1500字范文 > 中考九年级Unit 5-6复习学案_九年级英语教案

中考九年级Unit 5-6复习学案_九年级英语教案

时间:2024-07-10 01:38:41


中考九年级Unit 5-6复习学案_九年级英语教案

XX中考九年级unit 5-6复习学案

unit 5----6



1 fetch v. 拿来,取来

比较:take , bring&carry

fetch 指到某处把某物拿来,把某人请来,强调动作的往返could you fetch me a cup of tea?

take 拿去,带去 指把某物或某人从说话处带到别处 please take away the bad food.

bring 拿来,带来 指把某物或某人带到说话处 you should remember to bring your homework to

school tomorrow.

carry 搬运,随身携带,手提 动作的方向不确定 could you help me carry the box?

2 introduce v. 介绍,引见 ——名词形式 introduction

introduce sb./sth. to sb i introduced my teacher to my parents yesterday.

introduce sth. in sp. tea was introduced in this country many years ago.

3 fantastic adj. 有趣的,极好的,吸引人的 the music is so fantastic that most people like it.

4 island n. 岛,岛屿 there are plenty of islands in the world.

5enemy n. 敌人,反对者-——反义词 friend

6 flat adj. 平的 n,.楼中的一套房间

7 below prep. 在....下面adv. 在(到)下面



below/above 表示两物体属于同一物体的上下关系

under/over 表示上下垂直关系

8 freeze v.结冰

9 thick adj. 厚的,浓的——反义词 thin

10 pride n. 自豪,骄傲

短语 take pride in =be proud of 以...为傲 be the pride of 是....的骄傲

all the chinese take pride in zhenghe.

zhenghe is the pride of chinese.

11 discovery n.发现 ——v.discover(发现)区别于invention(发明)

12 dismiss v.解雇,开除 he was dismissed.

13 memory n.回忆,记忆 v.memorize

词组:in memory of people invented it in memory of the famous man.

14 hungry 饿的 i am hungry.

15 thirsty 渴的,缺水的,干旱的are the trees thirsty?

16 chess n.棋,象棋

17 .promise n.&v. 答应,允诺

he promised to take the good advice.

could you remember your promise?

18 correct adj. 正确的,对的,恰当的 the answer is correct.

n . 纠正,改正 can you correct your mistakes?

19 tail n. 尾巴 dragons have long tails.

20 private adj.私人的,私有的 he has a lot of private wealth.
