1500字范文 > 经济周期 business cycle英语短句 例句大全

经济周期 business cycle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-09 14:08:04


经济周期 business cycle英语短句 例句大全

经济周期,business cycle

1)business cycle经济周期

1.Empirical Investigation on the Asymmetry and Persistence of Chinese Business Cycle;我国经济周期波动的非对称性和持续性研究

2.Study On Correlation between Business Cycle and Volatility of Security Markets in China Based on Bivariate SWARCH Model;经济周期与证券市场波动关联性——基于向量SWARCH模型的新证据

3.The Welfare Cost of China s Business Cycles:1978~;中国经济周期的福利成本:1978~


1.Business cycle; trade cycle商业周期,经济周期

2.The U.S.Economy in the Mid of Current Cycle--Analysis and Forecast;经济周期中段的美国经济——特征与预期

3.barometer of business cycle forecasting经济周期预测晴雨表

4.Business Cycles: The Problem and Its Setting经济周期:问题及其背景

5.A Study of China s Economic Cycles from 1954 to ;中国经济周期研究:1954 ̄

6.The Effect of Agricultural Cycles on Business Cycles in China;中国农业周期对经济周期的影响研究

7.New Characteristics of China s Economic Cycle and the Validity of Anti-cycle Economic Policy;中国经济周期新特征与“反周期”经济政策有效性


9.The Existence Test on Regional Business Cycle and Sub- area Business Cycle of East Asia;东亚经济周期与次区域经济周期存在性检验

10.The Research on the Effects of U.S. Business Cycles on Chinese Business Cycles美国经济周期对中国经济周期的影响研究

11.The Responsibility of American Macroeconomic Policy in the Business Cycle;美国经济周期中宏观经济政策的责任

12.Analysing Chinese Macroeconomic Policy from Economic Cycle Theory;从经济周期理论看中国宏观经济政策

13.The New Characteristics of Business Cycle in Economic Globalization;经济全球化下经济周期波动的新特征

14.The Relationship between Modern Western Economic cycleand the Economic Doctrines;现代西方经济周期与经济学说的关系

15.Problem of economic cycles on linear multi-sector economic system;线性多部门经济系统的经济周期问题

16.Research of the Relation between China Stock Cycle and Business Cycle;我国股市周期与经济周期的互动关系研究

17.The Comparative Analysis of the Period between Security Market and Macroeconomic in China;中国宏观经济周期与股市周期的比较分析

18.Business Cycle and Counter Cycle Supply Mechanism of Student Loans经济周期与学生贷款的“反周期供给机制”


economic cycle经济周期

1.Fluctuations in the United Stateseconomic cycle Inspiration to China;美国经济周期波动给我国的启示

2.Thermodynamic Analysis of Economic Cycle;经济周期的热力学方法分析

3.On Contributing Factor and its Estimation of Chinese Economic Cycle;我国经济周期的成因及其测度研究

3)economy cycle经济周期

1.Forecast of long-term electricity consumption with consideration ofeconomy cycle考虑经济周期影响的中长期电力需求分析与预测

2.By using an econometric method to explore the conjunction effect between cross-national M&A andeconomy cycle, this article seeks to put forward some suggestions for the government to rely on during the process of establishing macro policies.研究拟以美国为参照系,运用经济计量学方法探究跨国并购与经济周期的关联效应,为政府宏观决策提供依据。

3.Based upon a perspective on the theory o feconomy cycle, especially the details of two empirical phenomena of real busin ess cycle theory, i.本文以经济周期理论的两个经验性规律———协动性和非对称性为理论基础,解释了当前证券市场振荡回落的根本原因:"技术冲击"对实质经济增长的作用在衰减,而不是缘于经济政策方面的扰动。

4)business cycles经济周期

1.The Essential Connection of Business Cycles and Market-oriented Economy---the reason rerecoganizing to forming reason and influent factor ofbusiness cycles;论经济周期与市场经济的本质性联系——对经济周期形成原因与影响因素的再认识

2.It is argued that Chinabusiness cycles conform to the general(character) of the phenomenon.文章考察了1952~1999年间我国经济周期性波动的统计规律性,并从中概括出我国经济周期的典型事实。

3.This paper discussed the relationship between fluctuations of stock & real estate prices andbusiness cycles with model deduction and empirical evidence.通过模型推导和实证分析研究了股价波动、房价波动与经济周期之间的相互关系,构建了一个分析三者之间关系的统一框架。

5)economic circle经济周期

6)against economic cycle反经济周期

1.This competition also plays a major role in many countries policyagainst economic cycle.从宏观经济政策的角度来认识国际税收竞争,认为上世纪80年代中后期世界范围内大规模的税制改革标志着国际税收竞争成为当代税收鼓励经济发展的基本形式,并进一步成为各国政府反经济周期的主要政策工具;国际税收竞争的焦点是公司所得税;国际税收竞争所引起的跨国利润转移为避税地的存在和发展奠定了物质基础。


