1500字范文 > 疏肝解郁法 The Rule Of Regulating Liver Qi英语短句 例句大全

疏肝解郁法 The Rule Of Regulating Liver Qi英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-15 02:24:56


疏肝解郁法 The Rule Of Regulating Liver Qi英语短句 例句大全

疏肝解郁法,The Rule Of Regulating Liver Qi

1)The Rule Of Regulating Liver Qi疏肝解郁法


1.The Research of Female Breast Cancer Patient with Depression with the Traditional Chinese Medicine;乳腺癌抑郁症调查及疏肝解郁法干预的研究

2.Clinical Research of the Method of Soothing the Liver on Post-stroke Depression疏肝解郁法治疗脑卒中后抑郁的临床研究

3.A Clinical Research of the Chronic B Hepatitis about Using Jianpishugan Method Treatment in Ganyupixu Type Hepatitis.;健脾疏肝法治疗慢乙肝脾虚肝郁型的临床研究

4.Clinical Study of the Nnefhod of Dispersing the Depressed Liver-Qi, Eliminating Dampness and Detoxifying on Treating Chronic Hepatitis B of Stagnation of Liver-Qi with Deficiency of the Spleen-Qi Accompany with Damp-Heat Syndrome疏肝健脾利湿解毒法治疗慢性乙型肝炎肝郁脾虚挟湿热型临床研究

5.Clinical Research on the Treatment of Post Stroke Depression with Dispersing the Stagnation of the Liver and Strengthening the Spleen疏肝健脾法治疗肝郁脾虚型卒中后抑郁症的理论探讨及临床研究

6.The Clinical Research of Soothe the Liver and Benefit the Kidney on Women s Depression;疏肝益肾法治疗女性抑郁症的临床研究

7.The Clinical Study on Acupuncture of "Shu Gan Li Qi" in Treatment of the Post-Stoke Depression疏肝理气针刺法治疗中风后抑郁的临床研究

8.The Clinical Observation of Treating Functional Dyspepsia of Liver Depression and Spleen Vacuity Syndromes by Coursing the Liver and Fortifying the Spleen and Harmonizing the Stomach疏肝健脾和胃法治疗肝郁脾虚型功能性消化不良的临床观察

9.Clinical Study of Soothing Liver and Invigorating Spleen in the Treatment of the Type of Liver Depression and Spleen Asthenia in Irritable Bowel Syndrome疏肝健脾法治疗肠易激综合征肝郁脾虚型临床研究

10.The Clinical and Theory Study of the Rule of Reinforcing Kidney and Regulating Liver Qi Method on Post-Stroke Depression;益肾疏肝法治疗中风后抑郁证的临床研究和理论探讨

11.Clinical Study on Liver-Coursing,Spleen-Strengthening,Heart-Nourishing and Mind-Calming Therapy for Diabetic Depression疏肝健脾养心安神法治疗糖尿病抑郁障碍临床研究

12.Clinical Study of Dispersing the Depressed Liver, Invigorating the Spleen and Calm the Nerves and Stomach in Treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome of the Type of Diarrhea疏肝健脾安神和胃法对肝郁脾虚腹泻型肠易激综合征作用的机理研究

13.Randomized and Controlled Study on Yu-Le-Shu Composition in Treatment of Depression with Liver Depression Transforming into Fire郁乐疏合剂治疗抑郁症(肝郁化火证)的随机对照研究

14.for fire-syndrome resulting from stagnation of vital energy and blood, expelling wind-evil and clearing away heat, purging fire and clearing away toxic material in early stage, and nourishing the liver and kidney to improve eyesight in late stage.气血遏郁化火者早期以疏风清热,泻火解毒,后期宜溢养肝肾明日为主.

15.Clinical Study on the Effect of ShuGanAnYu Decoction in Treating Premenstrual Syndrome;疏肝安郁汤治疗肝郁气滞型经前期综合征的临床研究

16.Therapoutic Effect of Therapy of Removing Toxins and Dredging Intestines,Soothing Liver and Strongthoning Spleen for Hepatic Injury by Intervention Therapy解毒通腑、疏肝健脾法治疗介入性肝损害临床研究

17.The Clinical Curative Effect and Evaluation of the Tension-type Headache with Anxiety and/or Depression According to Acupunture Therapy by Dispersing the Stagnated Liver-Oi and Regulating the Spirit疏肝调神针刺法治疗伴焦虑和/或抑郁症状的紧张型头痛的疗效观察与评价

18.The Clinical Research on the Prescription of Shuganjianpi for the Model of Stagnation of Liver-Qi with Deficient Spleen of Chronic Hepatitis B;疏肝健脾方治疗慢性乙型肝炎肝郁脾虚型的临床研究


soothing the liver疏肝解郁

1.Objective:Discuss the relativity of stagnation of liver-energy and dementia, investi- gate the proportion of stagnation of liver-energy in dementia,observe the therapeutic effect ofsoothing the liver in the treatment of dementia.目的:探讨肝气郁理论及其与老年期痴呆病的相关性;调查肝气郁在老年期痴呆病中所占比例;以疏肝解郁法为主治疗老年期痴呆病,并观察其临床疗效。

3)coursing liver qi and resolving depression Chinese medicines疏肝解郁中药

4)Shugan Yishen Jieyu Decoction疏肝益肾解郁方

1.Intervention ofShugan Yishen Jieyu Decoction to Depressed Female Rats Sex Hormone and Neurotransmitter;疏肝益肾解郁方对抑郁雌鼠性激素及神经递质的干预作用研究

5)depressed liver reliving drugs/ther use疏肝解郁/治疗应用

6)depressed liver relieving drugs/ pharmacol疏肝解郁药/药理学


疏肝疏肝 疏肝 治疗学术语。系和法之一。也称疏肝解郁、疏肝理气。是疏散肝气郁结的方法。症见两胁胀痛或窜痛、胸闷不舒,或恶心呕吐,食欲不振、腹痛腹泻、周身窜痛,如有外感,可见寒热往来,舌苔薄,脉弦等。方如柴胡疏肝散、七气汤。
