1500字范文 > 初等行变换 elementary row transformation英语短句 例句大全

初等行变换 elementary row transformation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-24 05:22:54


初等行变换 elementary row transformation英语短句 例句大全

初等行变换,elementary row transformation

1)elementary row transformation初等行变换

1.Knowledge reduction algorithm based onelementary row transformation of Boolean matrix;基于布尔矩阵的初等行变换的知识约简算法

2.Two definitions called discernible Boolean matrix of consistent decision table andelementary row transformation of Boolean matrix are given.提出协调决策表的可辨识布尔矩阵和布尔矩阵的初等行变换的概念,建立属性约简的数学模型。

3.The paper makes an introduction to the applications ofelementary row transformation in the solution to the ranks of matrix, finding inverse matrix,resolving matrix equation and linear equations and linear relations among vector.本文介绍了矩阵的初等行变换在求矩阵的秩、求可逆矩阵的逆矩阵、解矩阵方程、解线性方程组以及研究向量间的 线性关系等方面的应用。


1.Analysis on the Importance of matrix of a linear transformation in linear algebra;浅议线性代数学习中矩阵初等行变换的重要性——初等变换开启线性代数的钥匙

2.Notes on Solving a Class of Linear Programming Problems by the Elementary Row Transformation;关于《用初等行变换解一类线性规划问题》一文的注记

3.This paper gives a method that through elementary transformming the row of the matrix, the greatest common factor of the Euclidean Ring' s factors can be found.给出了利用矩阵的初等行变换求欧氏环中多个元素的最大公因子的方法。

4.To Classify the Conic Section with Primary Alternation;浅谈用初等变换对二次曲线进行分类

5.Calculated conciliate of vector and transition matrix in matrix space by elementary transformation of rows;用行初等变换求矩阵空间中向量的坐标及过渡矩阵

6.Method of Elememtary Transformation Which Changes the Correlated Basic Variables into Uncorrelated Ones;一种化不相关基本变量的初等变换法

7.An Elementary Transformation Method for Computing the Generalized Inverse of Matrix;求λ-矩阵广义逆矩阵的初等变换法

8.Calculating Inverse Matrix of Partitioned Matrix with Generized Elementary Transformation;用“广义初等变换”求分块矩阵的逆矩阵

9.Mathematics Experiment on Matrix s Primary Transformation Based on MATLAB;MATLAB平台上矩阵初等变换的数学实验

10.A method of seeking Moore-Penrose s generalized inverse metrix through elementary operation;求Moore-Penrose广义逆的初等变换法

11.The Modern Mathematics Thoughts in Elementary Geometry--Geometry Transformation;初等几何中的现代数学思想——几何变换

12.Decomposing a Matrix into a Product of Two Full Rank Matrices:an Application of Elementary Matrix Operations初等变换的一个应用:矩阵的满秩分解

13.Applying Matrix Elementary Transformation for Inverse of Matrix Polynomial初等变换在矩阵多项式求逆中的应用

14.A Solution on General Inverse Matrix求矩阵广义逆的另一种初等变换方法

15.Re-discussing Applications of Elementary Transformation in Matrix computation;再谈初等变换法在矩阵计算中的应用(英文)

16.Applications of Elementary Transformation of Matrix in Linear Algebra;矩阵的初等变换在线性代数中的一些应用

17.A Note on the Paper On the Relationship of Elementary Transformations and the Decompositions of Invertible Matrix;关于《初等变换的关系及可逆矩阵的分解》的注记

18.Elementary Transformation of Block Multiplication and Its Application Examples;关于分块乘法的初等变换及其应用举例


elementary row operation初等行变换

1.The method is that make use of row vector as matrix and then change matrix by performingelementary row operation.本文通过几个反例说明了在求向量组的极大无关组时,以往普遍使用的以向量为行向量作矩阵,再对矩阵作初等行变换的方法是不完善的,甚至会导致错误的结果。

2.Based on matrix selementary row operation remaining its column vector s linear relationship and Hermite standard form of matrix,the paper gives a simple method for solving full rank decomposition of matrix only throughelementary row operation.利用矩阵初等行变换不改变矩阵列向量组线性关系的性质,以及矩阵的Hermite标准形,给出了一种只通过初等行变换可求得矩阵满秩分解的简单方法。

3.This paper discussed orthonormalization of linearly independent vectors and found two methods of orthonormaliztion usingelementary row operation of vector matrix.通过讨论得到利用向量矩阵的初等行变换和将线性无关向量组进行规范正交化的两种方法。

3)elementary transformation初等行变换

1.The method makes use of anelementary transformation of mastrix to find the solution of an invertible matrix.给出了利用矩阵的初等行变换求可逆矩阵的伴随矩阵的一种简便方法。

4)elementary line transformation初等行变换

1.In the solving process of homogeneous equation set,the operational procedure forelementary line transformation is sometimes not simple and convenient as it seems to be.在齐次方程组求解的过程中,初等行变换的运算过程有时显得并不简便。

5)row elementary operation行初等变换

1.The brief proof is given for "row elementary operations keep the linear relationship of column vectors of matrix",by using multiplication of partitioned matrix and the relation between elementary matrix and elementary operation.利用初等矩阵与初等变换的对应关系及分块矩阵的乘法,给出矩阵的行初等变换不改变其列向量组的线性关系"的一个简易证明。

2.A new method of calculating the greatest common divisor of several integers by using therow elementary operation is given.利用整数矩阵的行初等变换给出一种求几个整数的最大公因数的新方法,并给出这种方法的一个应用。

6)line elementary transformation行初等变换

1.At first,the writer introdues briefly the way of evaluating invertible matrix s inverse with column elementary transformation,then emphatically introduces the other way of evaluating invertible matrix s inverse mixed use ofline elementary transformation,column elementary transformation,and can solve the invertible matrix s linear equations of matrix of coefficients.先扼要介绍列初等变换求可逆矩阵的逆的方法 ,然后着重介绍行初等变换、列初等变换的混合使用同样可以求逆矩阵的逆 ,并且能解系数矩阵为可逆矩阵的线性方程


