1500字范文 > 条约改正 Treaties Revision英语短句 例句大全

条约改正 Treaties Revision英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-22 00:47:23


条约改正 Treaties Revision英语短句 例句大全

条约改正,Treaties Revision

1)Treaties Revision条约改正

1.The Issue ofTreaties Revision in Meiji Era and Kuga Katsunan"s Nationalism明治时期的条约改正问题与陆羯南的国民主义


1.The Issue of Treaties Revision in Meiji Era and Kuga Katsunan"s Nationalism明治时期的条约改正问题与陆羯南的国民主义

2.One is to keep their tails tucked between their legs and mend their ways.一条,夹紧尾巴,改邪归正。

3.Japan’s Treaty Revision Movement and He Ruzhang’s Understanding of the Treaties;日本修改条约交涉与何如璋的条约认识

4.The Inter Governmental conference, the formal mechanism for revising the Treaties on which the union is based, identified five areas of focus:政府间协商会是负责修改欧盟赖以生存的各种条约的正式机构,它确定了五个重心:

5.To give formal announcement of the ending of(a treaty).通告废除正式宣告(某条约的)终结

6.Treaty on the Bases for Normalization of Relations关于两国关系正常化基础的条约

7.Article 6 of the 1971 Fund Convention is amended as follows:1971年基金公约第6条修正如下:

8.Article 13 of the 1971 Fund Convention is amended as follows:1917年基金公约第13条修正如下:

9.Article 9 of the Convention shall be replaced by the following:本公约第9条应改为下列规定:

10.1 The senate recommended ratification of the treaty despite the public opion.国会不顾公众的意见,建议修改条约。

11.The Sino-Japan Comparion on Amending Unequal Treaties;晚清中日两国修改不平等条约之比较

12.The Improvement of Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality Under the Constraint Condition;约束条件下Cauchy-Schwarz不等式的再改进

13.The European Institutional Reform in the Framework of the Treaty of Establishing Constitution for the Europe;《欧盟宪法条约》框架下的欧盟机构改革

14.An Improvement on Activity-Based Costing under Constraints;约束条件下作业成本法的改进及应用

15.On the Improvement of the Lisbon Treaty on the Protection of Eu Human Rights《里斯本条约》对欧盟人权保护的改善

16."The Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe" on the Reform of the Common Commercial Policy《欧盟宪法条约》对共同商业政策的改革

17.As one of the first countries to sign the CTBT, China has been actively participating in the work of the Preparatory Commission of the Treaty Organization, and earnestly carrying out preparatory work for the implementation of the Treaty in China.作为条约的首批签约国,中国正积极参与条约组织筹委会工作,认真落实国内各项履约准备。

18.Subject to such modifications as may be necessary to adapt itsprovisions to local cond itions.可对公约作必要的修改,以使公约条款适应当地条件。


revision of treaty修正条约

3)modification of treaties条约的更正

4)variation of contract更改合约的条款

5)orthogonal constraint condition正交约束条件

1.Second, an effect oforthogonal constraint condition on the tolerance of laser range is analyzed.首先应用最小二乘法对既定标定点三维空间坐标的测量进行了分析,提出了标定点列的优化原则;然后分析了正交约束条件对测距误差的影响,并建立了双CCD激光测距实验系统。

6)unamended treaty未修正的条约


