1500字范文 > 理性扩张 Rational Expansion英语短句 例句大全

理性扩张 Rational Expansion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-02 15:03:38


理性扩张 Rational Expansion英语短句 例句大全

理性扩张,Rational Expansion

1)Rational Expansion理性扩张

1.Study on the Evaluation Indicator System of Non-agricultural Construction Land sRational Expansion in Urban-Rural-Integration-Area;城乡结合部非农建设用地理性扩张的评价指标体系研究


1.A Study on Rational Growth and Irrational Expansion in Logistics;物流业的理性增长和非理性扩张研究

2.Penalty Code of Public Order Administration:Reasonable Extension of Police Rights;治安管理处罚法:警察权的理性扩张

3.A Cognitive Pattern of Irrational Expansion of Intellectual Property Rights;知识产权非理性扩张的一种认知模式

4.On the Irrational Broadening of Intellectual Property Right in the Context of Globalization论全球化语境中的知识产权非理性扩张

5.The University Expansion and the Latent Fiscal Risk: Mechanism and Governance;高校扩张与隐性财政风险:机理及治理

6.Rational Analysis on the Expansion and Reduction Effects of Stimulating Domestic Demand扩张与缩减效应:扩大内需政策的理性解读


8.Chronic dilatation of the bronchial tubes.(细)支气管扩张支气管的慢性扩张

9.Nursing for the Scar Baldness Patients Treated by Scalp Expansion头皮软组织扩张术治疗瘢痕性秃发病人的护理

10.Nursing Associated with Dilatation Sent Enddoprosthesis in Patients with Esophagus Stenosis of Cancer食管癌性狭窄扩张及内支架置入术的护理

11.Study on Cavities Expansion in Soils with Softening and Dilation and Analysis of Pile Driving Effects;软化剪胀土中孔扩张理论及沉桩挤土性状研究

12.Typing Related Factors of Branchiectasis Hemoptysis;支气管扩张咯血中医证型与理化指标的相关性

13.Theory, Practice about Carrying Out an Expanding Fiscal Policy and Policy Choice in China;扩张性财政政策的理论、实践与我国的政策取向

14.Review of the Enterprise Expansion Research based on Complexity Theory;基于复杂性理论的企业扩张研究现状与意义

15.The Expansion of Instrumental Rationality in China s Education System and Reflections;工具理性主义在中国教育中的扩张及其反思

16.On The Institutional Innovation of Higher Education and Structural Unemployment;高等教育扩张的制度创新与结构性失业治理

17.Perioperative nursing of preventive percutaneous dilational tracheostomy预防性经皮扩张气管切开术的围术期护理

18.Demiclosedness Principle-weak of Nonexpansive Mapping in Banach SpaceBanach空间渐近非扩张半群的弱半闭性定理


irrational expansion非理性扩张

1.This article firstly narrated the rational growth and irratio-nal expansion in logistics,then studied the logistic growth-up model from marginal profit and demand of investment,and probed into the intrinsic mechanism of logistic rational growth andirrational expansion,at the end of this article discovered the scient.本文首先对物流业的理性增长与非理性扩张进行了界定,其次从投资的边际利润和需求两个角度研究了物流业增长模型,探讨了物流业的理性增长与非理性扩张的内在机理,最后还研究了防止物流业非理性扩张的科学机制。

2.To begin with, the paper illustates anirrational expansion of Intellectual Property Right greatly propagandized by America and European countries.本文首先描述了在以美国等发达国家的极力鼓噪下知识产权非理性扩张的一般图像,在此基础上,笔者从知识产权制度与所有权制度哲学理念之差的视角切入,对知识产权制度的非正常发展进行了剖析和解读。

3)aggressive management扩张性管理

4)expansion of the scientific rationality工具理性扩张

1.This paper attempts to reveal the result of theexpansion of the scientific rationality, analyze its social origin, and advocate the mutual development between the scientific rationality and the value rationality.揭示工具理性扩张所带来的后果,剖析工具理性扩张的社会根源,提倡工具理性和价值理性应共同发展。

5)the rational expansion of metropolises大城市理性扩张

6)ideal extension理想扩张

1.ureg(I) such that =; E(R,I) (theideal extension of a ring R by its ideal I) is an exchange ring if and only if R and I are both exchange.ureg(I)使得-w=-a;E(R,I)(环R通过它的理想I生成的理想扩张)是一个exchange环当且仅当R和I都是exchange环。


极大扩张和极小扩张极大扩张和极小扩张maximal and minimal extensions极大扩张和极小扩张匡.习的司出目.公油抽lex妇心.旧;MaKcl.Ma刀‘.oe H Mll.”M田.妇oe PaC山一Pe皿朋]一个对称算子(s笋nr贺苗c opemtor)A的极大扩张和极小扩张分别是算子牙(A的闭包,(见闭算子(cfo“月。详mtor”)和A’(A的伴随,见伴随算子(呐。int opera.tor)).A的所有闭对称扩张都出现在它们之间.极大扩张和极小扩张相等等价于A的自伴性(见自伴算子(义休.adjoint operator)),并且是自伴扩张唯一性的必要和充分条件.A.H.J’Ior朋oB,B.c.lll户、MaR撰
