1500字范文 > 社会平均工资 average social wage英语短句 例句大全

社会平均工资 average social wage英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-01 05:07:03


社会平均工资 average social wage英语短句 例句大全

社会平均工资,average social wage

1)average social wage社会平均工资


1.2. Average wage level in the country;(二)社会平均工资水平;

2.you could learn what the average wages你就会知道你的职业平均工资是多少,

3.society-wide composite average全社会综合平均数字

4.unified average social rate of profit统一的社会平均盈利率

5.standard of average social labor consumption社会平均劳动耗费标准

6.average salary pension scheme平均工资养老金方案

7.average wage expended on a product产品平均工资支出量

8.average hourly earnings平均每小时收益;平均小时收益;小时平均收入;每小时平均工资

9.The negative influence of peasant-workers" low wages on constructing the harmonious society农民工低水平工资对和谐社会构建的负面影响

10.Note: The statistic scope from1998 in this table refers to average wages of staff and workers on the job.注:本表1998年起“职工平均工资”统计口径为“在岗职工平均工资”。

11.The average cost of individual in the unit quota should be lower than the average cost of society.企业定额各单项的平均造价要比社会平均价低。

12.Achieve Average Profit Rate and Promote Social Justice and Harmony;实现利润率平均化,促进社会公平和谐

13.Index of Nominal Average Daily Wages for Industrial Workers工业工人每日平均名义工资指数

14.that will equal or exceed the national average.达到甚至超过全国平均工资水平。

15.Average earnings for unskilled workers are decreasing now.非熟练工人的平均工资现今正在降低。

16.Tibet"s taxation and corvee labor will be born by the whole society on an equal footing.西藏差役由全社会平均负担。

17.The pie of society"s total income should be cut into more equal pieces.社会的总收入之饼应分得更平均一点。

18.The average annual salary in the Czech Republic is 5, 900.捷克共和国的平均年工资为5900美元。


Social Average社会平均

1.A Concept Misleading Generations:Understanding of"Social Average" in the Definition of Social Essential Laboring Time;一个误导了几代人的概念——对社会必要劳动时间定义里的“社会平均”的理解

3)Average wage平均工资

1.Population Density,Average Wage,Public Vehicles and the Development of Urban Trade Areas人口密度、平均工资、公共交通与城市商圈发展

4)average wage rate平均工资率

5)average weekly wage平均周工资

6)Social average profit社会平均利润


