1500字范文 > 中考英语复习学案(7B Unit 5 Abilities5)_九年级英语教案

中考英语复习学案(7B Unit 5 Abilities5)_九年级英语教案

时间:2023-03-23 09:53:29


中考英语复习学案(7B Unit 5 Abilities5)_九年级英语教案

中考英语复习学案(7b unit 5 abilities5)


1. 不同能力 different abilities

2. 当心be careful / look out / take care

3. 帮助别人help others 4. 给某人颁奖give sb. an award

5. 推荐某人获奖recommend sb for an award

6. 找出,查明find out

7. 给……让座give a seat to sb. 8. 希望工程project hope

9. 把公园打扫干净clean up a park

10. 敬老院a home for the elderly

11. 勇敢奖an award for bravery

12. 帮助某人逃出火海help sb out of a fire

13. 独自在家at home alone

14. 跑到外面run outside 15. 浓烟a lot of smoke

16. 隔壁next door

17. 79岁的邻居a 79-year-old neighbour 18. 出去get out

19. 伤了腿hurt legs

20. 把……..倒在pour ……over 21. 冲到……..里rush into

22. 救人save sb. 23. 扑灭火put out a fire

24. 用毯子with a blanket

25. 帮助某人出去help sb out

2 6. 烧伤某人的脖子burn one’s neck 27. 在左边/右边on the left / right

28. 使生命无虞keep life from danger

29. 独自做某事do sth by oneself/alone

30. 加入我们join us 31. 你自身的安全your own safety

32. 住院 (be) in hospital

33. 发生在某人身上happen to sb 34. 呼救call for help 35. 好转get better

36. 防火安全fire safety 37. 一条忠告a piece of advice

38. 使火炉烧着leave the stove on

39. 远离……keep away from 40. 垃圾箱rubbish bin

42. 先想着别人think of others first

43. 擅长跑步be good at running

44. 掉进水里fall into the water 45. 获奖have an award

46. 听见某人在做某事 hear sb. doing sth. 47. 划船 row a boat

48. 钢琴弹得好 play the piano well 49. 跳得高jump high

50. 迷路get l ost / lose one’s way
