1500字范文 > 通勤出行 commuting trip英语短句 例句大全

通勤出行 commuting trip英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-05 13:46:25


通勤出行 commuting trip英语短句 例句大全

通勤出行,commuting trip

1)commuting trip通勤出行

1.Models describing activity patterns of workcommuting trips by workers were established based on activity-based travel demand analysis theory.用基于活动的出行需求理论分析出行行为,建立了工作者通勤出行活动模式选择行为模型。


1.Activity Pattern Choice of Work Commuting Trip by Workers工作者通勤出行活动模式的选择行为

2.Study on Commuting Choice in Suburban Multi-modal Traffic Network;市域多模式交通网络通勤出行选择研究

3.Travel Behavior Characteristics Analysis for Commuter;通勤者出行行为特征与分析方法研究

4.Simulation of commuter day-to-day dynamic route switching behavior under ATIS informationATIS环境下通勤者逐日出行路径更换行为仿真

5.Research on Commuter"s Travel Behavior Faced to Multi-agent Under Pre-trip Information面向多智能体的出行前信息下通勤者出行行为研究

6.Analysis on Commuters" Distribution and Trip Modes in Subway Terminal Domai地铁末端周边区域通勤客流分布和出行方式选择

7.Logistics and Communications Service后勤和通信处(后勤处)

8.Developing the base of power endowed with concentration founded on persistence& fabrications of exertion.(2) 基于坚忍和勤行而开发具有定之神通基础。

9.Developing the base of power endowed with concentration founded on intent& the fabrications of exertion.(3) 基于意志和勤行而开发具有定之神通基础。

10.Developing the base of power endowed with concentration founded on desire& the fabrications of exertion.(1) 基于欲愿和勤行而开发具有定之神通基础。

11.Developing the base of power endowed with concentration founded on discrimination& the fabrications of exertion.(4) 基于辨识智和勤行而开发具有定之神通基础。

12.Developing the base of power endowed with concentration founded on discrimination &the fabrications of exertion.基于辨识智和勤行而开发具有定之神通基础。

13.Developing the base of power endowed with concentration founded on intent &the fabrications of exertion.基于意志和勤行而开发具有定之神通基础。

14.Developing the base of power endowed with concentration founded on persistence &fabrications of exertion.基于坚忍和勤行而开发具有定之神通基础。

15.Developing the base of power endowed with concentration founded on desire &the fabrications of exertion.基于欲愿和勤行而开发具有定之神通基础。

16.(to Orderly) Find Mr.Laszlo"s luggage and put it on the plane.(对勤务兵)找出拉兹洛先生的行李,放到飞机上去。

17.On Cognition of Administrative Office Work in Basic Police Stations;浅谈对基层派出所行政内勤工作的认识

18.Causes of Security Personnel’ Injuries and Deaths on Duty;保安人员在执行勤务中出现伤亡现象的成因


trip chaining通勤出行链

3)transit commuter通勤出行者

4)commuter"s travel behavior通勤者出行行为

5)Study on the Travel Behavior of Commuter通勤出行行为研究

6)commuting behavior通勤行为

1.Based on the survey of 600 households in ten typical residential areas of Beijing,this paper describes basic features ofcommuting behavior of Beijing citizens,and focuses on the comparison of the disparity of commuting pattern by four types of residential areas,trying to reflect the micro process of jobs-housing relationship changes.本文基于对北京市内10个典型居住区中600个家庭、842位就业居民的日常通勤行为问卷调查数据,比较城市内部不同居住地域居民通勤格局的差异性,以期折射北京市居住与就业空间重构的微观过程。


