1500字范文 > 中小学教室 middle and primary school classrooms英语短句 例句大全

中小学教室 middle and primary school classrooms英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-15 17:04:50


中小学教室 middle and primary school classrooms英语短句 例句大全

中小学教室,middle and primary school classrooms

1)middle and primary school classrooms中小学教室

1.In this paper,a comprehensive evaluation index system ofmiddle and primary school classrooms is established by fuzzy comprehensive evaluation(FCE)method.目前,我国中小学生视力不良发生率居高不下,中小学教室光环境亟待改善,而国内对于教室光环境的综合评价尚无统一的方法。


1.Study on the Bad Effect of the Crowdedness of Middle School Classrooms and Primary School Classroom on the Development of Students;试论中小学教室“拥挤”对学生发展的不利影响

2.The Ergonomics Study about the Desk-Chair and the Light Environment in the Classroom of the Middle and Primary Schools of Xiamen;厦门市中小学教室课桌椅及光环境的工效学研究

3.Discussion on Computer Classroom in Primary School and Middle School--Environment Condition;中小学计算机教室安全探讨——环境条件

4.Environment Problem on Construction of Computer Classroom at Middle and Grade Schools;关于中小学电脑教室建设的环境问题

5.The Teaching Research Problems and Its Solutions of Inner-Mongolia Basic Education Research Office;内蒙古中小学教研室的教研问题与对策

6.Investigation on Average Classroom Floor Space in Primary and Middle Schools in Laicheng District in ;莱芜市莱城区中小学校教室人均面积调查

7.On construction and maintenance of network classroom in Rural primary and middle school;浅谈农村中小学多媒体网络教室建设与维护

8.The hygiene situation of primary and junior high school classroom of Beijing city during;北京市1992~中小学校教室卫生状况分析

9.Discussion on the Establishment and Application ofMultimedia-network Classrooms inPrimary and Middle Schools;中小学多媒体网络教室建设及应用探讨

10.The Ergonomics Research of Classroom Desks and Chairs Design in Wuxi Primary and Middle Schools;无锡中小学普通教室课桌椅设计的人机工程学研究

11.Indoor Thermal Environment of Typical Middle School Classroom in Hot and Humid Climate District;湿热气候区典型中学教室室内热环境

12.General Picture of Circs on Anhui Province Attracting Money to Construct Multimedia Computer Classroom at Middle and Grade Schools Group by Group;安徽省引资分批建设中小学多媒体电脑教室情况概貌

13.Functions Characteristics and Outfit Scheme about Multimedia Network Classroom in Grade and Middle Schools;中小学多媒体网络教室的功能特点及配备方案探讨

14.The pupils charged into the classroom to greet their teacher小学生们跑进教室去问候他们的老师。

15.The pupils waited outside the classroom, shaking with cold.小学生们等在教室外面,冷得发抖。

16.The Study on the Design of the Interior Teaching Space in the Urban Elementary School for the Quality Education;适应素质教育的城市小学校室内教学空间研究

17.Our violin specially made various violins for profesional violinst and the students in concervitory, the professor attunement.工作室专业制作各种大、中、小提琴,为职业小提琴家和音乐学院学生专用,教授调音。

18.Multimedia network language laboratory used in english teaching;多媒体网络教室在英语教学中的应用


Basic Education Research Office中小学教研室

1.The Teaching Research Problems and Its Solutions of Inner-MongoliaBasic Education Research Office;内蒙古中小学教研室的教研问题与对策

3)elementary school classroom小学教室

1.The design of internal color inelementary school classroom should abide by the following principles such as the harmony and unity of color itself,the harmony of color and the physical and mental development of the pupils and the harmony of color and the internal environment of the classroom.小学教室内部色彩的设计应遵循色彩自身的和谐与统一、色彩与学生身心发展相和谐以及色彩与教室内部环境相和谐等原则,并将教室内部色彩分为背景色、主体色以及强调色3部分,然后具体从教室天花板、墙壁、门窗、课桌椅、地面及其他室内装饰物等方面提出一些建议,力求为小学生创设一个良好的色彩环境。

4)primary and middle school teaching中小学教学

1.This article studied the application of nonlinear editing technology inprimary and middle school teaching.计算机和多媒体技术迅速发展,给教学带来了深远的影响,本文就非线性编辑技术在中小学教学中的应用作了初次探索。

5)Primary and middle school teachers中小学教师

1.Research on Components and Training Models of Information Competence for Primary and Middle School Teachers;中小学教师的信息能力结构及其培养模式研究

2.423 primary and middle school teachers were measured by Teacher Efficacy Scale(TES) and SWB questionnaires.采用教学效能感量表和总体幸福感量表对423名中小学教师进行问卷调查,目的是探讨中小学教师的教学效能感与主观幸福感的关系。

3.The conditions of countryside primary and middle school teachers directly influence the level of the development of our country s elementary education.农村中小学教师队伍的状况直接关系到我国基础教育的发展水平,要发展农村教育,办好农村学校,必须为教师的发展提供良好的环境支持。

6)primary and secondary school teachers中小学教师

1.The present situation and countermeasures of educational technology training forprimary and secondary school teachers in the west mountainous regions;西部山区中小学教师教育技术培训的现状与对策

2.A Countermeasures Research on Job Burnout of Primary and Secondary School Teachers under the Background of New Curriculum Reform;新课程改革背景下的中小学教师职业倦怠对策研究

3.With the development of information technology in education,information technology training forprimary and secondary school teachers has become the major component of continuing education.随着教育信息化的推进,中小学教师信息技术培训已经成为教师继续教育的主要内容之一。


