1500字范文 > 异地养老 supporting the aged in different areas英语短句 例句大全

异地养老 supporting the aged in different areas英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-03 22:18:31


异地养老 supporting the aged in different areas英语短句 例句大全

异地养老,supporting the aged in different areas

1)supporting the aged in different areas异地养老

1.Improving old population′s economic status and a series of convenience forsupporting the aged in different areas meet some special needs from old population,andsupporting the aged in different areas is becoming a fashion.老年人经济状况的改善,以及异地养老的一系列便利性,满足了一部分老年人的特殊需求,异地养老作为一种时尚的养老方式悄然出现。


1.On Possibility of Constructing Mt.E mei into a Tourist Destination for Aged People;把峨眉山建设成为异地养老型旅游目的地

2.Relationship between the regional differences and economic development in China"s endowment expenditure中国社会养老支出地区差异与经济发展的关系

3.The analysis to the main obstacle and countermeasure of continue endowment insurance of peasant laborer in different area农民工养老保险异地转续的主要障碍和对策分析

4.Empirical Analysis of the Factors of Regional Disparity of Basic Retirement Insurance Level in China我国基本养老保险水平地区差异的影响因素之实证分析

5.Difference of Endowment between Urban and Rural Area in Endowment Institution--A Case of Xiyanghong Gerocomium in Taizhou养老机构中的城乡养老差异——以泰州市“夕阳红”养老院为例

6.The Major Approaches Of Aging Security In Rural Area And The Development Of Rural Community Service;农村养老的主要形式与农村社区养老服务的异军突起

7.Analysis on the Effect of Pension Plan on Sexual Different Choices in Early Retirement;养老保险制度对提前退休影响的性别差异分析

8.Quantitative Analysis on Sex Differenceof Retirement Pension for Urban Employees in China;城镇企业职工养老金性别差异的定量探讨

9.Research on Regional Differences of Comprehensive Level of China Urban Basic Old-age Insurance我国城镇基本养老保险综合水平区域差异研究

10.Study of Heterogeneous Endowment Policies Portfolios Under PA-α ModelPA-α模型下异质的养老保险投资组合的研究

11.The Difference of Income Resource among Senior Citizens between Town and Country in China and the Model Choice of Care for the Aged;我国老年人收入来源的城乡差异及其养老模式选择

12.The two old friends met again in a strange land and were very excited.这两位老朋友在异地重逢, 分外激动。

13.The Dilemma of Property Rights on the Organs for Old-age Run by the Local People;民办养老机构的产权困境——以爱地颐养中心为例

14.On old-age supporting model in undeveloped area;欠发达地区农村养老模式探析——衢州市枫村花村养老的经验研究

15.The Will and Way of the Yong and Middle-aged Women to BeSupported after Their Retirement in Rural Developed Areas --A Zhejiang Province Case Study;农村发达地区中青年女性的养老意愿与养老方式——以浙江省为例

16.Lost land farmer"s endowment insurance and town labor basic endowment insurance"s linking up--take Xian as example失地农民养老保险与城镇职工基本养老保险的衔接——以西安为例

17.Reform of the old-age insurance system was initiated throughout China in 1984.1984年,中国各地进行养老保险制度改革。

18.Open a webpage, input class of your place city endowment insurance.打开网页,输入你们当地市级养老保险。


land-supporting system for the aged土地养老

3)in other area异地饲养

1.All that induces hezuo swine can show its growth potentialityin other area.对异地饲养合作猪不同阶段体重的测定分析结果表明,合作猪体重的增长与月龄呈线性生长模式,绝对生长曲线呈钟状对称分布,在3~4月龄达到最大值242。

4)the difference of provinces aging老龄化地区差异

5)provide for the aged养老

1.An Analysis of the Problem of Provide for the Aged People Left Behind in the Countryside;浅议农村留守老人养老问题

6)providing for the aged养老

1.Aging society and future population structure have aggravated pressure to provide for the aged,make traditional family pattern ofproviding for the aged weak.人口老龄化的到来和未来人口结构加剧了养老压力,弱化了传统的家庭代际养老模式。

2.China has entered an aged society,so attention has been paid toproviding for the aged in rural area(PAA).中国已进入老年社会,农村养老成为人们非常关注的问题。


