1500字范文 > 少数人语言权益 language rights and interests of minority英语短句 例句大全

少数人语言权益 language rights and interests of minority英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-26 01:53:12


少数人语言权益 language rights and interests of minority英语短句 例句大全

少数人语言权益,language rights and interests of minority

1)language rights and interests of minority少数人语言权益


1.The Protective Mechanisms of Language Rights and Interests of Minority in European Constitutional Treaty欧洲宪法性条约中的少数人语言权益保护机制

2.Declaration of the Rights of Persons belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities在民族或族裔、宗教和语言上属于少数群体的人的权利宣言

3.Declaration on the Protection of Rights of Persons Belonging to National, Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities保护民族、种族、语言、宗教上属于少数人的权利宣言

4.Legal Protection of the Rights of Minority Languages Study;少数民族语言文字权的法律保护研究

5.Legislative Protection for the Minority Nationality s Spoken and Written Language Right in China;我国少数民族语言文字权的立法保护

6.On Judicial Safeguard of the Minority Litigant s Rights in Taking Proceedings in His Native Language;论少数民族当事人使用本民族语言进行诉讼之权利的司法保障

7.income before minority interest计算少数权益前的收益

8.On the Protection of Rights and Interests of Urban Ethnic Floating Population;论城市少数民族流动人口的权益保障

9.On Development Right and the Floating Minority Population s Right Protection;试论发展权与少数民族流动人口的权益保护

10.Language: Spanish is the official language, but some minorities on the east coast speak English and Indian.语言:官方语言为西班牙语,东部沿海地区少数人讲英语和印第安语。

11.An Inquisition into Administrative Protection for the Minority Nationalities" Right to Written and Spoken Language我国少数民族语言文字权行政保护探讨

12.The influence of Linguistic anthropology on Chinese Bilingual Education of Ethnic minorities;语言人类学视阈透视我国少数民族双语教育

13.Open-ended working group on the rights of persons belonging to national, ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities在民族、族裔、宗教和语言上属于少数群体的人的权利的不限成员名额工作组

14.Language: Arabic is the official language, although a substantial minority speaks Kurdish, Turkish, Assyrian, Armenian and English are also spoken.语言:阿拉伯语为官方语言,少数人讲库尔德语、耳其语、述亚语、美尼亚语和英语。

15.Chinese minority linguistics中国少数民族语言学

16.Ianguage teaching of Chinese national minorities中国少数民族语言教学

17.linguistic minorities语言上的少数(群体)

18.persons belonging to national, ethnic, religious and linguistic minority在民族、族裔、宗教和语言上属于少数群体的人


Minority Interest少数权益

3)Minority language rights少数民族语言文字权

4)earnings before minority interest少数权益前收益

5)human rights of minority少数人人权

6)minority rights少数人权利

1.Reflect on Jurisprudence on Minority Rights in Constitutional Protection;少数人权利宪法保护的法理思考

2.Nowadaysminority rights protection involves the policies and practices of the countries worldwide towards racial or ethnic minorities and communities.少数人权利保障问题是当今世界各国对待少数民族或种族、社群的政策和做法问题。

3.This article analyses the definition of minority and the protection ofminority rights——theory of human rights and equality theory.少数人权利作为人权问题的一部分,已开始受到人们的关注与重视。


