1500字范文 > 混合条约 mixed treaties英语短句 例句大全

混合条约 mixed treaties英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-11 04:30:46


混合条约 mixed treaties英语短句 例句大全

混合条约,mixed treaties

1)mixed treaties混合条约

2)contract item合约条款


1.Standing Committee on Condition of Contract合约条款常务委员会

2.The document containing the terms of such an agreement.合同文件有这种合约条款的文件

3.re-employed on agreement terms after retirement退休后按合约条款重行受雇

4.He is bound by the terms of the contract.他受到合同条款的约束。

5.A clause within a contract or deed providing for annulment.废约条款合同或契约里规定作废的条款

6.The terms of the contract bound me hand and foot合同上的条款使我受到很大的约束。

7.Legal Analysis of No-Talking Provisions in Merger Agreements;并购合约中限制谈判条款的法律分析

8.The Disscussion on the Legal Validity of the Item of Liability for Voliating when Contract is Terminated试论合同解除后违约责任条款的效力

9.A particular section or item of a series in a written document, as in a contract, constitution, or treaty.条款书面文件中的具体章节或一系列中的条款,如合同,章程或条约

10.the terms and conditions of the lease契约的条款与条件.

11.He included a clause in the contract that allowed him to buy the house back at the original price.他在合约中包括一条款,准其得以原价购回该屋。

12.The terms of a contract shall be prescribed by the parties, and generally include the following:合同的内容由当事人约定,一般包括以下条款:

13.An offer that complies with its terms will be an acceptance.一个符合条款的要约将会成为一个"承诺"。

14.Under these conditions of payment, we can see no problem in accepting this contract.以这种付款条件要我们接受合约,绝无问题。

15.The Economic Implication of Pledge Items in Credit Contract;抵押条款在信贷合约中的经济意义研究

16.Understanding the Terms in Shanghai-Shenzhen 300 Index Futures Contract (Exposure Draft);沪深300指数期货合约(征求意见稿)条款的解读

17.Signatory obligation,exception clauses and the legal relation between them;论合同中的缔约责任和免责条款及其法律关系

18.A distinct article, stipulation, or provision in a document.条款,款项文件中明确的条约、规定或条款


contract item合约条款

3)mixed constraints混合约束

1.An improved complex method algorithm for nonlinear programming problems withmixed constraints;混合约束非线性规划问题的复合形算法

2.An improved complex method is presented to solve the nonlinear programming problems withmixed constraints,and corresponding algorithm and its procedure are also given.针对混合约束非线性规划问题,本文提出了一种改进的复合形方法,并给出了相应的算法步骤。

4)mixed constraint混合约束

plex shape solution of optimization problems withmixed constraints;混合约束最优化问题的复合形解法

2.In this article, the multiplicative updates are derived formixed constraint optimizations, dramatically speeding up optimization rate.已有的乘性规则仅适于非负二次凸规划问题,推导出了求解支持向量机中混合约束二次凸规划的乘性规则,利用这一乘性规则极大地提高了优化速度。

5)Mixed Contract混合契约

1.Researches on the Relationship of Employer-Organization Fittness Regulated byMixed Contracts;混合契约规制下的企业员工——组织配适关系研究

6)composite electrode混合焊条


