1500字范文 > 通勤 commuting英语短句 例句大全

通勤 commuting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-08 10:52:18


通勤 commuting英语短句 例句大全



1.On the basis of investigation of inhabitant trips,the article uses the related information such as the proportion ofcommuting tool and distance characteristic ofcommuting tool to elaborate thecommuting tool characteristic.通过对苏州居民出行调查中有关通勤出行的信息进行分析计算,研究了通勤出行交通结构、不同人群交通方式选择特征以及通勤交通方式的出行距离特征,该分析结果有助于城市交通发展规划,特别是针对城市居民上下班出行的交通政策的制定和交通系统的设计。

2.As a main character of urban daily traveling, rationality ofcommuting spacial organization determines traffic organization in a certain extent.通勤行为作为居民日常出行最主要的类型之一,其空间组织的合理与否在一定程度上对城市交通的组织起决定性作用。

3.Using the data of 1,000 questionnaires, the authors try to analyze the behavior of intra-urban migration and residential suburbanization, the second house and seasonal suburbanization, and other correlative spatial behaviors includingcommuting, traveling and shopping of urban residents in the process of suburbanization in Beijing.利用千份问卷调查资料 ,研究居住郊区化进程中北京城市居民的迁居行为、第二住宅与季节性郊区化 ,以及包括通勤、出行和购物等在内的相关空间行为。


1.She lives in Oxford and commutes .她住在牛津而通勤来往.

2.the commuter belt,ie the area around a large city,from which people commute to work通勤者居住带(环绕在大城市周围的通勤者居住区).

3.The commuter belt, ie the area around a large city, from which people commute to work通勤者居住带(环绕在大城市周围的通勤者居住区)

4.Passenger traffic on the commuter line has decreased during the summer .夏季,通勤线上的旅客数量有所减少。

5.The five o"clock train is always packed with commuters.五点钟那趟车总是挤满了通勤者。

6.Mr. Smith commutes between New York and Philadelphia.史密斯先生通勤于纽约和费城之间。

7.She commutes between Chicago and Rockford every day.她每天通勤于芝加哥和洛克福之间。

8.Another commuter from the suburban gentry.来自郊区的又一个通勤者

9.a train carrying commuters to and from work运送通勤者上下班的火车

10.She commutes from Oxford to London every day.她每天通勤於牛津和伦敦之间.

11.Hundreds of commuters are squashing into the train .数百位通勤者拥进了火车。

12.Six million commuter travel to work by rail each day .每天有600万乘客(通勤人员)乘火车上班。

13.It"s a long commute from New York to Boston.从纽约通勤到波士顿路程很长。

14.Logistics and Communications Service后勤和通信处(后勤处)

15.aeronautical fixed telecommunications service航空专用电传通信勤务;航空固定电传通信勤务

16.Chinese people, as a rule, are very hospitable.(通常来说,中国人是满殷勤好客的。

17.keep what they produced By the sweat of their Brow通过辛勤的工作来保住他们的所得

18.A good correspondent does not procrastinate.一位勤于写信的通信者不会拖延。


commuting traffic通勤交通

3)Commuter rail通勤铁路

4)commuter zone通勤区

5)commuting time通勤时间

6)commuting distance通勤距离

1.Data mining oncommuting distance mode of urban residents based on the analysis of decision tree基于决策树法的北京城市居民通勤距离模式挖掘

2.Through revising space distance tocommuting distance andcommuting distance to economic distance,the paper defines Ganzhou one-hour city economic circle scope.通过将空间距离修正为通勤距离、再将通勤距离修正为经济距离的方法,界定了赣州市1小时城市经济圈。


