1500字范文 > 幼儿科学探究 childrens science researching英语短句 例句大全

幼儿科学探究 childrens science researching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-22 11:42:56


幼儿科学探究 childrens science researching英语短句 例句大全

幼儿科学探究,children"s science researching

1)children"s science researching幼儿科学探究


1.Applying "Super 3" to the Cultivation of Children s Scientific Exploration Ability;运用“超级三教学法”培养幼儿科学探究能力

2.The Research on Application Tactics for Teacher"s Directive Words about Inquisitional Activities of Science in Kindergarten幼儿园科学探究活动教师指导语运用策略研究

3.How Teacher Directs Children s Scientific Exploration;幼儿科学探索的特点及其指导策略研究

4.Primary Exploration about Scientific Activity in Kindergarten;论科学探索活动与幼儿园课程的整合

5.On Concept of Inquiry-Learning-Centered Science Educational Activity;以幼儿探究学习为核心的科学教育活动基本理念

6.Infant Literary Work and Infant Mental Development Relational Inquisition;幼儿文学作品和幼儿心智发展的关系探究

7.Study on Choice and Use of Material in Science Learning Center in Kindergarten;幼儿园科学区角材料投放及使用研究

8.The Exploration of Tao Xingzhi s Theory and Practice of Infant Scientific Education;陶行知的幼儿科学教育理论与实践探索

9.Problems on Current Science Education in Kindergartens;幼儿科学教育活动中值得探讨的几个基本问题

10.Benign Interaction, Harmonious Development--Discussion of the Teacher-child Interaction in Science Education at Kindergartens;良性互动 和谐发展——幼儿园科学教育中的师幼互动模式探讨

11.Research on the Kindergartens Using Family and Community Resources in Science Education;幼儿园利用家庭、社区资源进行科学教育的研究

12.The Integral Experimental Research of the Infant Science and Art Enlightenment;幼儿科学与艺术启蒙教育整合实验研究

13.On the Study of Problems and Countermeasures to Present Science Education in Kindergartens;当前幼儿园科学教育中的问题及对策研究

14.Experiment of Training Children s Scientific Creativity with the Microgenetic Method;用微观发生法培养幼儿科学创造力的实验研究

15.On Teacher s Questioning Method in Science Corner Activity in Kindergarten;对幼儿园科学区角活动中教师提问方式的研究

16.Investigation and Remedy of Young Children s Bullying Behavior;幼儿欺负行为的调查研究及其科学矫正

17.Study on Investigation Activities and Its Instruction Strategies of Kindergarden;幼儿园探究性学习活动及其指导策略研究

18.Report on Contrast Experiments on Inquiry Leaning in Kindergarten;探究学习在幼儿园适用性研究的对比实验报告


preschool science幼儿科学

3)On Infants Scientific Activities幼儿科学活动探讨

4)scientific inquiry科学探究

1.Content Analysis on Scientific Inquiry in New Curriculum Standard Textbooks of Chemistry in Senior High School;高中化学新课标实验教科书中科学探究内容的分析

2.Scientific Inquiry of Science Education from the Perspective of Popper s Scientific Knowledge Increase Theory;波普尔科学知识增长论视角下理科教育中科学探究的涵义解读

3.Scientific Inquiry Advocated by the National Science Education Standards of America美国《国家科学教育标准》倡导的科学探究

5)Science Inquiry科学探究

1.Design of Web-basedScience Inquiry Learning System for K12 Science Education;中小学科学探究学习平台的设计

2.The Development of Chemistry Textbook for Junior High School Based onScience Inquiry;基于科学探究的初中化学教材编制研究

3.The curriculum reform in junior high school makes science inquiry as the important curriculum content and advocates that students should learn chemistry through science inquiry.初中化学新课程改革将科学探究作为重要的课程内容,倡导通过科学探究的方式学习化学。

6)scientific exploration科学探究

1.The Use of the Scientific Exploration Mode in Biology Teaching in the Middle School;科学探究在初中生物教学中的应用研究

2.The Theoretical and Practical Researches on Scientific Exploration and Cooperative Study Method;科学探究与合作学习在高中物理教学中的应用研究

3.Integratingscientific exploration into experiment is the basal viewpoint of the new course standard in physics experiment teaching, therefore we should change traditional experiments to exploring-oriented experiments.在物理课程的实验教学中,"将实验与科学探究有效地结合起来"成为了新课标的主旋律,为此应尽可能将传统的菜单式实验改变为探究式实验。


幼儿幼儿preschool children体格生长渐变缓慢,中枢神经系统发育亦开始减慢,语言、行动与表达能力明显发展,能用人称代词,控制大小便,前囟闭合,乳牙出齐,第二信号系统迅速发育,开始养成习惯,对营养需求增加,若供给不及时,易致消瘦甚或营养不良,防病仍为重点;因识别危险能力差,应注意意外及中毒。
