1500字范文 > 道德楷模 moral model英语短句 例句大全

道德楷模 moral model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-30 21:30:34


道德楷模 moral model英语短句 例句大全

道德楷模,moral model

1)moral model道德楷模

1.In the course of cultivating moral integrity,healthy experience of feelings is needed,moral models and examples are also needed.在培养德性的过程中 ,需要健全的情感体验 ,需要道德楷模的示范与个人的效仿 ,更需要日积月累、踏踏实实地躬身践

2.Baisha s spirit has become themoral model of the common people as well as a part of the excellent virtue of the culture in the south of the Five.白沙精神凝聚、升华为白沙先生“豁达大度、不见小利”的人格形象, 成为世人的道德楷模而内化为岭南文化、中国文化的优良美

2)modal of teacher"s morality师德楷模



1.He led an exemplary life.他的一生堪作楷模。

2.He was held up as a model.他被大家奉为楷模。

3.She"s a pattern of all the virtues.她是一切美德的楷模。

4.Trying Theory "Zhongxin" Pattern Supriority and Its Non-Model;试论“中信”模式的优势及其非楷模性

5.Their captain"s example incited the men to fight bravely.指挥官的楷模鼓舞士兵们勇敢作战。

6.One who serves as a model for others, as in a course of conduct.导师在行为等方面堪称他人楷模的人

7.Confident, selfness and honest, she is my good role model.她自信、无私、诚实,是我的楷模。

8.My dear Gerald, Edward is a model.亲爱的杰拉尔德,爱德华是个楷模。

9.Old Mr. Turveydrop ] was not like anything in the world but a model of Deportment (Charles Dickens).是世界上行为的楷模(查尔斯 狄更斯)

10.[ Old Mr. Turveydrop ] Iwas not like anything in the world but a model of Deportment (Charles Dickens).I是世界上行为的楷模(查尔斯 狄更斯)

11.He mou1ded his character on his father"s.他以父亲的楷模形成了自己的性格。

12.He considered the judge his ideal.他把那位法官视作自己的楷模。

13.He molded his style on [upon] the best writers.他以第一流作家为楷模塑造了自己的文体 [他以第一流作家作为自己写作风格的楷模] 。

14.This form of cooperation is a good example of the "People Sector" in operation.这类的合作很好地体现了“人民体系”的楷模;

15.Some Chinese cities have even looked to Singapore as a model and embarked on a process of "cloning".不少城市更以新加坡为发展楷模,进行"克隆"。

16.This attitude to hard work is one of the reasons Takeshi is such a good role model for young people.金城武的敬业精神使他成为青年人的楷模。

17.Politicians are supposed to be role models not potty mouths.政治人物应该要为人楷模而不是满口脏话。

18.We expect top athletes to be moral paragons.我们期望第一流的运动员都是道德高尚的楷模。


modal of teacher"s morality师德楷模


4)model journalist记者楷模

5)woman"s model妇女楷模



《道德和立法原则导论》19世纪英国哲学家、伦理学家J.边沁的伦理学代表作。该书于 1789年第一次发行。全书共分 17章。书中主要提出了两个"原理":①痛苦和快乐是人们的两个最高主宰,也是决定人们应该做和不应该做的道德标准。作者在书中提出凡能求得快乐的就是善,反之就是恶,求善避恶就是道德。这是所谓的"功利原理"。②评价人们行为的善恶,必须考察、计算苦乐的数量大小、时间长短、确切程度、远近后果和能否增长等因素。只有那些大量的、长时间的、确切的、较近的和能增长的快乐,才是最大的幸福。这就是所谓"最大幸福原理"。该书为资产阶级功利主义伦理思想奠定了理论基础,出版后影响很大,作者也因此而负盛名。
