1500字范文 > 技战术风格 style of skill and tactics英语短句 例句大全

技战术风格 style of skill and tactics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-28 22:14:45


技战术风格 style of skill and tactics英语短句 例句大全

技战术风格,style of skill and tactics

1)style of skill and tactics技战术风格

1.By the comparison and analysis of the football characteristics between China and countries in West Asia,this paper has indicated the play characteristics and thestyle of skill and tactics between China Football Team and other teams in West Asia.通过对中国和西亚足球特点的比较、分析 ,指出了中国与西亚足球队打法特点 ,技战术风格 ,中国队存在的优势与不足 ,以及中国队战胜西亚球队的对


1.The Influence of Temperament on Tactics and Techniques of Sanshou Athletes;初探血型气质对散打运动员技战术风格的影响

2.Research on the Skill Style Characteristics of Rhythmic Sportive Gymnastics竞技性艺术体操技术风格特征的研究

3.GS: What are the preferred tactics and style of play for each of the factions?每个派别首选的战术和风格是什么?

4.The Transformation Causes of LiKe-ran"s Art Style Before and After the War of Resist-Japanese抗战前后李可染艺术风格转变的原因

5.Research of Styles of Wushu Appliance Technical Practice;武术套路器械技术演练风格类型研究

6.Integration analysis between firm s technological innovation strategy and its risk;企业技术创新战略与技术创新风险的整合分析

7.Roxburgh, former England"s team manager and current UEFA technical director, said: "Many teams try to reduce risks through discipline and organization.前英格兰队经理,现任欧洲足球总会技术指导罗斯保说:「许多球队以纪律和组织战来降低风险。

8.Research on Strategic Risk of Small and Medium Sized High & New Technology Enterprises;中小型高新技术企业的战略风险研究

9.New Technology Revolutionand the End of the Two-pole Stru cturein the Cold War;论新技术革命与冷战两极格局的结束

10.Researching Killed Style and Social Value of China Dancing Dragon;中国舞龙的技术风格及社会价值研究

parison and Exploration of Aesthetic Characteristics and Vocal Technique between Chinese Vocal Music Art and Western Vocal Music Art;中西声乐技术风格与审美特征之比较

12.The Comparison And Analysis Of The Two Boating -Skills Styles;对赛艇两种划桨技术风格的比较分析

13.The Influence of New Game System on Badminton Doubles of Lady Competitors;新赛制对羽毛球女双技术风格的影响

14.The Determination of Risk Coefficient in the Technology-Transfer PriceModel;技术转让价格模型中的风险系数确定

mentary on the Character and Style of American Information Technology Industry Entrepreneurship;论美国信息技术企业家的品格与作风

16.Seepage prevention technology in man-made lake of Golden Green City,Shanghai上海金地格林风范城人工湖防渗技术

17.Rendering forest scenes in real-time based on pen-and-ink style森林场景的钢笔风格化实时绘制技术

18.The Artistic Style of the Songs of He Luding during the Sino-Japanese War;论贺绿汀抗战救亡歌曲的音乐艺术风格


tactics style战术风格

3)Technique style技术风格

1.In different period,table tennis has different technique styles.50多年来,中国乒乓球经历了由弱到强、长盛不衰的发展历程,不同历史阶段形成了不同的乒乓球制胜的技术风格。

4)Technical style技术风格

1.The role of promotion and restriction played by the technical style of "being fast, aggressive,accurate and flexible" in the development of badminton sport in China;“快、狠、准、活”技术风格对中国羽毛球运动的促进与制约

2.The relationship between technical style and winning pattern is not correctly recognized by traditional viewpoints spread over the badminton community,thus causing the drawing of the conclusion that modern women s doubles badminton is developing towards the orientation of "draw back,maneuver and then attack".在羽毛球界传统观念中,没有正确认识技术风格与制胜规律的关系,因而推导出现代女双正朝着"拉开、调动突击"方向发展的论断。

3.The paper reviews and summarizes the formation of Chinese basketball technical style and its development and analyzes the reasons for losses in a series of major competitions recently.回顾与总结我国篮球技术风格形成与发展的历史 ,分析我国男篮在最近一系列重大比赛中失利的原因 ,建议我国男篮坚持原有的“积极主动 ,勇猛顽强 ,快速、灵活、全面、准确”的指导思想和技、战术风格 ,并给予充实完善 ,赋予其新的内

5)skill style技术风格

1.Characteristics and factors of the forming of rhythmic gymnastics athletesskill styles;优秀艺术体操运动员技术风格特征及形成的主导因素

6)tactics and technology战术技术

1.Through analyzing action mission,structure and function of torpedo weapon system,a complete,advanced and credibletactics and technology index system is established for torpedo weapon system.通过对鱼雷武器系统的作战任务、结构、功能的分析 ,为鱼雷武器系统建立了一个全面、先进、可信的战术技术指标体系 ,并对主要的战术技术指标给出了定义 ,分析了影响和决定系统战术技术指标的主要因素 ,最后 ,给出了鱼雷武器系统战术技术指标体系的结构图 ,为全面描述鱼雷武器系统的战术技术性能和指标的进一步量化提供了依据 。


兵种战术学(见战术学)兵种战术学(见战术学)science of arms tacticsbingzhong zhanshuxue兵种战术学(seiene。。faxTn。taeties)见战术学。
