1500字范文 > 现实同辈群体 real group of the same age英语短句 例句大全

现实同辈群体 real group of the same age英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-30 01:25:37


现实同辈群体 real group of the same age英语短句 例句大全

现实同辈群体,real group of the same age

1)real group of the same age现实同辈群体

1.This article focuses on the negative influence on the teenagers\"socialization which caused by the virtual and thereal group of the same age.文章重点阐述了现实同辈群体和虚拟同辈群体对青少年社会化的消极影响。

2)peer group同辈群体

1.The influence ofpeer group is an important environmental factor that impacts on socialization for mi- grant workers children.同辈群体是影响流动儿童社会化极为重要的环境因素。

2.Thepeer group makes very important environment for teenagers,which affects their value and behavioral pattern.同辈群体是青少年成长的重要环境,影响着青少年的价值观和行为模式,由于当代青少年思想发展的多元性、务实性等新特点,同辈群体对当代青少年的影响呈现新的变化。

3.There are so many definitions coming from diffe rent research methods about the student culture,but the research un-der the so ciology of education is the most instructive one in the current practice,as the school culture,curriculum culture,family culture andpeer group culture are s o related with the student culture.学生文化研究的方法引申出的界定多如牛栋,但在现时的实践过程中具有指导意义的还应首推教育社会学对学生文化的研究,因为教育社会学视角下的学校文化、课程文化、家庭文化、同辈群体文化同学生文化互为关联,密不可分并相互影响,因此在研究过程中区分其积极因素和消极因素对学生文化的发展乃至对教育的发展具有比较现实的作用。


1.Group of the same age and the influence on the socialization of the teenagers;同辈群体及其对青少年社会化的影响

2.Delinquent Influence of Colony s Environment of the Same Generation on University Students;同辈群体环境对大学生违法犯罪的影响

3.The Peer Group:Modern Teenagers Ideological Education;同辈群体与当代青少年思想政治教育初探

4.Sociological Research on theAxiological Influence over UniversityStudents from the Same Generation;同辈群体对大学生价值观影响的社会学研究

peer and its Influence on Teenagers" Social Development同辈群体及其对青少年社会性发展的影响

6.To Train Mainstay of P. E. Is EffectiveMethod of Unfolding the Action on P. E. in University;体育骨干作用在高校体育活动中的同辈群体效应分析

7.A Case Study on the Influence of Peer Groups on Students Socialization in Secondary Vocational Schools;同辈群体对中等职业学校学生社会化影响的个案研究

8.Research on the Interactive Types of the Northwest Floation Children with Their Classmates;西北流动人口子女在校同辈群体互动模式的比较研究

9.Research on the Communication Process of the Minority Floating Children with Their Schoolmate in Northwest;西北少数民族流动儿童在校同辈群体交往过程的实地研究

10.Peer Association and Pupil s Life in Classroom--An Ethnographic View of the Junior middle school class;班级生活中的同辈群体交往研究——对一个初中班级的人种志考察

11.Research on Negative Influence and Countermeasures of Peer Groups in the Transformation of High School Students with Learning Disabilities高中学业不良学生转化过程中同辈群体的消极影响及对策研究

12.The Negative Impacts on Moral Socialization of Adolescence from Peer Group and Educational Measures同辈群体对青少年学生道德社会化的消极影响及教育干预研究

13.The Negative Influence of the Real and the Virtual Group of the Same Age on the Teenagers" Socialization现实与虚拟同辈群体对青少年社会化的消极影响

14.Case Analysis of Peer Behavior Influence among New Drug Abusers in Yunnan;云南新型毒品滥用群体朋辈行为因素实证分析

15.Peer group member collective accountability:a feasible way in administrative accountability;同辈团体成员集体问责:行政问责中的可行方式

16.The Origin of Poetry is an awarded collection of poems by Malaysia-Chinese poet, Lin Xingqian who was born in1960 s.原诗》是隶属六字辈马华诗人群体中的林幸谦先生的获奖诗集。

17.The Important Method of Psychological Health Education for College Students: Psychological Guidance by Peer Group;大学生心理健康教育的重要途径:朋辈群体心理辅导

18.My generation behaves differently from my father"s and grandfather"s.我这一代人和我父辈及祖辈表现不同.


peer group同辈群体

1.The influence ofpeer group is an important environmental factor that impacts on socialization for mi- grant workers children.同辈群体是影响流动儿童社会化极为重要的环境因素。

2.Thepeer group makes very important environment for teenagers,which affects their value and behavioral pattern.同辈群体是青少年成长的重要环境,影响着青少年的价值观和行为模式,由于当代青少年思想发展的多元性、务实性等新特点,同辈群体对当代青少年的影响呈现新的变化。

3.There are so many definitions coming from diffe rent research methods about the student culture,but the research un-der the so ciology of education is the most instructive one in the current practice,as the school culture,curriculum culture,family culture andpeer group culture are s o related with the student culture.学生文化研究的方法引申出的界定多如牛栋,但在现时的实践过程中具有指导意义的还应首推教育社会学对学生文化的研究,因为教育社会学视角下的学校文化、课程文化、家庭文化、同辈群体文化同学生文化互为关联,密不可分并相互影响,因此在研究过程中区分其积极因素和消极因素对学生文化的发展乃至对教育的发展具有比较现实的作用。

3)the same generation同辈群体

1.This paper starts with the basic features ofthe same generation.文章从同辈群体的基本特征出发 ,论述了同辈群体的亚文化功能对大学生价值认同、价值传播、价值整合、价值归属、价值识别的影响 ,揭示同辈群体影响大学生价值观的方式与途径 ,即模仿与时

4)Peer groups同辈群体

mon experiences, emotions, interests and ideas among the students provide the foundation of peer groups.中等职业学校的学生处于青少年阶段,在这个阶段,他们的身心发展逐步走向成熟,他们之间在共同经历、共同情感、共同爱好、共同观点或共同心理的基础上形成了同辈群体。

5)colony"s environment of the same generation同辈群体环境

6)peer group acceptance同辈群体接纳


