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体育专业 Physical education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-15 22:58:35


体育专业 Physical education英语短句 例句大全

体育专业,Physical education

1)Physical education体育专业

1.Making and applying CAI to speed skating in physical education of high normal university;高校体育专业速度滑冰课程CAI课件制作与应用

2.Study on the Characteristics of Physical Self-Concept of Physical Education College Students;体育专业大学生身体自我特点研究

3.New perspective and route on the building of major curriculum of physical education;体育专业课程建设的新视野与途径


1.A comparison on the characteristics of physical self-concept between P.E. Students and non-P.E. Students体育专业与非体育专业大学生身体自我的比较

2.Thought on quality education in physical arts majors of teacher s junior college;对“师专”体育专业开展素质教育的思考

parative research on confidence of college sports majors and nonsports majors;体育专业与非体育专业大学生自信的比较

4.The Psychological Health Comparison Between Physical Major and Non-physical Major Students;实习期体育专业与非体育专业学生心理比较

5.The difference research on the traits of personality of students in both PEmajor and non-PE major in China;体育专业与非体育专业大学生的人格特质差异

6.Research and experiment on teaching reform of compulsory course of gymnastics in the P.E.department of teacher school;师专体育专业体操(普修)课程教改实践

7.Theoretical Exploration on Sport-Majored Research Course in P.E.;体育专业研究型体育课程的理论探索

8.A Study on Professional Commitment for College Students of PE;体育教育专业大学生的专业承诺研究

9.On education of innovation in sports games for P.E. majors;体育教育专业体育游戏课的创新教育

10.A Study on the Specialization of P.E.Teachers and the Specialization of the Education of P.E.Teachers;体育教师专业化与体育教师教育专业化研究

11.Study of prefessional idea education of physical education students in universities;普通高校体育教育专业学生专业思想教育探析

12.Research on Reform of Undergraduate Course System of Physical Education Specialty;高师体育教育专业本科专业课程体系改革研究

13.A Study on Construction of Professional Training System for Teachers of Physical Education论体育教育专业教师专业化培养体系的构建

14.A Preliminary Study on the Education Practice of the P.E. Specialty in Britain s University;英国大学体育教育专业教育实习初探

15.On education for all-round development for the physical education ma jors;对体育教育专业学生素质教育的研究

16.Study on the patterns of the teaching practice of P.E.of teachers colleges;高师体育教育专业教育实习模式研究

17.The Studies Suggest about the Education Field of Cultivating Physical Education Professionals体育教育专业人才培养教育场的研究

18.Preliminary research into whereabouts of the P.E. major graduates in Shanxi university;山西大学体育教育专业毕业生的流向


PE major体育专业

1.The Structural System of Knowledge and TrainingCountermeasures of PE Major Students;论体育专业学生知识结构体系

2.An experimental research on the promotion of aerobics specific training ofPE major female college students to their WHR and BMI;健美操专项课对体育专业女大学生腰臀比和体重指数的影响

3.The study of the present status ofPE major college students conceptions after expanded enrolment and relevant instructional measures;扩招后体育专业大学生思想观念现状及教育对策研究

3)physical education major体育专业

1.Education for thephysical education major in Jinling Women College in the Republic of China era;民国时期金陵女子大学的体育专业教育

2.Influence factor related to quality of life in college students ofphysical education major;体育专业大学生生命质量的影响因素

3.The Factors Influencing the Enlarged Enrollment of Physical Education Major in Colleges and Universities in Gagx;影响广西高校体育专业扩招的因素及对策分析

4)sports major体育专业

1.Discussion on reform in practice teaching ofsports major in higher teachers′ colleges;对高师体育专业教育实习改革的探讨

2.Attributive mode features of universitysports majors;体育专业大学生归因方式特点的研究

3.Relationship between characteristics and influencing factors ofsports majors coping manner;体育专业大学生应对方式的特点及其与影响因素的关系

5)Physical education specialty体育专业

1.The index system and standard for evaluating degree theses of master of education in physical education specialty;体育专业教育学硕士学位论文评价指标体系探讨

2.The research on the college entrance examination of physical education specialty in Guangdong Province;广东省普通高校体育专业招生术科考试新方案设计

3.In many normal universities,student s oral speaking skill before employment of physical education specialty has not been trained well.众多高等师范院校对体育专业学生职前"说课"技能培训不力,致使学生对说课陌生,阻碍了学生教学理论水平与实践能力双重提高,学生向教师专业化角色转化缓慢,体育专业学生应加强对说课的概念、内容、体育说课的重要意义与原则的深入理解认识;提出几点高师体育专业学生职前"说课"技能培养的积极对策,以促进体育师资培养体系的完善。

6)non-sports major非体育专业

1.By measuring and comparing the self-confidence level between 114 students of sports major and 126 students ofnon-sports major in a university,this paper shows that the students self-confidence of sports major is remarkably better than that ofnon-sports major in the four aspects of sports,love,appearance and social interactions.对某综合性大学114名体育专业大学生和126名非体育专业大学生的自信程度进行调查和比较研究,结果表明:体育专业大学生在总体自信水平及体育运动、爱情关系、外表、社会相互作用四个维度上均显著优于非体育专业大学生,而在学业表现和同人们交谈维度上无显著差异。

2.A survey was conducted into the degree of confidence of 114 sports majors and 126non-sports majors in Henan University.对河南大学的114名体育专业大学生和126名非体育专业大学生的自信程度进行了测量和比较,结果表明:体育专业大学生在体育运动、爱情关系、外表、社会程度作用和总体自信水平上显著优于非体育专业大学生;体育运动对男性大学生的影响较为深刻,体育专业男生在体育运动、学业表现、爱情关系、外表、社会相互作用和自信总分上均显著优于非体育专业男生;体育专业女生在体育运动方面自信水平明显高于非体育专业女生,在自信的其他维度上无明显差异。


洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心(Paul Ziffren Sports Resource Center, Amateur Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles)洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心(panl Ziffren SPorts Resource Center,Amateur AthletieFoundation or LoS Angeles)藏有历届奥运会的正式报告书、大量的国际奥委会出版物、布伦戴奇文献资料的缩微胶片、1984年洛杉矶奥运会和19%年亚特兰大奥运会的详细资料、一些申办城市的申办报告和1988年以来奥林匹克运动会的声像资料。通讯地址:2141 w.Adams Blvd.Los Angeles,CA900 18,USA;电话:213 730 9696:传真:213 7309637:电子信箱:[email protected]:因特网址:www.aafla.eom。
