1500字范文 > Unit3 Looking good feeling good-word power学案_高一英语教案

Unit3 Looking good feeling good-word power学案_高一英语教案

时间:2019-10-11 04:25:46


Unit3 Looking good feeling good-word power学案_高一英语教案

i. teaching aims.try to remember the main words, phrases and sentences.pay attention to the usages of some language points.ii. teaching yourselves. main words:i. write the following words without looking at your textbook. 1.skinny adj.极瘦的, 皮包骨的/ thin2.sportsman n.运动员/ athlete/ player3.achievement n.成就; 成绩; 功绩 4.post n.柱, 杆; (在网上发布的)帖子ii. use your head and fill in the forms as possible as you can.lift vt. & vi.举起, 抬起; 终止; 解除n.电梯, 升降机; 免费搭车; 搭便车elevatorlift up 举起, 提起give sb. a lift 让某人搭车; 帮某人一把lift a ban 解除禁令consider vt. & vi.考虑vt.把…看作, 认为关心, 体谅, 顾及considered adj.经过仔细考虑的, 经过深思熟虑的consideration n.考虑, 思考; 顾虑; (为别人)着想; 体谅considerate adj.体贴的, 体谅的considerable adj.相当大(或多)的considering prep.考虑到, 就…而论consider sb to do sth // consider doing sth. (advise/ allow/ permit/ forbid)consider sb/ sth as…// consider sb./ sth (to be)…take… into consideration/account 把...考虑进去consider...(as).../ regard...as.../ treat...as... 都含”认为...是...”意思。think of…as…look on…as…see…as…effect n.结果, 效果, 影响vt.实现, 使生效, 引起effective adj.有效的; 生效的affect vt.影响have an effect/impact/influence on/upon对...有影响; 对..起作用, 产生效果have/take effect生效; 实施, 实行 in effect 实际上be effective on 对...有效应, 对...起作用 side effectbe far from effective 很不得力affect effect influence 作为动词, 都含“影响”的意思。fall outfall out 争吵she has fallen out with all her neighbors.她和所有的邻居都吵翻了。everything fell out as we had hoped.结果正如我们所希望的那样。结果after a long drill, the commander told his men to fall out. 解散, 掉队在操练了很长时间以后, 指挥官命令士兵们解散。risk n.危险(性), 风险引起危险的事物vt.冒险; 冒…险riskful adj.危险的riskless adj.无危险的riskly adv.冒险地at risk 在危险中at the risk of (=at risk to) 冒...之险; 不顾...之风险run[take] the risk of doing sth. 冒险做某事take no risks 慎重行事risk doingrecognize vt.认识; 认出; 辨认承认, 认可认清, 认识到recognized adj.公认的; 经过证明的; 普遍接受的recognition n.认识; 认出; 承认in recognition of 承认...而; 为酬答...而; 按照(功劳等)...recognize an old acquaintance
