1500字范文 > 办学体制 school running system英语短句 例句大全

办学体制 school running system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-18 10:50:20


办学体制 school running system英语短句 例句大全

办学体制,school running system

1)school running system办学体制

1.Therefore,it is of significance in theory and practice to make research into privateschool running system.因此,对民办高职院校的办学体制进行探讨具有理论和实践意义。

2."Mixed-system schools" have dual resources and characteristics of both public education and private education inschool running system,which have more advantages in the management system,operational mechanism and resource brand than those of public school and private schools."混合制学校"在办学体制上兼具公办教育与民办教育的双重资源和特点,在管理体制、运作机制和资源品牌等方面拥有比公办学校和民办学校更多的优势,但其发展中所存在的产权关系不明、政策界限不清等问题对教育公平和民办学校发展有负面影响。

3.With the development of market economy,the innovation ofschool running system of vocational education is the necessary selection of history and reality.市场经济的发展,使职业教育办学体制改革创新成为历史和现实的必然选择,经过多年的实践,我国职业教育办学体制改革已取得了可喜的成就,初步形成了多元化的办学体制。


1.Issues Concerning Management System Reform of State-run Primary and Secondary Schools in China;公办中小学办学体制改革问题的探讨


3.To innovate the school-running system for establishing special nursing education;创新办学体制 办有特色的护理教育

4.Push on the Running of the School by Cooperating With the Businesses and Research Units, Innovating in Running Systems;推进产学研合作办学 创新学校办学体制

5.On the Ten Pairs of Relationships in the Reform of the School Management System--The Reflection on the Economics in the Reform ofthe School Management System;论办学体制改革的十对关系——关于办学体制改革的经济学思考

6.The changes and prospects for running system for higher education;高等教育办学体制的嬗变与展望——对山东办学体制的思索

7.Reflection on Educational System in Namibia由纳米比亚大学办学体制引发的思考

8.The Leading Role of System Innovation in Running a School;坚持办学体制创新 促进学院蓬勃发展

9.Deeper-Reform in School-Running System Explore New Way of Developing Higher Education;深化办学体制改革 探求高教发展新路

10.On the Prescription and Development of Private School in Current School-Operating System in China;论中国现行办学体制下民办中小学的规范与发展

11.Research Into the Reform and Developmental Countermeasures for the System of Running Schools in Provincial Institutes of Physical Education;省属体育院校办学体制改革与发展对策研究

12.A Review and Preview of Specialty setting and School Running Pattern of P.E. College;体育院校专业设置和办学体制的回顾与前瞻

13.On the Management System and the Mechanism of Higher Education in Market-based Economy;市场经济条件下高等教育的办学体制和机制

14.The Research on Systme Reform in Running Primary Schools and High Schools of Luohu District of Shenzhen City;深圳市罗湖区中小学办学体制改革研究

15.Deepen the "One Domination with Pluralization" School Running System and Promote it s Quality --The Innovation Research on School Running System of Vocational Education;深化“一主多元”的办学格局 全面提升办学质量——职业教育办学体制创新研究

16.The location of running school in independent colleges and the switch of school running subjects;独立学院的办学定位与办学主体转换——依托名校办分校的“办学主体转换机制”研究

17.the educational mechanism of combining learning with research and production产学研一体化的办学机制

18.On the Connotation’and Forms and Running System of Joint Programm of Higher Education;论联合办学的意义、形式与管理体制


school-running system办学体制

1.At the present time, in order to cultivate useful personnel for the development of modern catering industry, the urgent things for our culinary higher education to do are how to make theschool-running system perfect, enrich the school-running structure, offer c.在我国现行的烹饪高等教育中,完善办学体制,丰富办学层次,科学设置课程, 改进教学方法,为现代餐饮发展培养有用人才,这对于加快高等教育大众化、促进餐饮经济的发展 有着积极的意义。

2.Vocational education is employment-oriented education, and persisting employment-oriented is the tendency and key to reform ofschool-running system of vocational education.职业教育是以就业为导向的教育,坚持以就业为导向,是职业教育办学体制改革的取向和关键所在。

3.Reform and innovation ofschool-running system of public vocational schools is important content of vigorously developing vocational education in China.推动公办职业学校办学体制改革与创新是当前我国大力发展职业教育的重要内容。

3)system of running a school办学体制

4)School system办学体制

1.In the process of further reform, we should fully realize the relativity between them and on the basis of management system, reform school system to make investment system happen to reform and build dynamic higher learning system and improve competition of higher learning system.我国高等教育体制中存在的问题,既有管理体制方面的问题,也有办学体制和投资体制领域的问题,三者之间相互影响、相互作用。

2.In the past few years, with the deeper reformation of economic system, school system reform has been a hot topic.近年来,随着经济体制改革的不断深入,学校办学体制改革也成为一个热门话题,先后出现了广州模式、北京模式、温州模式等多种办学体制改革模式。

5)running school system办学体制

1.Education internationalization gives birth to new ponder and will impactrunning school system of higher education in China.教育国际化对高等教育提出了新的思索 ,必将影响到中国高等教育办学体制。

2., and adopting the mechanism of moderate industrialization, multirunning school system, university common market system, quasi managerism to push Tianjin higher education system reform and const.该目标定位要求天津市高等教育突破现在办学体制上存在的办学层次不明晰、办学布局不合理等弊端 ,在深化高校办学体制改革中适时地采取适度的教育产业化机制、多元化办学机制、“大学共同市场”机制、准经理式管理体制 ,促使天津高等教育尽快地成为具有竞争力、开放型的体系。

3.Nowadays, the reform ofrunning school system for higher education in our country is quite stagnant and the reform of system is still the key to the reform of higher education.当前我国高等教育办学体制改革滞后 ,而高教办学体制改革又是高教改革的关键。

6)Newly established college-running structure新办学体制


