1500字范文 > 实际平均工资 average real wage英语短句 例句大全

实际平均工资 average real wage英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-29 13:39:11


实际平均工资 average real wage英语短句 例句大全

实际平均工资,average real wage

1)average real wage实际平均工资

2)real wage实际工资

1.Technology Dependence Hypothesis & the Change of Real Wage: a TheoreticalDescription and Empirical Research技术依赖假说与实际工资的变化:理论描述与实证研究

2.the change ofreal wage depends on technology progress:real wage declines when technology leans to retrenching labor;real wage rises when technology deflects to retrench capital.试图通过技术进步的偏向进行分析,即实际工资的变化趋势依赖于技术进步的偏向:技术进步偏向利用资本、节约劳动时,实际工资呈下降趋势;技术进步偏向利用劳动、节约资本时,实际工资呈上升趋势。

anic composition of capital and surplus value rate are closely related toreal wage,technical changes,non-economic fa.资本有机构成和剩余价值率与实际工资、技术进步和非经济因素等高度相关。


1.There is a decline in real wages.实际工资有所减少。

2.Labor was in short supply, and real wages were much higher than in England.劳动力很缺,实际工资远远高于英国。

3.FDI and Real Wage: The Experimental Examination on Different Lines and Regions in China;FDI与实际工资:我国分地区分行业的实证分析

4.Real wages remain at the level of the mid 1970s.目前的实际工资,仍处于七十年代中期的水平。

5.Chapter 2 argued that rigid and high real wages contribute to increases in unemployment.第二章曾经论述刚性的高实际工资会增加失业。

6.Empirical Analysis of Technology Deflection Affecting the Real Wage;技术进步偏向对实际工资变化趋势影响的实证分析

7.Technology Dependence Hypothesis & the Change of Real Wage: a TheoreticalDescription and Empirical Research技术依赖假说与实际工资的变化:理论描述与实证研究

8.The lowest wages actually go to waitresses.实际上,工资最低的是女招待。

9.We support the local workers aspirations to further raise the minimum wage and their take home pay.我们支持本地劳工要求调涨基本工资与实际薪资所得的诉求。

10.Government wages have not changed, in real terms, since 1981, when they were capped at a paltry $230 a month.政府工资不变,实际上,从1981年开始,他们的最高工资仅有每月230美元。

11.After discounting for changes in consumer prices, the average wage rate increased by 4.4 per cent in real terms.扣除消费物价的变动后,平均工资实际增加了4.4%。

12.The payroll form can be designed in accordance with practical situations, but overtime compensation should be separated from regular working time pay.工资表按工厂实际情况设计表格,但一定要把正常上班工资与加班工资分列出来。

13.{Cannot delete resource(s) with protected actuals.}This resource has assignment(s) with protected actuals so it cannot be deleted.{无法删除带有受保护的实际值的资源。}此资源的工作分配有受保护的实际值,因此无法删除。

14.Increase the Minimum Wage and Take Home Pay of All Working Peoples in Taiwan!提高台湾所有劳动大众的基本工资及实际薪资所得!

15.More than 40 projects have been completed and handed over for use. Actual investment has risen to over 3 billion yuan.现已竣工交付使用的工程40余项,实际总投资已上升至30多亿元。

16.International Vertical Specialization and the Gap of Wages Income:Empirical Study Based on China"s Industrial Data国际垂直专业化与工资收入差距——基于工业行业数据的实证分析

17.The Real Exchange Rate,Wages and Employment--An Empirical Study on China s Tradable Sector and Nontradable Sector;实际汇率、工资和就业——对中国贸易部门和非贸易部门的实证研究

18.marginal productivity theory of wages工资边际生产率理论


real wage实际工资

1.Technology Dependence Hypothesis & the Change of Real Wage: a TheoreticalDescription and Empirical Research技术依赖假说与实际工资的变化:理论描述与实证研究

2.the change ofreal wage depends on technology progress:real wage declines when technology leans to retrenching labor;real wage rises when technology deflects to retrench capital.试图通过技术进步的偏向进行分析,即实际工资的变化趋势依赖于技术进步的偏向:技术进步偏向利用资本、节约劳动时,实际工资呈下降趋势;技术进步偏向利用劳动、节约资本时,实际工资呈上升趋势。

anic composition of capital and surplus value rate are closely related toreal wage,technical changes,non-economic fa.资本有机构成和剩余价值率与实际工资、技术进步和非经济因素等高度相关。

3)real wages实际工资

1.Considering both tradable sector and nontradable sector,we think that depreciation of the real exchange rate will increase the employment of tradable sector,yet decrease that of nontradable sector and its effect onreal wages is ambiguous.在同时考虑贸易部门和非贸易部门的情况下,实际汇率贬值会增加贸易部门就业,但会减少非贸易部门就业,对实际工资的影响则是不确定的。

4)true process average加工的实际平均误差

5)actual mean实际平均值

6)Average wage平均工资

1.Population Density,Average Wage,Public Vehicles and the Development of Urban Trade Areas人口密度、平均工资、公共交通与城市商圈发展


