1500字范文 > 光节律 light rhythm英语短句 例句大全

光节律 light rhythm英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-24 16:17:25


光节律 light rhythm英语短句 例句大全

光节律,light rhythm

1)light rhythm光节律

1.Objective:To study the important role of the seasonallight rhythm changing to the seasonal physiological changing of the organism by comparing the effect of inverse seasonal light modeling to the melatonin and sexual hormone in blood serum of rat.目的:通过比较反季节光照模拟与自然季节光照对大鼠血清褪黑素及性腺轴激素分泌的影响,探讨光节律的周年变化在生物体季节性生理变化中的重要地位。

2)courtship flashing rhythm闪光求偶节律


1.Adult behavior and circadianrhythm of sex pheromone production and release of the legume pod borer,Maruca vitrata (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera:Pyralidae);豆野螟成虫行为学特征及性信息素产生与释放节律

2.Study on therhythm of thermoregulation of growing pigs housed individually within humid and warm environment;湿热环境中育成猪的体温节律研究(英文)

3.Studies on Growth and Development Rhythm of Sweet Cherry in Solar Greenhouse;日光温室甜樱桃生长发育节律研究


1.human biological rhythm人类生物节律 人类生物节律

2.Having cadence or rhythm.有节律的有韵律或节奏的

3.Jazz music has a lot of swing.爵士音乐节律很强。

4.No diurnal rhythm was detected.没有发现昼夜节律。

5.Biological rhythms, eg of the human body生物节律(如人体的)

6.the rhythm of her heart/pulse beating她的心跳[脉搏]的节律.

7.rhythmic spasm of pharyngopalatine muscle节律性腭咽部肌阵孪

8.MicroRNAs of Bombyx Mori and Their Expression Rhythms;家蚕microRNAs及其节律性表达

9.Rhythm Structures of the Chinese Shi-Sentences;“是”字句的节律特征和语音停延规律

10.The Study on Banxiaxiexin Decoction Regulating Gastric Electric Rhythm by Divided Design;半夏泻心汤调节胃电节律的拆方研究

11.An abnormality in an otherwise normal rhythmic pattern, as of brain waves being recorded by an electroencephalograph.节律障碍,节律失调不正常的节律形式,如脑电波在脑电图仪器下显示出的不正常状况

12.This normal variation in rhythm is known as sinus arrhythmia.节律的这种正常变化称为窦性心律失常。

13.To Discuss on the Relationship between Hypertension and Zi Wu Liu Zhu Time Rule;高血压昼夜节律与子午流注时辰规律的探讨

14.Tonal Patterns in Classical Chinese Poetry、Stress and Confirmation of Enclitic Weakened Stress in a Rhythm Unit in the Construction of Metre in Chinese;平仄律、轻重音和汉语节律结构中“弱重位”的确认

15.Rhythmic Pattern and Rules of Dynamic Variations in Spontaneous Discharge of Injured Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons;损伤背根节神经元自发放电的节律形式及其动力学变化规律

16.The Rhythm in Deep Body Temperature and Dietary Cation-Anion Difference in Lactating Dairy Cows;体温日节律特性与奶牛日粮阴阳离子差调节


18.A note that embellishes a melody.装饰音修饰旋律的音节


courtship flashing rhythm闪光求偶节律


1.Adult behavior and circadianrhythm of sex pheromone production and release of the legume pod borer,Maruca vitrata (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera:Pyralidae);豆野螟成虫行为学特征及性信息素产生与释放节律

2.Study on therhythm of thermoregulation of growing pigs housed individually within humid and warm environment;湿热环境中育成猪的体温节律研究(英文)

3.Studies on Growth and Development Rhythm of Sweet Cherry in Solar Greenhouse;日光温室甜樱桃生长发育节律研究


1.Discussion on the Training of Foreign Students" Sense of Chinese Prosody浅谈留学生汉语节律感的培养

2.In recent years, the study ofprosody has been paid much attention to.节律是现代汉语值得重视的特点之一。

3.This article summarizes the studies on the relationship betweenprosody and syntax in modern Chinese.节律是汉语的重要特征之一。

5)monthly patterns季节节律

1.Growth at GBH of the trees showed similarmonthly patterns to that of rainfall and temperature.胸径生长呈现较明显的和降雨量及气温相同的季节节律,但降雨量和生长的相关性更大些。

6)seasonal rhythm季节性节律

1.The content of melatonin receptor hadseasonal rhythm changes in hypothalamus for Mongolia sheep, the content of melatonin receptor was the minimum at summer solstice and maximum at autumnal equinox and the latter was significantly more than former; there was no significant difference between the content of melatonin receptor at spring and winter but latter was more than former slightly.旨在探讨蒙古羊MTNR1a是否存在季节性节律、对蒙古羊的季节性繁殖有何影响。


苯甲酸求偶二醇药物名称:苯甲酸雌二醇英文名:Estradiol Benzoate别名: 保女荣;苯甲酸求偶二醇;女性素;爱期妥 ,苯甲酸雌二醇 外文名:Estradiol Benzoate 药理作用: 为酯化的活性较强的雌激素类,作用与雌二醇相同。 适应症: 用于卵巢功能不全、闭经、绝经期综合征、退奶及前列腺癌等。 用量用法: 1.用于绝经期综合征,每3日肌注1次,1~2mg,3天后减为每3日肌注0.33~1mg。 2.子宫发育不良,每2~3日肌注1次1~2mg。 3.子宫出血,每日肌注1次1mg,1周后继用黄体酮。 4.退乳,每日肌注2mg,直至生效为止(每日2mg,肌注,连用2~3天)。 注意事项: 1.胃肠道不良反应有恶心、呕吐等。 2.少数病人有头痛、乳房胀痛等。 3.长期大剂量服用,可致子宫异常出血,故需慎用。 4.可因水钠潴留而发生水肿。 5.肝肾疾病、乳腺癌病人忌用。 6.肝肾功能不良、雌激素依赖性肿瘤、血栓栓塞性疾病、妊娠者禁用。规格: 针剂:1mg、2mg(各1ml)。 类别:雌激素类
