1500字范文 > 经脉段 meridian segment英语短句 例句大全

经脉段 meridian segment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-22 06:15:18


经脉段 meridian segment英语短句 例句大全

经脉段,meridian segment

1)meridian segment经脉段

1.Objective: Observe clinical effectiveness on adjunctive treatment of sodium hyaluronate injection throughmeridian segment to Rheumatoid Arthritis.目的:观察经脉段注射玻璃酸钠辅助治疗类风湿关节炎的临床疗效。


1.The Clinical Study on Combination Treatment of Sodium Hyaluronate Injection Through Bladder Meridian in Back and Jing Yudecoction to CSR膀胱经上背部经脉段注射玻璃酸钠配合颈愈汤治疗神经根型颈椎病的临床研究

2.Experimental Trial on Hepatic Segmental Ablation Via Arterial Route;经动脉肝节段性组织灭活的实验研究

3.Applied Anatomy Study of Intraethmoidal Parts of the Ethmoidal Canal and the Optic Canal by Transnasal Endoscopically;经鼻内窥镜筛动脉窦内段、视神经管段的应用解剖研究

4.Results The cisternal segment of the oculomotor nerve abutted on the posterior cerebral artery, superior cerebellar artery, collicular artery, accessary collicular artery, etc. .结果池段动眼神经与大脑后动脉、小脑上动脉、丘动脉、副丘动脉等毗邻;

5.The Clinical Experiences of Therapy of Percutanoeus Trans-popliteal-artery Retrograde Subintimal Angionlasty with Long Superficial Femoral Artery Occlusion经腘动脉逆行内膜下成形术治疗长段股浅动脉闭塞的临床观察

6.Microsurgical anatomy on A1 segment of anterior cerebral artery and anterior communieating artery and their perforating arteries through pterional approach经翼点入路大脑前动脉A1段和前交通动脉及其穿通支的显微解剖

7.Applied anatomy study of intraethmoidal parts of ethmoidal artery by transnasal endoscopic经鼻内窥镜筛动脉窦内段的应用解剖研究

8.The neurovascular relationships and artery supply of cisternal segment of abducent nerve展神经池段的动脉供应及其与邻近血管的关系

9.Dynamical Properties of Piecewise Linear Spiking Neuron Model分段线性脉冲神经元模型的动力学特性分析

10.Feasibility and Safety of Transradial Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for ST-segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction经桡动脉急诊介入治疗ST段抬高急性心肌梗死

11.Microscopic anatomy of cavernous segment of internal carotid artery via extended transnasal approach扩大经鼻入路颈内动脉海绵窦段的显微解剖

12.Objective To study the distribution of the sympathetic nerve on transverse-process part of vertebral artery and provide the basis data for clinical treatment.目的探讨椎动脉横突段交感神经的结构分布,为临床治疗提供依据。

13.The anatomic study on the segment of the Internal Carotid Artery(ICA) in the base of skull and cranial nerves around it and its clinical values颅底段颈内动脉与周围脑神经的解剖学研究及临床意义

14.Study of Applied Anatomy of the Spinal Segmental Nutrient Arteries and Microvascular Architecture of the Spinal Ganglion;脊髓节段性动脉及脊神经节微血管构筑的应用解剖学研究

15.Applied anatomy of segmental vessels and nerves around T_(4~12) vertebraT_(4~12)节段椎体与相邻脉管神经系统的应用解剖

16.Results Sympathetic nerve coming form the cervical part coincided, attached to vertebral artery surface.结果来自颈交感干的交感神经在椎动脉横突段周围相吻合,并攀附于椎动脉表面。

17.Microsurgical Anatomy of Pterional Approach on A_1 Segment of Anterior Cerebral Artery and Anterior Communieating Artery and Their Perforating Arteries经翼点入路大脑前动脉A_1段和前交通动脉及其穿通支的显微解剖研究

18.Control study in percutaneous coronary intervention for chronic total coronary occlusion and acute ST-segment elevated myocardial infarction.慢性冠状动脉闭塞病变与急性ST段抬高心肌梗死经皮冠状动脉介入治疗的对照研究


Transhepatic segmental inferior cava经肝段下腔静脉


1.Progress of study on relative effect betweenmeridians and internal organs;经脉(穴)与脏腑相关效应规律的研究进展

2.Evolution of the Connotation of Meridians Viewed from the changes in the Traveling Routes:Considerations Induced from the "Eleven Meridians" to the "Twelve Regular Meridians"从经脉的循行变化探讨其概念内涵的演变——由“十一脉”至“十二经脉”循行变化引发的思考


1.An Explanation of the Original Meaning of "Meridian" in INTERNAL CLASSIC;《内经》“经脉”本义新释

2.Western Learning Infiltration Reflected in The Views of Meridian in the Book Yixue Yuanshi Written by WANG Hong-han《医学原始》王宏翰经脉观之西学渗透现象

3.It implicates abundant thoughts about acupuncture andmeridians.《太平经》是东汉的一部重要的道教经典,书中蕴含着丰富的针灸理念和经脉理念。


1.Vessels,Channels, Meridians——Fine Tendons, Frenula and Nerves;脉·经脉·经络——细筋·系·神经 经络概念的内涵演化与神经的联系

2.Channels May be Functional Zones Adhering to Certain Tissues;经脉似附着于一定组织上的功能带

3.Natural Three-Yuan and human Three-Yuan accomplish energy and information exchanges through human channels, and the circulation of blood in these channels rises and falls with the seasonal cycle of human body, demonstrating regularity.天地三元与人体三元通过经络进行能量交换和信息沟通,经脉气血循行随时辰运气五行而盛衰,呈现出规律性,依据实验事实探讨了三元能量运化、经脉气血运行及时辰的关系,进一步做这种实验,统计分析数据能促进人体生命科学和元极学的研究和发展。

6)Maijing Sphygmology Classic脉经

1.Investigation on the Contribution ofMaijing Sphygmology Classic to Traditional Chinese Medicine;初探《脉经》对中医学术的重要贡献


