1500字范文 > 工作细节 work detail英语短句 例句大全

工作细节 work detail英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-28 06:56:39


工作细节 work detail英语短句 例句大全

工作细节,work detail

1)work detail工作细节

2)detail work细节工作

1.This paper discussed the comperhersive design and thedetail work of the internet website.本文试图对网站的整体设计与制作细节工作进行探讨。

3)detail effect细节作用

4)specific creation细节创作

5)Handling detail操作细节

6)work rythm工作节奏


1.varying the pace/speed at which you work改变你的工作节奏[速度]

2.Our working days slowed a little, but we were still busy.我们的工作节奏稍微慢了一点,但我们还是很忙。

3.Because of the quickening rhythm of life and work, people"s demand for convenience foods has Become more and more pressing.随着生活及工作节奏的加快,人们对方便食品的需求越来越迫切。

4.The work pace should be accelerated by seizing every minute and second. (%s)If there is the possibility to accomplish a task one day ahead of time, then do it.要加快工作节奏,争分夺秒,能提前一天就提前一天。

5.How is your working cadence? Can you quickly suit the new environment?你觉得你的工作节奏怎么样?是否很快可以适应新的环境?

6.Still, if the pace of your job consistently makes you miserable, you might look into a line of work better sutied to your own style.还有,如果你的工作节奏一直让你觉得很难受,你可以探求一种更适合你自身方式的工作。

7.a usually rhythmical song song to accompany repetitious work.为重复的工作伴奏的通常是有节奏的歌曲。

8.Where fast and slow people alike run into trouble is when they live or work with people who operate at a speed different from theirs.无论是快节奏还是慢节奏者,在和与其生活节奏不同的人们一起生活或工作时,都会遇到麻烦。

9.Our ability to work and play fast gives us power.我们快节奏工作、乐的本领赋予我们力量。

10.The chant of the crowd was "Work for all".群众反复有节奏地呼喊的是"给大家工作"。

11.The internal effects of motion and music rhythms of calisthenics;健美操的动作节奏与音乐节奏的内在效应

12.It could prevent from dust, dirty as well as topple down.以快节奏,高效率的工作特性赢得客户们的高度赞赏。

13.In tomorrow"s fast paced business environment there will be precious little time to correct any misunderstandings.在未来快节奏的工作环境中,人们惜时如金,容不得半点误解。

14.At least five years or more management experience in a fast paced, rapidly changing customer service environment.至少5年以上的在快节奏的客服中心管理工作经验。

15.A musical or rhythmical accompaniment composed or played for dancing.舞曲为舞蹈所作的曲或为跳舞而演奏有音乐或节奏的伴奏

16.Analyzing the Relation of the Action Rhythm and Music Rhythm in the Optional Set of Women s TaiJi;对女子太极拳自选套路中动作节奏与音乐节奏关系的分析

17.Analysis on Relationship between Action Rhythm and Music Rhythm in Women s Free Set of Taiji;女子太极拳自选套路中动作节奏与音乐节奏关系的分析

18.The art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a continuous, unified, and evocative composition, as through melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre.作曲法把声音通过节奏、旋律、和声和音色加工合拍以作出连续的、统一的、有感召力的乐曲的艺术


detail work细节工作

1.This paper discussed the comperhersive design and thedetail work of the internet website.本文试图对网站的整体设计与制作细节工作进行探讨。

3)detail effect细节作用

4)specific creation细节创作

5)Handling detail操作细节

6)work rythm工作节奏


