1500字范文 > 疏肝明目饮 Method of dispersing the depressed liver-qi and dredging the meridian英语短句 例句大全

疏肝明目饮 Method of dispersing the depressed liver-qi and dredging the meridian英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-05 11:13:52


疏肝明目饮 Method of dispersing the depressed liver-qi and dredging the meridian英语短句 例句大全

疏肝明目饮,Method of dispersing the depressed liver-qi and dredging the meridian

1)Method of dispersing the depressed liver-qi and dredging the meridian疏肝明目饮


1.The Herbal Drugs of Dispersing the Depressed Liver-qi and Dredging the Meridian Combined with Treatment Based on Acupuncture to Treat the Ischemic Optic Neuropathy疏肝明目饮结合针刺为主治疗缺血性视神经病变的临床研究

2.Objective: To observe the effect of Chinese herbs of motilium of soothe the liver and spacify the stomach on diabetic gastroparesis(DGP).目的:观察疏肝和胃中药对糖尿病胃轻瘫的治疗作用。

3.Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of "Shugan Qingdan Hewei Decoction" in the treatment of bile-regurgitational gastritis.目的观察疏肝清胆和胃汤治疗胆汁反流性胃炎的临床疗效。

4.It Brings aBout a special efficiency in nourishing the kidney and liver, and improving eyesight if one takes Di Huang Qi Ju Wan constantly.常服地黄杞菊丸,滋肾、养肝、明目有特效。

5.Besides destroying the liver, several studies have shown that excessive drinking can be toxic to the brain.除了损伤肝脏,许多研究已证明,过量饮酒可使大脑中毒。

6.OBJECTIVE To study the protective effect of shuganmingmu(舒肝明目) pill on injury of optic nerve.目的观察舒肝明目丸对视神经损伤的保护作用。

7.But recent studies have suggested that such a diet might not prevent kidney stones after all and may even promote them - along with osteoporosis.但是最近的研究已表明,低钙饮食不仅不能预防肾结石,甚至会促使它的生成,还伴有骨质疏松。

8.for fire-syndrome resulting from stagnation of vital energy and blood, expelling wind-evil and clearing away heat, purging fire and clearing away toxic material in early stage, and nourishing the liver and kidney to improve eyesight in late stage.气血遏郁化火者早期以疏风清热,泻火解毒,后期宜溢养肝肾明日为主.

9.Infective stages and clearaim should be held on HVB control要明确乙型肝炎病毒感染控制的阶段和目标

10.A Clinical Research of the Chronic B Hepatitis about Using Jianpishugan Method Treatment in Ganyupixu Type Hepatitis.;健脾疏肝法治疗慢乙肝脾虚肝郁型的临床研究

11.disorder that Bespeaks negligence;表明工作疏忽的混乱;

12.The Curative Effect of Qingganyin on Duck Viral Hepatitis;“清肝饮”对鸭病毒性肝炎的疗效研究

13.The Experimental Study of Rouganxiaozheng Drink on Resisting Hepatic Fibrogenesis in Cirrhotic Rats;柔肝消癥饮抗肝硬化大鼠肝纤维化的实验研究

14.Protective Effect Liver Function by the Treatment of Distant Liver and Clearing Away Heat-Removing Damp in Obstructive Jaundice;疏肝清热利湿法对阻黄肝功能及相关因子影响

15.Effect of Traditional Chinese Drugs ChaiHu ShuGan Decotion on Cytokines of Rats with Hepatic Fibrosis;柴虎疏肝煎剂对肝纤维化大鼠细胞因子的影响

16.Clinical Study of the Therapy of Soothing Liver and Strengthening Spleen and Removing Dampness and Activating Blood to Fatty Liver疏肝健脾、利湿活血法治疗脂肪肝的临床研究


18.The aim of this study was to determine the risk factors for postoperative mortality in patients with cirrhosis.本研究的目的是明确肝硬化患者术后的危险因素。


Shuganmingmu Pill疏肝明目丸

1.Shuganmingmu Pills in treatment of 129 patients with optic atrophy;中药疏肝明目丸治疗视神经萎缩129例

3)Shugan decoction疏肝饮

1.Its treatment focuses on harmonizing liver and spleen and "Shugan Decoction" is prescribed.以调和肝脾为治疗大法,自拟疏肝饮随证化裁;用药精炼独到,疗效颇佳。


1.Inhibitory Effect of Extract fromShuganyin on Contractility of Rats Colonic Smooth Muscles;疏肝饮提取物对大鼠结肠平滑肌收缩的抑制作用

2.Clinical Obeservation ofShuganyin in Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome;疏肝饮治疗肠易激综合征的临床疗效观察

5)Shugan Beverage疏肝饮煎剂

1.Objective To study the effects of "Shugan Beverage" on motilin(MOT) and cholecystostomy(CCK) in rats of diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome(IBS) of liver depression and spleen deficiency.目的观察中药疏肝饮煎剂对肝郁脾虚型肠易激综合征模型大鼠的治疗作用及对胃动素(MOT)、胆囊收缩素(CCK)的影响。

6)removing liver fire for improving eyesight清肝明目


疏肝疏肝 疏肝 治疗学术语。系和法之一。也称疏肝解郁、疏肝理气。是疏散肝气郁结的方法。症见两胁胀痛或窜痛、胸闷不舒,或恶心呕吐,食欲不振、腹痛腹泻、周身窜痛,如有外感,可见寒热往来,舌苔薄,脉弦等。方如柴胡疏肝散、七气汤。
