1500字范文 > 经脉腧穴 meridians and acupoints英语短句 例句大全

经脉腧穴 meridians and acupoints英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-11 12:30:49


经脉腧穴 meridians and acupoints英语短句 例句大全

经脉腧穴,meridians and acupoints

1)meridians and acupoints经脉腧穴

2)Points of hand-shaoyin heart meridian心经腧穴

3)Meridians and acupuncture points经络腧穴


1.Reform and Design of the Teaching Plan Concerning Acupuncture Techniques经络腧穴学实训教学方案的改革与设计

2.Prelection Design of "the Stomach Channel of Foot-Yangming and Commonly Used Acupoints"关于《足阳明胃经经络与腧穴》的说课设计

3.Experimental Research on the Use of Mechanical Vibration and Compression of Acupoints and Meridians to Treat Rat Cervical Nerve Root Injury;机械振动、按压腧穴和振动经络治疗大鼠颈神经根损伤的实验研究

4.Research on the Mechanism of Action of Mechanical Vibration and Compression of Meridians and Acupoints to Treat Rat Cervical Nerve Root in Jury;机械振动、按压经络、腧穴治疗大鼠颈神经根损伤的作用机理研究

5.Study on the Laboratorial of Recovery of Cervical Nerve Roots Injury Treated with Manipulation of Mechanical Vibration of Jingluo and Restrain of Meridian Acupoints;机械振动经络按压腧穴治疗大鼠颈神经根损伤的实验研究

6.Observation on the Penetration Acupuncture at the Head Acupoint of ShaoYang Meridian to Treat Migraine透刺少阳经头部腧穴治疗偏头痛疗效观察

7.Clinical Effective Evaluation of the Combination of Scalp Acupuncture and Sam Yang Acupoint and for Paralysis after Ischemic Stroke头穴配合三阳经腧穴针刺法治疗脑梗死后偏瘫的临床疗效评价

8.Study on the Laboratorial Recovery of Rat Brachial Plexus Injury Treated with Manipulation of Mechanical Vibration of the Three Hand Yin and Three Hand Yang Meridians and Acupoints;机械振动推拿手三阴阳经、腧穴治疗大鼠臂丛神经损伤实验研究

9.The Curative Effect and Electroencephalo Gram Influence of Nerve Stem Acupoint to Treat Cerebral Infarction Hemiparalysis;针刺神经干腧穴治疗脑梗死偏瘫疗效及对脑电图的影响

10.Study on the Mechanism of Recovery of Cervical Nerve Roots Injury Treated with Manipulation of Mechanical Vibration and Compression of the Acupoints;机械振动、按压腧穴对大鼠颈神经根损伤修复的作用机理研究

11.The Curative Effect and the Influence on Electroencephalogram of Electroacupuncturing Acupoints by Neural Stem to Treat Cerebral Infarction;电针神经干腧穴治疗脑梗死的疗效及对脑电的影响

12.Electroacupuncture Acupoints Lumbosacral Perimenopausal Syndrome of Ovarian Function in Clinical Research电针腰骶部腧穴对围绝经期综合征卵巢功能影响的临床研究

13.Clinical Observation on Insomnia Due to Kidney/Heart Disharmony Treated by Needling Governor Vessel Points针刺督脉经腧穴为主治疗心肾不交型失眠症的临床疗效观察

14.Meridian Acupoints′ Selection in Acupuncture Treatment for Migraine:The Main Characters and Relevant Factors Analysis十四经腧穴在偏头痛治疗中的运用特点及相关因素分析

15.Research to the Mechanism of the Function of Nerve Rotection to the Secondary Injury in Intercerebral Hemorrage by Acupuncturing Scalp Cave on the Experiment Rat;针刺头部腧穴对实验性脑出血大鼠继发性损伤神经保护机制的研究

parative Study of Effects of Scalp Acupuncture and Body Acupuncture on Bell Palsy by Electric Acupoint Measurement基于腧穴电测量的头针体针对特发性面神经麻痹针刺效应的比较研究

17.A Thinking of How Raise Teaching Quality of the Points提高《腧穴学》教学质量的几点思考

18.Study of Acupuncture Action on Local and Central Modulating Mechanisms;针刺腧穴对局部及中枢作用机制的研究


Points of hand-shaoyin heart meridian心经腧穴

3)Meridians and acupuncture points经络腧穴

4)By Yang acupoints阳经腧穴

5)Meridian and Acupuncture经络腧穴学

1.Courses Design of the New SubjectMeridian and Acupuncture;针灸专业新课程《经络腧穴学》的课程建设

6)Acupoints of the spleen and stomach meridian脾胃经腧穴


《灸膏肓腧穴法》《灸膏肓腧穴法》 《灸膏肓腧穴法》 针灸著作。又名《膏肓腧穴灸法》。一卷。宋·庄绰撰。1128年刊行。作者以膏肓穴于人体病理关系至重,故此书专门介绍膏肓穴的主治、部位及不同流派的取穴法等,并附有插图。参见《针灸四书》条。
