1500字范文 > 资本扩张 capital expansion英语短句 例句大全

资本扩张 capital expansion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-04 22:36:53


资本扩张 capital expansion英语短句 例句大全

资本扩张,capital expansion

1)capital expansion资本扩张

1.It analyzes the differences and similarities between the third economic globalization and previous two, concludes that the essence of economic globalization is globalcapital expansion, and that intangible capital plays key role in the third time and becomes the dominant force incapital expansion.本文以马克思的劳动价值论为理论指导,对第三次经济全球化过程中大量涌现的无形资本的作用进行了研究,分析了第三次经济全球化与前两次经济全球化的异同,认为经济全球化的实质是资本的全球性扩张,在第三次经济全球化过程中,无形资本起着非常关键的作用,成为资本扩张的主导力量。

2.In order to adapting itself to the new environment of china s entry to the WTO and economic globalization, Zhuzhou Chemical Industry Group must make and complement itscapital expansion strategy, make great efforts to develop capital management, realize the capital s fast expansion, buildup its strength of compe.本文介绍了株化集团的历史与现状以及株化在化工行业中的地位,总结了株化资本扩张的过程,找出了株化资本扩张不力的原因。


1.The Theory on Expansion Character of Intangible Capital and the Third Expansion of Capital;论无形资本的扩张性与第三次资本扩张

2.Capital Expansion,Capital Logic Paradox and Scientific Outlook on Development资本扩张、资本逻辑悖论与科学发展观

3.capital widening:investment that increases the absolute value of capital.资本扩张:指增加资本绝对值的投资。见capital deepening

4.Enterprises Non - Capital Expansion in the New Economy Age;新经济时代企业如何进行非资本扩张

5.Research on Jiangsu Ports on the Basis of the Exterior Capital Pattern;基于外部资本扩张的沿江港口发展研究

6.The Historical Evolution of Capital Expansion and Its Development in the Contemporary era;论资本扩张的历史演变及其在当代的发展

7.The Risk Prevention and Removal in the Process of Capital Expansion of Listed Companies;上市公司资本扩张过程中的风险防范与化解

8.A Basic Analysis of the Centralization and Expansion of Agricultural Capital in Xinjiang;对新疆农业资本集聚、扩张的基本分析

9.The Capital Operation of Telecom Operators in Overseas Expands;电信运营企业海外扩张中的资本运作

10.The Formation and Development of Socialism in Capitalism;论资本主义内部社会主义因素的生成与扩张

11.Monetary Expansion,Economic Growth and Institutional Innovation of Capital Market;货币扩张、经济增长与资本市场制度创新

12.Capital operation andexpansion of businessincorporations in Gansu province;甘肃省商业企业集团的资本运营及其扩张

13.The penetration of capital provides the general condition for capital accumulation.资本的扩张和渗透为资本积累提供了必要的条件。

14.Global Capital Expansion and New Changes in the Contemporary Capitalist Characteristics and Trend;资本全球扩张与当代资本主义新变化的特点及趋势

15.Analysis of the Regulations on Investment Rules of FTAA;投资资本权利扩张与管制的辩证法——FTAA投资规则的规范分析

16.The rapid development of the capitalism, made Britain eager to expand outwards, sought to dump the market.资本主义的迅速发展,让英国急于向外扩张,寻求倾销市场。

17.Study on Expanding The Size of Auto Electronics by Capital Operation;汽车电子企业通过资本运作实现规模扩张的研究

18.The Study on Consumer Banking Service: Foreign Banks and Local Banks in China Mainland;外资银行个人业务在华扩张现状及本土银行的应对策略


global capital expansion资本全球扩张

3)capital outward extending外部资本扩张

4)expansion capitalism资本主义扩张

5)The expansionism of the capitalist资本主义的扩张

6)expansionary capital operation扩张型资本运营


极大扩张和极小扩张极大扩张和极小扩张maximal and minimal extensions极大扩张和极小扩张匡.习的司出目.公油抽lex妇心.旧;MaKcl.Ma刀‘.oe H Mll.”M田.妇oe PaC山一Pe皿朋]一个对称算子(s笋nr贺苗c opemtor)A的极大扩张和极小扩张分别是算子牙(A的闭包,(见闭算子(cfo“月。详mtor”)和A’(A的伴随,见伴随算子(呐。int opera.tor)).A的所有闭对称扩张都出现在它们之间.极大扩张和极小扩张相等等价于A的自伴性(见自伴算子(义休.adjoint operator)),并且是自伴扩张唯一性的必要和充分条件.A.H.J’Ior朋oB,B.c.lll户、MaR撰
