1500字范文 > 年龄群体 age group英语短句 例句大全

年龄群体 age group英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-07 14:01:12


年龄群体 age group英语短句 例句大全

年龄群体,age group

1)age group年龄群体

1.Sports leisure activity feature of differentage group for urban residents;城市居民不同年龄群体体育休闲活动特征透析


1.Sports leisure activity feature of different age group for urban residents;城市居民不同年龄群体体育休闲活动特征透析

2.Research on Group Sports Exercises Conditions of People in Different Ages in Nanjing City;南京城区不同年龄群体体育锻炼状况研究

3.Research on the Characteristics of Sports Participation of Different Age Groups in Eastern Cities of;内蒙古东部城市不同年龄群体锻炼的特征研究

4.Investigation And Research Of Participation In Sports Tourism With Different Age Groups In Hefei Of Anhui Province;安徽省合肥市不同年龄群体参与体育旅游现状的调查与研究

5.Analysis on the Needs of Sports Tourism Requirement Situation for Different Age People in Heilongjiang Province;黑龙江省不同年龄群体体育旅游需求状况调查分析

6.And analysis of the current state of participation in sports tourism by different age groups in 6 cities and provinces in China;我国6省市不同年龄群体参与体育旅游现状分析

7.Analysis about the Different Ages" Demands and Resource Dispostion of Sports Tourism in Heilongjiang Province黑龙江省不同年龄群体体育旅游需求与资源开发匹配状况研究

8.Application of Wechsler Memory Scale in the Elderly;WMS在不同年龄老年群体中的应用分析

9.The average age of majority of hair color users is 30-60 years.染发主体人群的平均年龄为30-60岁。

10.Effect of Age Structure of Inbreeding and genetic Drift in animal Populations年龄结构对群体近交遗传漂变的作用

11.The MRI research for corpus callosum of normal Chinese human of differential-age group正常人不同年龄群胼胝体的MRI研究

parative Research on Constitution Condition in the Age Bracket of 20 to 222000年20-22岁年龄段人群体质状况的比较研究

13.Analysis of Peer Group Environment in Youngsters Ideological and Political Education;青少年思想政治教育中同龄群体环境浅析

14.A Contrast Analysis on the Result of Physique Monitoring in 2000 and among People Aged 20~39 in Hebei Province;2000年和河北省20~39岁年龄段人群体质监测结果的对比分析

15.The Menarche Age and Its Changing Tendency for 30 Years for the 4 Groups of Girls in Huhhot;呼和浩特地区四个群体女性月经初潮年龄及三十年来变化趋势

16.The Society of Aging Population and the Research on the Development of Fitness Service System of the Elderly;老龄社会与我国老年群体健身服务体系的发展对策研究

17.We have a variety of sports opportunities here for all ages.我们为不同年龄段的人群安排了不同的体育项目。

18.Priliminary Study of Otolith in Fish Age and Growth and Fish Stock Identifying;耳石在鱼类年龄生长和群体鉴别中应用的初步研究


social vulnerable groups on age年龄弱势群体

1.The article analyses and concludes the special residential needs ofsocial vulnerable groups on age,so as to improve and raise their residential level by the methods of architecture design.对城市弱势群体——年龄弱势群体的特殊居住需求进行了分析总结,试图运用建筑设计的手法,改善和提高年龄弱势群体的居住水平。

3)different age groups不同年龄群体

1.And analysis of the current state of participation in sports tourism bydifferent age groups in 6 cities and provinces in China;我国6省市不同年龄群体参与体育旅游现状分析

4)termites nest age巢群年龄

5)community age群落年龄

6)population age种群年龄

1.The carcass weight continuously increases with increase ofpopulation age.不同年龄组繁殖力差异显著,胴体重随种群年龄的增长而不断增加,各年龄组胴体重与体重、体长、尾长均呈正相关性,且与体重相关性达极显著。


