1500字范文 > 羽化节律 emergence rhythm英语短句 例句大全

羽化节律 emergence rhythm英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-22 14:46:18


羽化节律 emergence rhythm英语短句 例句大全

羽化节律,emergence rhythm

1)emergence rhythm羽化节律

1.This paper dealt with the ovary development andemergence rhythm of Agasicles hygrophila.同时对条纹叶甲的羽化节律作一研究:(1)在室外自然暗条件下,成虫的羽化高峰为11—17时;(2)在室内自然温度下进行连续光照与连续黑暗处理,两种处理的羽化高峰均为11—17时;(3)在25℃恒温下进行连续光照与连续黑暗处理,黑暗条件下羽化高峰期为8—14小时;光照条件下羽化高峰期为14—20时,在2—5时羽化率最低。

2)emergence and mating rhythm羽化与交配节律

3)Metronomic chemotherapy节律化疗

1.Metronomic chemotherapy and its antiangiogenic effects;以抗血管生成为基础的节律化疗研究进展

2.Objective To observe the effect of metronomic chemotherapy with paclitaxel(PTX) on tumor growth and angiogenesis on C57BL/6 mouse Lewis lung carcinoma(LLC) model and its possible mechanisms.目的观察紫杉醇节律化疗对C57BL/6小鼠Lewis肺癌(LLC)肿瘤生长及血管生成的影响并探讨其可能的机制。


1.The Antiangiogenic Effect of Metronomic Chemotherapy with Paclitaxel(PTX) on Tumor-bearing Murine Model;紫杉醇节律化疗的抗Lewis肺癌血管生成作用

2.The Antiangiogenic Effect of Metronomic Chemotherapy on Tumor-bearing Murine Model;节律化疗抑制小鼠移植瘤血管生成的实验研究

3.Experimental Study on Anti-Angiogenic Effect of Low-Dose Metronomic Chemotherapy with Cisplatin低剂量顺铂节律化疗抗血管生成作用的实验研究

4.The Antiangiogenic Experiment of Docetaxel Metronomic Chemotherapy Combined with Dexamethasone on Lung Cancer-bearing Murine Model;多西他赛节律化疗联合地塞米松抑制小鼠肺癌血管生成的实验研究

5.The Influence of "LeShiHeJi" on Electrogastrogram Rhythm in Pediatric Functional Dyspepsia乐食合剂为主治疗对小儿功能性消化不良胃电图节律的影响

6.Efficacy and Mechanism Study of Combination of Irinotecan and Cyclophosphamide Metronomics Chemotherapy in Treatment of Neuroblastoma伊立替康联合环磷酰胺节律性化疗治疗神经母细胞瘤疗效及机制研究

7.CPT-11 in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma in Nude Mice Organize Delivery Time Observation and Changes in Cell Cycle Distribution of the Initial StudyCPT-11在鼻咽癌裸鼠组织中时辰给药疗效观察及细胞周期节律变化的初步研究

8.Analysis the Effect of Multidrug Therapy of 91 Leprosy in Fengjie County奉节县91例麻风病联合化疗疗效分析

9.Metronomic Chemotherapy-a Novel Treatment Choice for Metastatic Breast Cancer节拍化疗——转移性乳腺癌治疗的新选择

10.Study on the Compatibility Law of Materia Medica in the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis with TCM;中医治疗类风湿性关节炎组方配伍规律探析

11.Research of Biological Rhythm and Predictors of Treatment Effect in Depression Taking Venlafaxine;抑郁症的生物节律研究和文拉法辛疗效预测

12.The Circadian Rhythm of Blood Pressure and Chronotherapeutic of Hypertension;血压的生物节律与高血压的时间治疗学

13.This normal variation in rhythm is known as sinus arrhythmia.节律的这种正常变化称为窦性心律失常。

14.Rhythmic Pattern and Rules of Dynamic Variations in Spontaneous Discharge of Injured Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons;损伤背根节神经元自发放电的节律形式及其动力学变化规律

15.Goldbeter, A. Biochemical oscillations and cellular rhythms. Cambridge Univ., 1996.「生化摆动与细胞节律」。剑桥大学。1996年。

16.The Movement Patterns of Elliot s Pheasant and Its Seasonal Variation;白颈长尾雉的活动规律及其季节变化

17.Analysis on Seasonal Features and Change Rules of NDVI on Ruoergai Grassland若尔盖草原NDVI的季节特点和变化规律

18.Seasonal change of hydraulic architecture characteristics of some trees species in north China树木水力结构特征季节变化规律研究


emergence and mating rhythm羽化与交配节律

3)Metronomic chemotherapy节律化疗

1.Metronomic chemotherapy and its antiangiogenic effects;以抗血管生成为基础的节律化疗研究进展

2.Objective To observe the effect of metronomic chemotherapy with paclitaxel(PTX) on tumor growth and angiogenesis on C57BL/6 mouse Lewis lung carcinoma(LLC) model and its possible mechanisms.目的观察紫杉醇节律化疗对C57BL/6小鼠Lewis肺癌(LLC)肿瘤生长及血管生成的影响并探讨其可能的机制。

4)rhythmic variation节律变化

5)circadian changes节律性变化

1.Mechanisms involvecircadian changes in cellular metabolism and proliferation processes,as well as drug pharmacokinetics.其发生机制与细胞代谢过程及药物的药代动力学的昼夜节律性变化有关 ,在此基础上产生了肿瘤时间化疗这一前沿性学科。

2.Mechanisms involvecircadian changes in cellular metabolism and proliferation processes, as well as drug pharmacokinetics.其发生机制与细胞代谢过程及药物的药代动力学的昼夜节律性变化有关。

6)metronomic chemotherapy节律性化疗


