1500字范文 > 中职教育学生观 Educational View on Students of Secondary Vocational School英语短句 例句大全

中职教育学生观 Educational View on Students of Secondary Vocational School英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-30 04:05:10


中职教育学生观 Educational View on Students of Secondary Vocational School英语短句 例句大全

中职教育学生观,Educational View on Students of Secondary Vocational School

1)Educational View on Students of Secondary Vocational School中职教育学生观

2)tertiary health school卫生中职教育

3)secondary vocational education choice中职生教育选择


1.Study on the Influence of Family Social Capital to Secondary Vocational Education Choices;家庭社会资本影响中职生教育选择的问题研究

2.Vocational Education--The Ideal Selection of the Graduates in Junior and Senior Middle Schools;职业教育是初高中毕业生的理想选择

3.The Study on the Influence Factors of Rural Students" Selection of General Education and Vocational Education in Senior Phase农村学生高中阶段普通教育与职业教育选择影响因素研究

4.A Study of Vent Mechanism of Adverse Selection for Vocational College Students in Professional Ethics Education高职学生职业道德教育逆向选择渲泄机制研究

5.Predicament of Secondary Vocational Education: Analysis from the Perspective of Farmer Selecting Vocational Education for Their Children中等职业教育困境:从农民为子女进行职业教育选择的视角分析

6.Order Production--the Model Choice of Logistics Education in Vocational Colleges;订单式生产——高职物流专业教育模式的选择

7.The Aim Position and the Route Choice of the Legal System Education in the Secondary Vocational School;中等职业学校法制教育的目标定位和路径选择

8."Simulated Firm":Best Choice of Development of China s Higher Vocational Education;“模拟公司”:中国高等职业教育发展的最佳选择

9.Development Model and Policy Selection of Vocational Education in China in Future 15 Years;未来中国职业教育发展模式与政策选择

10.The Value Selection of the Chinese Occupational Educational Policy in the Early Twenty - first Century;21世纪初中国职业教育政策的价值选择

11.On the Problem of Selective Attention Principle in Higher Vocational Education试论“选择性注意”原理在高职教育中的运用

12.Law and Morality: the Conflicts and Choices in the Teachers Professional Lives;法律与道德:教师职业生活中的冲突与选择

13.The"Must-Do"and"Hard-to-Do"in Choosing Applicants for Teacher Training;职前教师教育对象选择的“应为”与“难为”

14.Selection of Sports in Student Health Education;论学生健康教育中体育运动项目的选择

15.Present Situation and Practical Choice of Higher Vocational Education in West China;西部现状与高等职业教育的现实选择

16.Selection and Construction of Curriculum Model of Higher Vocational Education高等职业教育课程模式的选择与建构

17.A sociological study of the individual alternatives of the vocational education个体选择职业教育问题的社会学研究

18.Approach to Strengthening the Political and Theoretical Education in Higher Vocational College;加强高职高专院校大学生思想政治素质教育的路径选择


tertiary health school卫生中职教育

3)secondary vocational education choice中职生教育选择

4)Vocational education student职业教育学生

5)Secondary Literature education中学文学教育观

6)vocational education中职教育

1.Vocational education has the condition and possibility to work out the key answer, so there suppose to be a shift in thevocational education running-concept in order to make contributions to the development of the social economy in the countryside.“三农”问题关系小康社会建设的成败,解决“三农”问题的关键是提高农民素质,而中职教育具有为解决这一问题提供帮助的条件和现实可能性,因此,中职教育应转变办学理念,为提高农民素质促进农村社会经济发展做出贡献。

2.The development ofvocational education is an issue concerned by our nation and local education departments,but its suitable development mode has been not found yet.中职教育的发展一直是国家和地方教育部门关注的重点,特别在可持续发展方面,人们一直不断地探索,但始终没有一种比较合适的模式。


育育1.活泼自如貌。 2.生长茂盛貌。
