网工作状态模拟软件。

5)macroscopical model宏观模型

1.In this paper,by designing self-adaptive model andmacroscopical model, we systematically demonstrates some methods and thinking manners about enterprise group.为了适应市场环境的变化与管理科学的发展,需构造自适应效益型的组织理论体系来指导我国企业集团的发展实践,本文通过搭建企业集团自适应模型与企业集团组织模式的宏观模型系统,分析了企业集团这一特定组织的方法与思维方式。

2.Themacroscopical model based on water quality gene gives attention to the effect of several gene.城市给水管网水质因子的宏观模型兼顾考虑到了多项水质因子的影响作用,能反映出管网中多项水质因子综合作用的整体情况,具有全局性。

6)comprehensive modal emissions model微观尾气模型


