1500字范文 > 八年级英语上册Units 7-12复习学案_八年级英语教案

八年级英语上册Units 7-12复习学案_八年级英语教案

时间:2020-01-23 17:50:18


八年级英语上册Units 7-12复习学案_八年级英语教案

units 7-12复习学案教师寄语: experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother.

经验是智慧之父,记忆是智慧之母。一、 学习目标知识目标: 掌握重点单词、短语如:turn on , too…to, invite, take care of, enough等。熟练运用句型how do you make…\when were you born\could you please…及be going to 结构 能力目标: 学会用英语描述制作某物,提问出生日期,谈论将来,作比较及礼貌的提出请求。情感目标:在复习中积累知识,沉淀快乐,体味温故而知新的乐趣。二、教学重、难点:be going to 结构 及单词短语的识记

三、学习步骤 step 1预习导学或自测 ◆翻译下列短语:打开 切碎 把…倒入 闲逛 将来 太…而不能… 出生 参加 长大 铺床 照顾 足够大 ◆将下列问题与答案匹配 how do you make a vegetable soup? a. i was born on december 20,1992. when were you born? b. clean and cut up the ingredients. could you please take out the trash? c. sure i can. how was your school trip? d. yes, i am .i believe i can . are you going to be a football player like messi(梅西)? e. terrible . what do you think is the best cinema? f .maybe the movie palace. ◆情景导入教师准备以下几张图片:奶昔,阿凡达,世博会中国馆或非洲馆,足球先生梅西,然后将几张图片用英文串起来。语言要与复习内容相关,(涉及理想,影院,制作过程,旅游等)。
