1500字范文 > 多元文化教师教育 multicultural teacher education英语短句 例句大全

多元文化教师教育 multicultural teacher education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-29 08:34:36


多元文化教师教育 multicultural teacher education英语短句 例句大全

多元文化教师教育,multicultural teacher education

1)multicultural teacher education多元文化教师教育

1.Therefore, it is necessary to carry outmulticultural teacher education program which prepares teachers who are culturally responsive, and who can help close the achievement gap between mainstream students and students who are marginalized within U.因此,为了提高教师的文化敏感性,填补少数族群学生和主流群体学生之间学业上的差距,客观上要求多元文化教育和教师教育相结合,多元文化教师教育(multicultural teacher education)应运而生。

2)multicultural teacher多元文化教师

1.Therefore, it is necessary to carry outmulticultural teacher education program which prepares teachers who are culturally responsive, and who can help close the achievement gap between mainstream students and students who are marginalized within U.因此,为了提高教师的文化敏感性,填补少数族群学生和主流群体学生之间学业上的差距,客观上要求多元文化教育和教师教育相结合,多元文化教师教育(multicultural teacher education)应运而生。

3)multi-culture education多元文化教育

1.Multi-culture education in China has been a special model in worldwidemulti-culture education.中国的多元文化教育已成为世界多元文化教育的一种特殊模式。


1.Multiculturalism,Multicultural Education and AmericanLiterature Teaching in the United States多元文化主义、多元文化教育和美国的文学教学

2.A Brief Discussion on Localization of Ethnic Education and Multicultural Education;略论民族教育本土化与多元文化教育

3.Music esthetic education under the multicultural educational background;多元文化教育背景下的音乐审美教育

4.Multi-cultural Education Conception in America and Education for Nationalities in China美国多元文化教育观与我国民族教育

5.On the teaching of "literature course" in the concept of mutil-factoral culture education;论多元文化教育理念下的“文学课”教学

6.Multi Cultural Education:A Kind of Idea of Inheriting Multi-ethnic Culture;多元文化教育:传承多元民族文化的一种理念

7.Multi-cultural Education and the Inheritance of Minority Cultures;多元文化教育与少数民族文化的传承

8.To Build a Bridge between Dance and Multicultural Education;架构舞蹈与多元文化教育的桥梁——多元文化舞蹈教育观探析

9.Curriculum Reform of Elementary Education in Multicultural Perspective--On the Essence of Multicultural Education;多元文化视野下的基础教育课程改革——兼谈多元文化教育的实质

10.Diversity of Culture and Multicultural Education in the Global Context of Words;全球化语境下的文化多样性与多元文化教育

11.The Study of Multi-culture Education in Geography Teaching;地理教学中融入多元文化教育的研究

12.Multi-culture and teaching material construction under its influence;多元文化教育及其影响下的教材建设

13.Failure of Cultural Assimiliation and Rise of Multiculture -An Analysis of the American Multicultural Education Movement;文化同化的失败与多元文化的兴起──美国多元文化教育运动分析

14.On the Challenges of Global Education towards Multicultural Education in America;全球化教育对美国多元文化教育的冲击

15.Teachers in Multicultural Education:The Leader in the Heritage of National Cultures多元文化教育中的教师:民族文化传承的主导

16.Research on Psychological Self-identity in Multi-cultural Education of Olympics奥林匹克多元文化教育中的心理认同

17.The Historical Development and Value Tropism of the Multicultural Education;多元文化教育的历史发展与价值取向

18.Research on the School-based Curriculum in the Multicultural Education Perspective;多元文化教育视野下的校本课程研究


multicultural teacher多元文化教师

1.Therefore, it is necessary to carry outmulticultural teacher education program which prepares teachers who are culturally responsive, and who can help close the achievement gap between mainstream students and students who are marginalized within U.因此,为了提高教师的文化敏感性,填补少数族群学生和主流群体学生之间学业上的差距,客观上要求多元文化教育和教师教育相结合,多元文化教师教育(multicultural teacher education)应运而生。

3)multi-culture education多元文化教育

1.Multi-culture education in China has been a special model in worldwidemulti-culture education.中国的多元文化教育已成为世界多元文化教育的一种特殊模式。

4)multicultural education多元文化教育

1.Multiculturalism,Multicultural Education and AmericanLiterature Teaching in the United States;多元文化主义、多元文化教育和美国的文学教学

2.Inspiration of Americanmulticultural education to basic education in Xinjiang美国多元文化教育对新疆基础教育的启示

3.Necessity of the Multicultural Education Implement——Based on the National Cultural Heritage Thinking多元文化教育本土实施的必要性——基于民族文化传承的思考

5)multi-cultural education多元文化教育

1.Themulti-cultural education of us and inspiration;美国多元文化教育的启示

2.By the influence of themulti-cultural education thought andmulti-cultural education curriculum,the multi-cultural music education has already become the global trends of contemporary music education reform,and the United States Standards for Music Education is leading to the world current of multi-cultural music education.受多元文化教育思想和多元文化教育课程的影响,多元文化音乐教育已经成为当代音乐教育改革的世界性思潮,而美国《音乐教育标准》的出台则领导了世界多元文化音乐教育的潮流。

3.The effect of,as well as the problems existing in the experimental course of Western Cultural History of the Religious Art,a newly established optional course,in carrying out themulti-cultural education in higher vocational nursing has been discussed in this paper.探讨新开设选修课《西方宗教艺术文化史》课程在开展护理高职多元文化教育中的效果及存在的问题,在总结课程实施过程中进一步研究课程建设和改革,力图在今后护理高职多元文化教育中发挥积极的作用。

6)teacher educational culture教师教育文化


