1500字范文 > 教学细节 teaching details英语短句 例句大全

教学细节 teaching details英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-16 00:01:07


教学细节 teaching details英语短句 例句大全

教学细节,teaching details

1)teaching details教学细节

1.Teaching scenes andteaching details , the two basic categories of teaching theory research, provide a unique angle for the teaching research.教学现场与教学细节构成教学论研究的一对基本范畴,这一基本范畴提供了教学实践研究的独特视角,具有丰富的研究空间。

2.With the development of New Curriculum Reform,the reseach ofteaching details are much deeper.随着新课程改革的继续推进,人们对教学细节的研究也更加深入。


1.Teaching Scenes and Teaching Details--New Category of Teaching Research in the Context of New Curriculum;教学现场与教学细节——新课程背景下教学实践研究的新范畴

2.The Description of the Details and Less Detailed Analysis;细节不“细”——浅谈小说教学中的细节描写分析

3.Discussion on the teaching methods of detail description in composition teaching浅谈作文教学中细节描写教学的方法

4.Teaching Study on Junior High School Detail-describing Transference of Reading and Writing;初中语文细节描写读写迁移教学研究

prehension,Context and Thinking: Detail Analysis in Middle Schools English Teaching;活读·语境·思维——中学英语教学中的细节探讨

6.Study on Methods of"Energy Saving and Emission Reduction"in Cell Biology Experiment Education细胞生物学实验教学中“节能减排”方法的探讨

7.The Research of Details to The Students Major in Clinical Laboratory Pathogenic Biology微生物学检验教学中注重细节的培养探索

8.On Several Details about How to Improve the Effect of Computer Experimental Class Teaching;试论提高计算机实验课程教学效果的若干细节

9.To improve the teaching in classes by grasping the details and breaking through the difficulties--the experence of teaching《Blessing》;抓住细节,突破难点,提高课堂教学效率——《祝福》教学体会谈

10.a pedantic attention to details.学究式地注意细枝末节

11.All the unimportant details had been deleted by the professor from Mary’s term paper.教授把玛丽的学期论文中无关紧要的细节统统删除掉。

12.The Influence of Mastering the Technical Details to the Completion of Skill in the Teaching of Gymnastics on Apparatus;器械体操教学中技术细节对完整技术掌握的影响

13.Teaching Resources Conservation by Work-Study Combination and Student Assistants以工学交替和学生助教节约教学资源

14.I only listen to language programs.我只听语文教学节目。

15.The instructor explained a few more details, and then said:教练员又讲解了几个细节,然后说:

16.Teaching Reflection:The Necessary Teaching Link after Classes;教学反思:不该忽略的课后教学环节

17.Teaching Practice:an Important Link in College General Education;教学实务:大学通识教育的重要环节

18.Schools or Subject for Preschool Teacher Education Need Adjustment;学前教师教育的学校或专业亟需调节


On teaching details论教学细节

3)The Preliminary Exploration of Details on Classroom Teaching课堂教学细节初探

4)educational details教育细节

5)details for education细节教育

6)Teaching process教学环节

paring the computer science s education of sino-Australian University ,the author finds many differences in courses architecture, teaching process, management of learning.本文通过比较澳大利亚与国内目前大学的计算机专业的教学,发现两者在课程体系、教学环节、教学管理等方面的差异,进而提出改进国内计算机教学的课程体系,灵活增设相应的教学环节等建议。

2.The method focus on setting practice teaching process cooperating with theoretic teaching process which can promote the applying ability of students.本文讨论了在制定信息与计算科学专业的培养计划过程中 ,从注重实践性教学环节与相应的理论教学相配套入手 ,以提高学生的应用能力为目标 ,有的放矢地设置实践性教学环节 ,使学生的应用能力得到有计划培养的方法以及取得的初步成果。

3.The bidirectional operation of the tutor s guidance and the student s self-learning will optimize the whole teaching process and form the personalized studying mode.放教育“以学生自主化学习为中心”的教学模式,在教学操作程序上应包括制定个性化学习计划、自学、协作学习、网络学习、课堂教学、综合练习、实验等教学环节,这些教学环节应在教师“导学”和学生“自主学习”的双向互动中优化组合,形成个性化的学习模式。


