1500字范文 > 基本医疗保障 basic medical security英语短句 例句大全

基本医疗保障 basic medical security英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-28 03:24:02


基本医疗保障 basic medical security英语短句 例句大全

基本医疗保障,basic medical security

1)basic medical security基本医疗保障

1.New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme(NCMS) is directly related to the villagers\" benefits while it is a significant system innovation and becomes an important realizing form inbasic medical security at present.新型农村合作医疗作为一项重大的制度创新,是现阶段农村基本医疗保障的一个重要实现形式,关系千家万户的幸福。


1.Research of Shanghai Basic Medical Security System with All Coverage;上海市基本医疗保障制度全覆盖的研究

2.Primary Medicare in Western China s Rural Areas: Problems and Countermeasures;西部农村基本医疗保障制度面临的问题与对策

3.Legal Considerations of the Perfection of Basic Medical Security System in China;完善我国基本医疗保障制度的法律思考

4.On the practical value of fundamental commercial insurance risk management principles to establishment of the basic social medical care system论商业保险基础风险原理对建立基本医疗保障制度的适用价值

5.But now our peasants are still excluded from the system of our national basic medicare security.但 目前我国农民仍被排除在国家基本医疗保障体系之外。

6.The Solution to the Issue of Inadequate Medical Services to Peasants:to Establish "Four-in-One" Rural Basic Medical Security System;农民“看病难”的困境与出路:构建“四位一体”的农村基本医疗保障体系

7.On transforming governmental functions in the system of basic medical security and the harmonious society;和谐社会与基本医疗保障制度中的政府职能转变

8.Present Situation and Countermeasures of Basic Medical Security of the Rurals in Backward Areas of Center China;中部欠发达地区农村基本医疗保障的现状与对策

9.The state will also, step by step, institute a social medicare assistance system to provide basic medical security for the impoverished population.国家还将逐步建立社会医疗救助制度,为贫困人口提供基本医疗保障。

10.Thinking of Essential drugs system and Medical Insurance System in China基本药物制度与医疗保障制度的思考

11.The Government and Options for Alternative Medical and Health Systems in Rural Areas;政府与农村基本医疗保健保障制度选择

12.On the Contradictions between the Limited Liability of the Basic Medicare and the Unlimited Demand in Medical Insurance论基本医疗有限责任与医疗保障无限需求的矛盾

13.Abstract: The medical insurance reforms have gone through16 years in Shenzhen City.深圳市医保改革历经,形成全方位、多层次的医疗保障,满足了基本医疗需求。

14.Thought of the Medical Security System on Account of the Specialty of Drugs and Medical Services基于医药特殊性的医疗保障制度思考

15.It is an important issue in rural health development to ensure that the basic health care services for peasants should be guaranteed.保障农民的基本医疗保健服务是农村卫生的重要任务。

16.Study of the Medical Security System on the Particularity of Drugs and Medicine基于药品和医疗特殊性的医疗保障制度研究

17.The labor and social security administrative departments shall incorporate the medicines for treatment of AIDS into the basic medical insurance medicine catalogue.劳动和社会保障部门应当将治疗艾滋病用药列入基本医疗保险药品目录。

18.Deepening the Reform of Medical Insurance and Improving Medical Security System深化医疗保险改革 完善医疗保障体系


Basic medical guarantee of countryside农村基本医疗保障

3)basic medicare safeguard system基本医疗保障制度

1.to explore the issues concerning public health and basic medicare system,and put forward some opinions and suggestions as to the construction of unified public health andbasic medicare safeguard system on the basis of analysis of the experience of French medicare insurance system and the actual conditions of China.探讨公共卫生和基本医疗保障制度建设问题。

4)universal bas全民基本医疗保障体系

5)Basically social medical guarantee社会基本医疗保障

6)basic healthcare system基本医疗保障体系


后勤持续保障能力(见后勤保障能力)后勤持续保障能力(见后勤保障能力)sustained logistic support capabilityhouqin chixu baozhQng nengli后勤持续保障能力(sus‘ained 10915‘ics叩port eaPability)见后勤保障能力。
