1500字范文 > 技战术体系 system of skills and tactics英语短句 例句大全

技战术体系 system of skills and tactics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-19 20:04:59


技战术体系 system of skills and tactics英语短句 例句大全

技战术体系,system of skills and tactics

1)system of skills and tactics技战术体系

1.This resulted in the instability of thesystem of skills and tactics,which became an important reason for the soccer results decline.一支球队具有适合自身特点和相对稳定成熟的技战术体系是确保其取得优良成绩的重要前提,但由于种种原因,近年来中国国家男子足球队却频频更换战术,以至于影响了其技战术体系的稳定,这成为国足成绩下滑的一个重要原因。


1.China′s National Men′s Soccer Team Needs to Form a Relatively Stable Skills and Tactics System国足需要形成相对稳定的技战术体系

2.Research on the Tactic Technic Index System of Tactical Vehicles战术车辆战术技术指标体系构建方法研究

3.Technical Standard Strategic System and Its Main Functions;技术标准战略体系及其主体作用分析

4.Construction of Hi-Tech Companies Strategic Cost Management System;构建高新技术企业战略成本管理体系

5.Study and Development of Multimedia Database System of Basketball Techniques and Tactics;篮球技战术多媒体数据库系统的研发

6.The challenges of bioscience to traditional legal system.;试论生物技术对传统法律体系的挑战

7.The Establishment of Marketing Strategy System for Hi-tech Enterprises;高新技术企业市场营销战略体系构建

8.Research on Combat Vehicle Computing Platform Technology Architecture战斗车辆计算平台技术体系结构研究

9.Table Tennis Tactic System:Tactic Formation of Techniques and Its Application Model乒乓球战术体系:技术动作的战术形成及其运用模式

10.The Strategy and Systematicness of National Information System;国家信息技术创新体系中的系统性和战略性

11.An Inquiry into the Transplant of Skills and Tactics between Water Polo and Handball水球、手球运动技能和战术体系迁移研究

12.Research on the Technology of Stereo Vision Observation in the Chariot s Periscope Observation System;战车潜望观察系统体视观察技术的研究

13.The Research of Physical Ability Training and its Relations with the technique and tactics about the soccer athletes;足球运动员体能训练及其与技战术关系的研究

pensation Administration System:Goal,Strategy and Technology of Compensation;薪酬管理体系:薪酬目标、薪酬战略和薪酬技术

15.Research on Reforming Classified System of Tactics and Technique of Our Volleyball Teaching Materials;关于改革我国排球教材技、战术分类体系的研究

16.Consideration on Evolvement of Technical and Tactical Classified System of Basketball;对篮球技战术分类体系演进与重构的思考

17.Study on Transference of Skills and Tactics System between Basketball and Handball;手球、篮球之间运动技能和战术体系迁移的研究

18.Designing and Researches about How to Evaluate the Skills and Tactical of a Volleyball Match对排球技战术水平评价体系的设计与实证研究


technology and tactics system技术、战术体系

3)Tactics and technology index system战术技术指标体系

4)tactical system战术体系

1.It is a trend in the development of today s basketball tactics to create and apply a relatively complete offensivetactical system,which is also the only way to achieve the best scores.建立和运用较为完整的进攻战术体系是当前篮球运动战术发展的趋势 ,是争取最佳比赛效果的必由之路。

5)tactics system战术体系

1.By applying methods of literature consultation, comparison and theoretical analysis the rule of the transference of skills andtactics system between basketball and handball was studied.运用文献资料、对比、理论分析等方法 ,就篮球与手球之间运动技能、战术体系的迁移规律进行了研究 ,结果表明 :两个项目之间存在着许多相互迁移的共同因素 ,且篮球对手球的积极性迁移更为明显 ;同时也分析了两个项目之间在某些技术细节上存在差异而产生一定干扰 ;指出 ,运用迁移原理 ,对具有篮球基础的运动员进行手球专门训练可提高运动成

6)technological system技术体系

1.The concept,technological system and developing trends of Green Mining;绿色开采的概念、技术体系与发展趋势

2.Research ontechnological system for garment mass customization;服装大批量定制的技术体系研究

3.Discussion on the theoretic, methodological andtechnological system of digital-map;数字地图的理论、方法和技术体系探讨


兵种战术学(见战术学)兵种战术学(见战术学)science of arms tacticsbingzhong zhanshuxue兵种战术学(seiene。。faxTn。taeties)见战术学。
