1500字范文 > 五彩画 the Full Colored Drawing英语短句 例句大全

五彩画 the Full Colored Drawing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-12 23:34:54


五彩画 the Full Colored Drawing英语短句 例句大全

五彩画,the Full Colored Drawing

1)the Full Colored Drawing五彩画

1.Integrating theory with practice and through fieldwork as well as the study of available literature, this thesis, based on three typical kinds of Shanxi vernacular colored drawings, namely, the Green & Detailed Drawing,the Full Colored Drawing, and the Gold & Blue Dr.本文理论联系实际,以山西典型的一绿细画、五彩画和金青画为对象,通过田野调查结合文献资料的方法,从风土彩画本身、风土彩画与官式彩画的联系,以及风土彩画的技术特点三方面入手,对山西风土建筑彩画进行了系统的整理与分析。


1.Vernacular Decorative Paintings of Shanxi Genres:Full Colored Painting in Buddhism Temples on Wutai Mount晋系风土建筑彩画——五台山佛寺五彩画概述

2.Draw with markers, draw with markers.用彩笔画画,用彩笔画画。

3.He had been brought up only on chromos.他从小看惯的只有五彩石印画。

4.paint in watercolors用水彩颜料画,画水彩画

5.The Five Decades Evolution of the"Carton Famille Rose"Figure Ornamentation Painting Style近五十年以来广彩人物纹饰绘画风格的演变

6." Fresco paintings include fresco secco, buon" fresco, and sgraffito."壁画法包括水、蛋黄和胶料调色壁画,在湿灰泥土上作的壁画,以及五彩拉毛粉饰壁画。

7.Researchers have found over 2,400 colored sculptures and 45,000 square meters of frescoes.据统计,现存彩塑二千四百余身,壁画约四万五千平方米,

8.The artist chose the medium of oil for the portrait.那画家选用油彩画肖像.

9.He paints nicely in water-colours.他水彩画画得很好。

10.Several clay figures were created later to accompany the paintings.壁画画好后,再配以彩塑。

11.drawings in ink, pencil, pastel, and crayon;钢笔画、铅笔画、彩色粉笔画和蜡笔画;

12.A drawing done in transparent watercolors.透明水彩画用透明水彩颜料作的画

13.A work that is executed through the use of this paint.水彩画用水彩颜料作的画

14.Does the artist paint in water colors or in oils?那位艺术家是画水彩的,还是画油彩的?

15.A painting executed in this manner.树胶水彩画用该种方法画成的画

16.Tempera was used to paint frescos hundreds of years ago.数百年前蛋彩画颜料被用来画壁画。

17.These etchings, paintings, and silkscreens are really nice.这些蚀刻画、水彩画和绢画真的很不错。

18.A very simple sketch that I think uses the Watercolor tool quite effectively. My May B submission for the Manga Art Exchange.一个使用水彩特效的简单草稿。五月下旬同人画家交换作品展览图。


stained glass painting五彩玻璃画

3)Colored Drawing彩画

1.The Application ofColored Drawing to Garden Architecture;彩画在园林建筑中的应用

4)the Wucai porcelains五彩

1.On Kanghsi dynasty,the Wucai porcelains overglazed had invented blue and black materials overglazed, broke through the craft technology which in Ming Dynasty the Wucai must mixed with the blue-and-whi.其中康熙朝的釉上五彩,发明了釉上蓝彩和墨彩,突破了明代五彩必须与釉下青花相结合的工艺技术,使五彩瓷的发展趋向完美的阶段;同时,清代创新品种有珐琅彩和粉彩,瓷胎珐琅彩始于康熙朝,是在景泰蓝制作工艺的启发下,在烧制成的瓷胎上再用从海外引进的珐琅彩料绘纹饰,成为当时的主要装饰品种。

5)paint in watercolours画水彩画

6)color paintings ornamentation彩画纹饰


