1500字范文 > 小学语文教学 chinese teaching in primary school英语短句 例句大全

小学语文教学 chinese teaching in primary school英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-21 07:31:34


小学语文教学 chinese teaching in primary school英语短句 例句大全

小学语文教学,chinese teaching in primary school

1)chinese teaching in primary school小学语文教学

1.To filter the moral education in Chinese teaching in primary school, the teachers should grasp the right opportunity of moral education in the teaching activities and make opportunities to filter the moral education, using the teaching resources of Chinese teaching.小学语文教学渗透德育,是指在小学语文教学活动中,教师以教书育人为宗旨,把握德育时机,利用语文课程中的德育资源,在教学过程中巧设德育点,有机地对学生进行德育教育。

2.The discussion on Classic Education in Chinese teaching in primary school is one of thetopics studied and approved and initiate a project on in our academy.小学语文教学中的经典教育探讨是我校研究立项课题之一。


1.Personalized Language Teaching in Primary Schools and Students Personality Development;小学语文教学个性化与学生个性发展

2.An Exploration of Cooperative Study in Primary School Chinese Language Teaching;小学语文教学中推进合作学习的探讨

3.On-limits Chinese teaching;开放的语文教学——小学语文教学与学生主体发展初探

4.Effective Chinese Teaching Must Be Realistic;小学语文教学必须“实”的原因探析

5.On “Independence, Cooperation and Research”of Chinese Teaching in Primary Schools;关于小学语文教学中的“自主、合作、探究”

6.On Inheritance and Reform of Primary Chinese Teaching;小学语文教学要稳中有改,固中求新

7.A Preliminary Study on the Training of Listening and Speaking Abilities in Teaching Chinese in Primary Schools;浅谈小学语文教学中听说能力的训练

8.Analysis on the Situation of the Children s Literature in the Teaching of the Primal Language and Literature and the Ways to Deal with It;儿童文学在小学语文教学中的现状及对策

9.Some Rational Thoughts and Practical Exploration on Curriculum Reform in Primary Chinese Teaching;小学语文教学法课程与教学改革的思考与实践

10.Primary Chinese Education and Primary Education Major; Chinese Curricular Design;小学语文教育与小学教育专业语文课程设计

11.A Study on Writing-driven Model for Chinese Teaching in Primary Schools小学语文“作文先导式”教学模式述评

12.Building Classroom Teaching Model of Learner Autonomy for Elementary School Language;构建小学语文自主学习课堂教学模式

13.Teaching Strategy of Ancient Novel about Middle School Chinese Teaching Materials;中学语文教材中古代小说的教学策略

14.The Convergence of Language Teaching between Primary and Secondary Stages--Interpreting Chinese New Curriculum;中小学阶段语文教学中的衔接——解读语文新课标

15.Search the Exact Stand of the Primary Chinese Teaching of Normal School Train the Regular Chinese Teachers in Primary Schools;找准小教专科师范语文教学的立足点培养合格的小学语文教师

16.The Study on the Strategies for Chinese Classroom Teaching Efficiency in Primary Schools;小学语文课堂教学策略的有效性研究

17.The Primary School Language "8 Help 1" Classroom Teaching Mode Preliminary Study;小学语文“8助1”课堂教学模式初探

18.Ideal and Surmount Chinese Cultural Teaching in Primary School;理想与突围:小学语文陶冶性教学探索


Chinese teaching in primary schools小学语文教学

1.s:Chinese teaching in primary schools should focus on the personalities of the pupils.小学语文教学要关注小学生的个性特点, 不要把建构主义学习理论当做一种学习模式;在设计教学目标时要考虑学生,教学目标要有层次性;在基于问题式学习中设计的问题要避免浅表化和片面化, 情境的设计要有利于学生的探究。

3)Chinese teaching in middle and primary schools中小学语文教学

1.Educational informationization and modernization of the educational means have put forward the demand of all-round integration ofChinese teaching in middle and primary schools, which has changed or is changing the traditional spelling and Chinese character teaching.教育信息化和教育手段的现代化对中小学语文教学提出了全方位的整合要求,改变了或正在改变着传统的拼音、汉字教学。

4)Chinese Teaching Theory in Primary Schools小学语文教学论

1.As the discussion in this area goes deeply, people pay more and more attenton to the curriculum status to cultivate the Chinese teachers in primary schools,and so people have to pay attention to the implementation of the status of theChinese Teaching Theory in Primary Schools which is one of the core curriculum as the pre-service Chinese teacher education major.随着这方面探讨的深入,人们越来越关注培养小学语文教师的课程现状,也就不能不关注作为小学语文职前教师教育专业核心课程之一的小学语文教学论课程的实施现状。

5)primary language teaching methodology小学语文教学法

6)Primary Chinese Teacher小学语文教师

1.Role Orientation ofPrimary Chinese Teacher under the Background of New Courses;浅谈新课程背景下小学语文教师的角色定位

2.With the deepening of the reform of the new curriculum, the primary Chinese teacher professional development is more and more urgent.随着新课程改革的深入,小学语文教师专业发展显得越来越迫在眉睫。

3.Finally, in the guiding of the "localization" concept of professional guiding, I take the professional guiding of primary Chinese teacher as case study, from anthropological field work methods, I want to find a effective way of professional guiding of primary school Chinese teachers and put Forward feasible proposal to primary school Chinese teachers.相对其他学科教师而言,语文教师又是一个特殊的群体,所以,语文教师更需要得到有效的专业引领,但在这方面恰恰缺乏系统的理论探索,于是笔者基于一所小学的实践,尝试着以这所小学为个案,探索出适合小学语文教师专业引领的有效途径。


