1500字范文 > 牛津7B Unit 4 Amazing things导学案2_七年级英语教案

牛津7B Unit 4 Amazing things导学案2_七年级英语教案

时间:2021-12-04 08:09:03


牛津7B Unit 4 Amazing things导学案2_七年级英语教案


1. 背诵所学新单词和短语。 2. 完成相关练习。


unit4 reading 2 1. as usual2. whisper v.&n. sound n.&v. noise n. voice n. 3.frightened & afraidbe frightened be afraid (that ) be afraid of sth be afraid to do sth4. on one’s way to a place5. say to oneself6. take care of =look after7. not ….any more =not ……any longer= no longer


【当堂巩固】(经过学习,你一定更好地掌握了本课内容吧?来试试你的身手吧!)一、翻译词组1乘火箭____________ 2转身______________ 3.不寻常的事___________________4.在我回家的路上____________________ 5.朝树后看____________________________6.发出象低语的声音____________________ 7. 自言自语___________________________8.照顾____________________________ 9下个星期天__________________________10.把你的眼睛睁着__________________ 11.在同时_____________________________12从地球旅行去月球___________________________二、改错题1. he was frightened when he listened the whisper. ________2. sudden, they found the way to the shop. ________3. they are cleaning the classroom as usually________4. do you want o buy something strange? ________5. on their way to home ,they met andy________6. they could not see nothing in the bushes. ________7. what happen with you ? ________8. i turned around and saw unusual something. ________三、翻译句子。1.他昨天在回家的路上发现路上有只小白狗,然后他把它带回了家。_______________________________________2.那只猫非常虚弱。_______________________________________3.当它喵喵叫时,发出像低语一样的_______________________________________4.他们转过身去,发现了一些重要东西_______________________________________ 四、单项选择1. fish sleep with their eyes _________.a. open b. opened c. closed d. close2. everybody is __________ in the _______ story.a. interesting interested b. interested interestingc. interested interested d. interesting interesting3. the trip is _______. we have great ________.a. fun, funny b. funny, funny c. fun, fun d. funny, fun
