1500字范文 > 媒介权益 rights and interests of mass media英语短句 例句大全

媒介权益 rights and interests of mass media英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-19 23:48:46


媒介权益 rights and interests of mass media英语短句 例句大全

媒介权益,rights and interests of mass media

1)rights and interests of mass media媒介权益

2)Profits of the media媒介利益

3)medium authority媒介权威

1.Mass media exerted its strong influence upon the public s view and choice by concocting and controlling the so-called "medium authority".大众媒介通过所谓"媒介权威"的塑造和控制话语的权力,主导了受众的视线和价值选择。


1.Reflection on the Mold of the Media Authority upon "The Affair of the National Group of Dental Health";从“全国牙防组事件”反思我国媒介权威的塑造

2.The Medium Authority and the Medium Intellectuals’Identity媒介权力与媒介知识分子的身份认同

3.Media Image-Shaping Research Against the Background of Media Power and Interests;媒介权力和利益下的媒介形象塑造研究

4.Autorit?t und Medialit?t-über die interkulturellen Diskurse in Deutschland权威与媒体性——关于德国的跨文化讨论

5.Media politics and party’s authority: interactiving, the limits and enlightenment传媒政治与政党权威:互动、限度及启示

6.The medium technology and the medium authority relations reconsidering Mcluhan thought;媒介技术与媒介权力关系的反思——麦克卢汉思想对于媒介权力研究的启示

7.Media Control and its Core Problems Governed by Orwell s Problem;奥威尔问题统摄下的媒介控制及其核心问题

8.someone who intervenes with authorities for a person in trouble (usually using underhand or illegal methods for a fee).权威地介入帮助出于困境中的人的人。

9.The Lack and Reconstruction about Peasants Discourse Right in TV Media;电视媒介中农民话语权的缺失与重建

10.Loss of Female Discourse Right of Media Based on Chongqing Newspaper;从重庆报纸看女性媒介话语权的缺失

11.Ideas on the Regulation of Media Power in China;对我国大众传播媒介权力规范的思考

12.The Abuse of Power in Mass Media and Its Social Control;论大众媒介权力的滥用及其社会控制

13.On the Individualized Medium Right in Cybernet and Its Legal Adjustoment;论网络中个体化媒介权及其法律调整

14.The Division of Social Classes and the Control and Use of Media in China;社会的阶层分化与媒介的控制权和使用权

15.The Dilemma of Media Professionalism and Maintenance of Social Order: Media Authority and Legal Authority;媒体专业主义的困境与社会秩序的维护——“凯利事件”背后的媒体权威与法律权威

16.This shows that the government respects the media and believes the concerns expressed by the man in the street are genuine.这是政府相信媒体权威性,相信媒体读者言论真实性的体现。

17.The Media Function of Terminal and the Terminal Function of Media:the Two Fold Distribute of Marketing Power under the Background of the New Media Marketing;媒介终端化与终端媒介化——新媒体营销背景下市场话语权的双重分配

18.Media Monopoly and Cultural Pervasion: A Study of the U.S. Propagation Hegemony after the Cold War;媒介垄断与文化渗透:冷战后美国传播霸权研究


Profits of the media媒介利益

3)medium authority媒介权威

1.Mass media exerted its strong influence upon the public s view and choice by concocting and controlling the so-called "medium authority".大众媒介通过所谓"媒介权威"的塑造和控制话语的权力,主导了受众的视线和价值选择。

4)medium power媒介权力

1.The change ofmedium power from the news about people s life;从民生新闻看媒介权力的变化

2.As a "new core of power" generally accepted in modem society,medium has infiltrated into every aspect of our life andmedium power has been given priority day by day in cultural and communication studies.媒介作为当今社会已被认同的“新的权力核心”渗透于生活的各个方面,媒介权力在文化研究和传播学研究领域也日益受到重视。

5)media power媒介权力

1.Media Image-Shaping Research Against the Background of Media Power and Interests;媒介权力和利益下的媒介形象塑造研究

2.On Antinomy in Molding the New Media Power论新媒体媒介权力塑造的二律背反

3.It is quite obvious that differences exist betweenmedia power and political power.媒介权力是大众传播媒介通过筛选和传播信息而得以对受众体现的影响力。

6)supreme media媒介霸权


