1500字范文 > 办学 school running英语短句 例句大全

办学 school running英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-05 02:20:47


办学 school running英语短句 例句大全

办学,school running

1)school running办学

1.Explorations onto the educational conception may help form a common belief in the education of Chinese medicine, which plays an important role in understanding and choice in the directions, main bodies and objectives ofschool running.对办学理念进行理性探索,有利于形成中医药教育的共同信念,对高等中医药教育办学方向、办学主体、办学目标的理解与选择起着重要的决定作用。

2.As a new-built undergraduate college, Huangshan University begin to construct in many field and look for the efficient way to produce the character of theschool running in order to improve the competitive power.作为新建本科院校,黄山学院从创建办学特色入手,多方面构建,寻找有效途径,提升自身的竞争力。

3.The writer holds that from the 1980s to the end of 1990s,in order to fit in with economic and social development of Tibet and combine tradition with modernity inschool running,higher education in Tibet developed through inheriting and developing the specialties of Tibetan traditional culture,adding new specialty programs to meet the needs of econom.从西藏高等教育的发展轨迹来探讨高等教育在发展进程中传统与现代的结合,可看出20世纪80年代至90年代末,西藏高等教育在办学中为适应西藏经济社会发展的需要,使传统与现代更好地结合,在继承和发扬民族传统文化的专业基础上,增设了符合西藏经济发展需要的新专业,形成了传统与现代的发展模式。


1.The Distinctive Characteristics of School-running Is Derived from Scientific Orientation of School-running鲜明的办学特色源自科学的办学定位


3.The Case Research about Non-Government Schools in Shuyang County;沭阳县民办中小学办学现状分析研究

4.nnovating Educational Concept and Promoting Education Quality;创新办学理念 提升高校办学水平

5.Issues Concerning Management System Reform of State-run Primary and Secondary Schools in China;公办中小学办学体制改革问题的探讨

6.School-running Orientation and Features of OrdinaryLocal Higher Learning Institutions;普通地方高校的办学定位与办学特色

7.A reflection on the trying out of higher education run by government shifted to non-government or share-holding system;高等教育试行公办转民办或股份制办学的思考

8.Push on the Running of the School by Cooperating With the Businesses and Research Units, Innovating in Running Systems;推进产学研合作办学 创新学校办学体制

9.So Hanban has let the network grow organically.因此,汉办循序渐进地扩大办学网络。

10.Analysis of Private University s Profit-orientation and Its Countermeasures;民办高校办学的趋利性分析及其对策

11.Government Responsibility in Administering the Credit Loss of School-running in Private Colleges;民办高校办学失信治理中的政府责任

12.A Research on Educational Quality and Characteristics of Civilian-run Universities;民办高校的教育质量和办学特色探究

13.Guarding against the risks of running schools: the responsibility of the government and private higher learning institutions;防范办学风险:政府和民办高校的责任

14.Thinking on Some Problems of Non-state Colleges;关于民办高校办学中几个问题的思考

15.Investment in Schooling: Essentials of Our Non-governmental Education;投资办学:我国民办教育的本质特征

16.To innovate the school-running system for establishing special nursing education;创新办学体制 办有特色的护理教育

17.Research on the Operational Fund Management in Chinese State-run Universities我国公办高校办学经费管理问题研究

18.One way is to open schools and training courses for cadres, another is self-education.一个是办学校、办训练班进行教学,一个是自学。


run a school办学

1.Investigation on Condition of Run a School in Sports School in Fujian Province;福建省体育运动学校办学现状调查研究

2.Research Beijing normal school Zhuhai branch campus, inquire into how develop independent college from Zhuhai branch campusrun a school gain.文章以北京师范大学珠海分校为研究对象,从珠海分校的办学成果探讨独立学院健康发展之本。

3)running school办学

1.From view of practice of medicine higher vocational education, four-philosophy ofrunning school are discussed in the paper, such as, philosophy of scientific, people oriented, characteristic and persistent development, and three talents philosophy are also put out, that is, quality education, innovative education and career education.从医药卫生高等职业教育的实际出发,论述了医药卫生高等职业教育健康发展应确立的科学化理念、人性化理念、特色化理念、可持续发展化理念等四大办学理念;应确立的素质教育理念、创新教育理念、创业教育理念等三大人才理念。

2.During the advancing of establishing the normal uiniversity all-roundedly,we should adhere torunning school and cultivating students with Spirit and Manners;we should also understand and grasp its scientific connatation and spiritual natur.在全面推进创建师范大学的历史进程中,必须坚持以"精气神"文化办学育人;要在落实科学发展观的大背景以及学校发展的大格局中,全面理解和深刻把握"精气神"文化的科学内涵和精神实质;巩固和加强"精气神"文化在办学过程中的引领地位,充分发挥"精气神"文化的育人功能。

3.Premier Wen Jia-bao suggestsrunning school by the educational experts,the Outline of the eleventh Five-year Plan of National Educational Undertaking Development emphasized that "The government advocatesrunning school by the educational experts".温家宝总理提出"教育家办学",《中国教育事业"十一五"发展规划纲要》中强调"国家提倡教育家办学"。


1.Summary on the Domestic Research on School-running Characteristics of Universities and Colleges;我国高等院校办学特色研究综述

2.The decision for giving more automaticschool-running authority was put forward in the special historical conditions.扩大办学自主权是在特定历史条件下提出来的 ,政府政策的基本点是经济的考虑 ,而不是“学术自治”的要求 ,作为政府的行政让渡 ,“落实”成为一个漫长的过程。

5)running schools办学

1.The evaluation of undergraduate course teaching level is an important measure took by the Education Department in order to take macro-control on quality while giving schools decision-making power ofrunning schools according to "The Law of Higher Education of PRC".本科教学工作水平评估是教育部依据《中华人民共和国高等教育法》,在赋予高校办学自主权的同时,进行宏观质量监控的一项重要措施。

2.Chinese-foreign cooperation inrunning schools to provide education in China is a new mode of schooling which capitalizes on external financial and human resources and benefits from the experience of foreign institutions of higher learning in terms of educational concepts,curriculum design,teaching methodology,educational technology and school management.中外合作办学是指引进国外资金以及国外的先进教育理念、教学内容、方法、手段、教育技术和管理机制,聘用外国教师授课的一种新型办学形式。

3.Using the research methods of interviewing and consulting experts, questionnaire and so on, the present study has probed the train of thought ofrunning schools of sports training specialty in the aspects of the sources of students, fostering idea, training direction, courses offered, etc.采用专家访谈、问卷调查等研究方法,从生源、培养理念、培养方向、课程设置等方面,探索运动训练专业的办学思路。

6)scientific management of a university科学办学


