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体育学习 physical education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-06-24 10:12:18


体育学习 physical education英语短句 例句大全

体育学习,physical education

1)physical education体育学习

1.Research on methods ofphysical education among college students;大学生体育学习方法的研究

2.Review and forecast on learning effect appraisement of studentsphysical education in basic education of new China;新中国基础教育阶段学生体育学习效果评价的反思与前瞻

3.Chinese educational reforms have led to rapid changes of thephysical education in universities.普通高校的体育改革近年来有长足发展,但普通高校的体育教育仍存在较多的不适应,尤其是女大学生的体育学习状况,尚存在一些带有普遍性的问题。


1.Optimize The Teaching Environment To Activate The Subject Consciousness Of Physical Education Learning优化教学环境激活体育学习主体意识

2.The Researh of Fostering the Student Physical Education Leaning s Self-Efficiency in P.E.Teaching;体育教学中培养学生体育学习自我效能的探究

3.Influence of University PE Teaching Environments on Students" PE Learning高校体育教学环境对学生体育学习的影响

4.The Influence of Group Cooperative Learning on the Students of Middle School Physical Education Learning Interest;小组合作学习对中学生体育学习兴趣的影响

5.Meta - Learning and Developing of University Student s P. E. Leaning Ability;元学习理论与大学生体育学习能力的培养

6.On Improving Students PE Learning Efficacy in College PE Teaching;提高学生体育学习效能感的教学研究

7.A Brief Discussion on Students Interests in PE and Study Effects;浅谈学生学习体育的兴趣与学习效果

8.The Students Physical Training Habit & Life-long Physical Education;论学生体育锻炼习惯与终身体育教育

9.Summary on Student s Attitude Learning in Physical Education;体育教学与体育态度学习关系的综述

10.The research on PE major student s study motion in the gymnastics course;体育教育专业学生体操课的学习情绪

11.A Preliminary Study on the Education Practice of the P.E. Specialty in Britain s University;英国大学体育教育专业教育实习初探

12.A study on the evaluation system of learning in college P.E.;大学体育课程学习质量评价体系研究

13.From passive learning to active and cooperative learning --Study on the theories and rules of the teaching reforming of school PE curriculum;从被动学习到学会学习、合作学习——学校体育学课程教改方案构建


15.Different types of "explorative learning" of physical education teachers;体育教学中的“探究式学习”教学法

16.How to Improve the Learning Activity of Gym Students Who Lack Study Interests;如何提高厌学体育学生的学习积极性

17.The Pattern of Cooperative Learning in Middle School Physical Education Teaching;中学体育教学的“合作学习”模式研究

18.Cultivation of Middle School Students’s Autonomous Learning Ability in PE Class;中学体育课学生自主学习能力的培养


Sports Learning体育学习

1.Investigation and research of university students attitudes towards sports learning;当代大学生体育学习心态的调查与研究

2.A study on university students with difficulties in sports learning;对体育学习困难大学生的研究

3.As an important part of the sports teaching assessment,the sports learning assessment is the key part in the university P.体育学习评价作为体育教学评价的重要组成部分,是普通高校体育教学改革的重点课题。

3)physical education study体育学习

1.In this article,self-confidence inphysical education study of senior middle school students in Henan province and the influential factors are analyzed by means of literature review,investigation,expert interviews and statistics analysis.采用文献资料、问卷调查、专家访谈及数理统计等方法对河南省高中学生体育学习自信心及其影响因素进行调查分析。

2.By means of literature and questionnaire, the present article has made an analysis of the producing cause of university students obstruction ofphysical education study.采用文献资料与问卷调查法,对影响大学生体育学习障碍的原因进行分析。

4)physical education learning体育学习

1.A Study on the Evaluation for Students Physical Education Learning;试论学生体育学习的评价

2.Student s self-efficiency inphysical education learning influences the qualities and effects which are formed in physical education teaching can improve students self-efficiency in physical education,applying the Bandura s self-efficiency inphysical education learning.学生体育学习自我效能影响学校体育教育教学的质量和效能,而体育教学又能提高学生体育学习的自我效能。

3.This paper analyzed the problems of the evaluation index system(EIS) ofphysical education learning(PEL),defined the connotation of evaluation of PEL,enumerated its principles and characteristics,constructed and perfected the EIS of PEL for high school students.在分析我国体育课程学习评价存在问题的基础上,界定了体育学习评价的内涵,阐述了高中学生体育学习评价的原则和特点,构建并完善了高中学生体育学习评价指标体系。

5)physical learning体育学习

1.Start with analysis of psychological stata ofphysical learning,two means of controlling of stimulating and suggesting can be put forward and the effect of learning will be improved.从分析学习心理状态的概念入手 ,提出了大学生体育学习心理状态的激励与暗示两类调控方法 ,以便提高学习效果。

6)PE class learning体育课学习


部分学习与整体学习部分学习与整体学习part learning and whole learning部分学习与整体学习(part learningand whole learning)在运动学习和记忆学习中,根据对学习内容的处理方式可以分成部分学习和整体学习。部分学习就是将材料分成几个部分,每次学习一个部分:整体学习就是每次学习整个材料。一般来讲,整体学习的效果优于部分学习。但是,课题复杂彼此没有意义联系的材料,用部分学习的效果好:课题简短或具有意义联系的材料,用整体学习的效果好。在进行学习时,可以将部分学习与整体学习结合起来,先进行整体学习再进行部分学习,或者相反。这种相互结合的学习方式叫做综合学习,效果更好些。 (周国帕撰成立夫审)
