1500字范文 > Unit 5 Abilities  教案_七年级英语教案

Unit 5 Abilities  教案_七年级英语教案

时间:2019-06-07 21:49:49


Unit 5 Abilities  教案_七年级英语教案

unit 5 abilities

一. 教学内容:

unit 5 abilities

二 、教学目标:

掌握unit 5的重点句型和知识点



1. fire can be very dangerous. it’s important to be careful with fire.


2. thank you for joining us.谢谢你加入我们。

3. did you do anything for yo ur own safety?你为自己的安全采取措施了吗?

4. how long did you stay in hospital after the fire? (for) two months.


5. don’t leave the stove on.不要让炉子一直开着。

6. don’t put anything hot into the rubbish bin.不要把任何热的东西放进垃圾箱里。

7. he always thinks of others first. 他总是先考虑别人。

8. she often tells younger students to be careful when they play water sports.


9. the s w imming pool doesn’t open today. we can’t go swimming.


10. we couldn’t play football because simon forgot to bring a football.


11. chen dan is thoughtful and thinks carefully when he works.


12. he plans everything well and works wel l in a team.


13. we look forward to hearing from you soon. 我们盼望着尽快收到你的来信。

14. he heard his neighbour, mr sun, calling for help . 他听见他的邻居孙先生在呼救。

15. i s he getting better now ? 他现在好多了吗?

16. he could not get out because he hurt his leg.他伤了腿所以无法出来。

17. she put out the fire with a blanket.=she used a blanket to put out the fire.她用毯子扑灭了火。

18. fire can be very dangerous if we are not careful.=it is possible for fire to cause danger if we are not careful. 如果我们不小心的话,火可能会导致危险的产生。

19. do you know what happened to wang fang?你知道王芳发生了什么吗?

20. it’s a good idea! 好主意!

21. is she getting better now?她现在好点了吗?

22. she fell into the water and amy saved her.她掉进水里,艾米救了她。

23. she was very grateful for her help.她对她的帮助心存感激。

24. last year i caught a fish after waiting for many hours.去年我等了好几个小时才抓到一条鱼。

25. maybe i’ll catch a fish with in five minutes this year. 也许今年我能在五分钟之内抓到一条鱼。

26. i’m sure that i’ll lose the game within ten minutes.我确定自己在十分钟之内就会输掉比赛。

27. it’s highly possible that i’ll go walking instead of swim ming. 很可能我将去散步而不是去游泳。

28. she must read more often and use english more often. 她必须多读多用英语。

29. she can get better results in geography if she does her best.如果她尽她的全力,她会在地理学科上获得更好的成绩。
